Absolute Honor

Chapter 869: 1 step late

3 hours! ? &1t;/

Daniel froze. &1t;/

The time has been reduced to one-eighth. &1t;/

However, Qin Fei had prepaid a deposit of USD 10,000 through Victor before, but this time he added 20,000 USD for a total of USD 30,000. &1t;/

This is a very attractive income. &1t;/

"Deal!" Daniel gritted his teeth and stretched out his right hand towards Qin Fei: "Just 3 hours!"&1t;/

Qin Fei stretched out his hand and shook hands with this man known as a South American magician. &1t;/

Daniel let go and said loudly: "Okay, I'm going out for a while, you guys are waiting for me here."&1t;/

He looked at his watch, "Come back in three hours and you will get what you want."&1t;/

After finishing speaking, whistling and twisting his waist, he went up to the third floor in a wavelike manner. It didn't take long for this guy to wear a casual clothes and appeared at the door of the second floor. &1t;/

"Two VIPs, wait a minute, I'll come as soon as I go."&1t;/

After Daniel had left, Kunchai walked to the bed and opened a corner of the curtain to look downstairs. &1t;/

After watching for a while, he said: "Boss, can this person be trusted?"&1t;/

"We have no choice." Qin Fei took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket and called He Weiming. &1t;/

"Lin Ming, it's me, Qin Fei." &1t;/

"Are you here?" He Weiming asked. &1t;/

"Here. But the situation is not optimistic. The front sight did not go to the designated shelter. He was caught by the special police." Qin Fei said, "I am thinking of a way to save him. Maybe I will use violent means to contact you at that time. , May need your support."&1t;/

"Okay, just tell me if you have something, you can do anything you need me to do."&1t;/

"Well, I'll let you know when the time comes." Qin Fei asked again: "Is there any news from the other two groups?"&1t;/

"You didn't contact them directly?"&1t;/

"No, I also just arrived. Since I called you, just ask by the way..."&1t;/

At this moment, the phone vibrated suddenly. &1t;/

Qin Fei took the phone from his ears and put it in front of him to look at it. &1t;/

"It was Eric who contacted me. I think there is news from London." Qin Fei said, "That's it, you have to be prepared, first try to be able to enter Rio's police command system and traffic system, as much as possible Do some preliminary preparations."&1t;/


Qin Fei cut off the call with He Weiming and connected Eric's phone. &1t;/

"Eric, what's the situation?"&1t;/

"Qin..." Eric's tone was a bit heavy, and Qin Fei felt that something was wrong when he heard it. &1t;/

"Something happened?"&1t;/

"We were a little late..." Eric said: "Someone attacked the office of the Gray Rabbit Defense Company."&1t;/

"What?!" Qin Fei stood up from the sand. &1t;/

The office of Gray Rabbit Defense is in London. It used to be the safe house of mi6. After it was abandoned, M was rented to Qin Fei as a favor. &1t;/

Such places are actually attacked? &1t;/

You don't need to speculate to know who dares. &1t;/

"Is the situation serious?" Qin Fei asked. &1t;/

On the other end of the phone, Eric seemed to be silent. &1t;/

After a long time, he said: "I am in the morgue of the hospital. The police asked us to recognize the corpse..."&1t;/

"Who has an accident!?" Qin Fei felt a cold sweat on his back. &1t;/

"Nickley and Nadya... are all dead..." Eric said, "There are also a few of Nikolay's men who are very professional and all use automatic weapons, but Elizabeth and Yuri's sons have nothing to hide in. In the anti-riot room, it is estimated that the attack was too sudden, and Nikolay and Nadya hadn't had time to get in... Fortunately, the police came early, otherwise they would all be finished."&1t;/

Qin Fei couldn't say a word for a long time. &1t;/

Obviously the London team got it too late. &1t;/

After a long silence, he asked: "How is the polar bear now?"&1t;/

"Very hearty, I have never seen him so sad. I didn't dare to persuade him to call you outside the morgue. Yuri is okay. He stayed with his dad inside." Eric said. &1t;/

"I know." Qin Fei said: "Bring them back as soon as possible, pay attention, Eric, use all your abilities to protect these people. We have already lost a while and can't lose anymore."&1t;/

"Understand, leave it to me." Eric said coldly: "We will not forget this hatred. We will withdraw everyone to Comoro, Qin, I think everyone should sit down and talk. We can't sit and wait. Die, let's show Hei Sun some color!"&1t;/


The two disconnected. &1t;/

Qin Fei hurriedly beat the old fish. &1t;/

There has been an accident in London and an accident in Rio, so in the end, Paris is left. &1t;/

If there is still a problem in Paris, this time it will really lose badly. &1t;/

"Old fish, how is your situation there?"&1t;/

"It's okay, I got my wife and children." Lao Yu hummed: "Damn! When I came, I just met the guy from the black sun."&1t;/


"They have already arrived in the small town where my family is located. It is estimated that they will start their hands." Lao Yu said, "My wife and children are lucky. They went to grandma's house today. Grandma's house is in the urban area. I arrived in the afternoon, and I took someone to kill them directly."&1t;/

"Have you alerted the police?" Qin Fei asked. &1t;/

"No, that small town is very remote, and Zhao Xin and I both used silencer weapons. Those guys became hornet's nests and were buried in the forest. The car was sent directly to a familiar scrap yard. They were crushed into scrap iron and went out. These guys didn’t know how they died.” The old fish said cruelly: “If I didn’t care about this child and wife, I would have to torture them slowly, damn, how dare you be right? My family started, and I hate it the most! Fan Tianlong is dead!"&1t;/

"Don't say it, you should book the earliest flight ticket and leave. When you arrive outside the airport, you will hand over the weapons to Victor's people. Go back to the training camp yourself. After you get it done, you will fly to Rio overnight. I need manpower here. ."&1t;/

"What happened to the front sight?" The old fish seemed to smell something wrong. &1t;/

"The front sight had an accident and was arrested by the police. I guess this time I have to think of a violent way to save him directly. He killed two policemen. It is estimated that he would be tortured to death inside." Qin Fei said: "Remember~www .wuxiaspot.com~As soon as possible."&1t;/

"No problem, I'll do it here and go over immediately."&1t;/

After the conversation with Lao Yu, Qin Fei loosened his whole body and lay on the sand. &1t;/

Kun guessed: "Something happened to the polar bear?"&1t;/

"Yes, Nikolay and Nadya are dead..." Qin Fei looked at the ceiling sadly. &1t;/

His guilt is getting heavier. &1t;/

A voice is constantly asking himself if you are too selfish! ? &1t;/

Yes, are you too selfish? &1t;/

Kun guessed there is a reason to go with him to deal with the black sun, but the others in the team did not. &1t;/

Although they did get money for every task following them, they also got a glorious never before, but now the polar bears have lost their family and brothers, which can't be bought back for any amount of money. &1t;/

There are also sights, maybe he doesn't even know what he is involved in. &1t;/

Are you actually taking advantage of these teammates? &1t;/

"Kun guess, one thing... I feel very guilty." He turned his head to look at Kun guess, "You and I have a grudge with Hei Ri, but the polar bears don't have one. We got them involved. Are we two very selfish? ”&1t;/

Kun Guai was taken aback, and couldn't speak for a long time. &1t;/

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