Absolute Honor

Chapter 803: Precious 1 lesson

Qin Fei stretched out his hand and squeezed his eyebrows.

Outside the window, London was brightly lit, but Qin Fei's mood was very depressed.

But he can't be too revealing, after all, there are people who are inferior to him.

Charlotte has been silent since she came out of the Champs Elysées restaurant. Although she didn't cry like she used to, her red eyes told everyone the weight of her heart.

It is undeniable that Gary is more cunning than he thought.

A video of King Inno IX announcing that he had flown out of Prince Hassan's qualifications made the whole situation take a turn for the worse. Originally, Qin Fei wanted to use the information provided by the ghost to impress those Gaul chickens, but he didn't expect to gain anything at all.

This was the first time Qin Fei faced such a complicated situation.

Unlike any mission Qin Fei had taken before, this was not a pure combat mission.

What I face is not only to organize a powerful mercenary force to attack an archipelago kingdom, but to face the complex relationship between countries.

From Boris, Qin Fei didn't know what the Gaul chickens thought.

They are actually indifferent to the cooperation between Gary and the Black Sun organization?

Actually sit back and watch them turn a Comoro island country into a drug smuggling and distribution base?

What do these Gallic chickens think?

"Qin, you look very upset." Ms. M said in pure London-style English sitting in the khaki leather seat opposite: "What do you think of the negotiation tonight?"

"How?" Qin Fei smiled self-deprecatingly: "It's terrible, Charlotte and I have given all the conditions and treatment we can give, but it seems that our Mr. Boris is not very tempted. I want to know. , Does this represent the position of France, or the gdse where Boris is located?"

"Boris is a senior intelligence analyst. As the head of the African Department, his intelligence and opinions have a great influence on the president's staff and the military." M said: "Basically, what he said represents The position of the Gauls."

"Don't they know that Gary and the Black Sun Organization are cooperating?" After this, Qin Fei paused and asked: "m, have you heard of the Black Sun Organization?"

"Slightly heard." M said.

Qin Fei saw that Ms. M had taken it lightly, and it seemed that she didn't want to talk about the topic of Hei Sun, it seemed that she knew something.

"It seems that I don't know that the Black Sun organization and Gary are cooperating. You and gdse know everything about Comoro Island, right?"

Qin Fei suddenly gave a shock. He found that neither Boris nor her, including M, would later realize that even Gary didn't know what he was doing on the island.

If it’s clear, why don’t you ask?

You know, the drugs in the "Black Triangle" are all delivered to Europe. In the past, because drugs in Africa did not form a unified industrial chain and the local warlords were also drug dealers, they did not almost dominate the entire triangle like Kunsha in the "Golden Triangle" back then, so there has been relatively no impact on the drug market in Europe. So big.

If a processing and trading center is formed in Comoro, it means that Comoro, no, to be precise, it should be that the Black Sun organization will become a big drug lord like the Kunsha armed forces, and Fan Tianlong will also Become a Kunsha-like figure. In time, Fan Tianlong will have a lot of money. The power of the Black Sun organization will be hooked up to every African warlord through drugs, and finally the Black Sun organization will infiltrate all parts of Africa. Grab the greatest benefits in diamonds, gold and even various mineral resources.

This is what the ghost revealed to Qin Fei about the future vision and layout of the Black Sun in Africa.

Ms. M did not directly answer Qin Fei's question about whether mi6 and gdse knew what Gary and Black Sun had done on the Comoro Islands. Instead, she turned the conversation aside.

"Before you come, what effect do you want to achieve?" she asked.

"The highest expectation is that the Gauls support Charlotte. The lowest bottom-line hope is that it is enough if they don't interfere. I will take care of everything else." Qin Fei sighed, "But from Boris's point of view, I seem to be thinking too much. They seem to prefer to use Gary, an idiot and executioner."

After a pause, Qin Fei frowned and continued: "I thought the Gauls would be very shrewd, at least knowing what kind of guy they are supporting. Don't they worry about this guy making trouble in the future? Do you have trouble making it impossible for them to get off the stage?"

Ms. M suddenly laughed slightly.

"Qin, you are an extremely good special operations team member. It can be said that you are a strong general. Among all the outstanding operation agents I have seen, few can surpass you in execution."

"But." She changed the subject: "You are really tender when it comes to operating in the intelligence circle and dealing with political relationships, especially under-table transactions."

Qin Fei frowned more tightly.

He is a conceited person, as the leader of the X mercenary group, he also has this qualification.

m's words are a bit harsh.

"M, I want to know, where am I tender?"

Although conceited, Qin Fei is not yet blind and dizzy, and being able to accept other people's opinions is also his strength.

"In your mind, there is always war, right?" M said unceremoniously: "You never thought about the price of war. I want to ask you, if you really attack Comoro, Have you raised enough funds? Have you ever thought about the extent to which Comoro’s socio-economic and people’s livelihood will decline if it really fights? The war continues, you have invested too much money, and you can’t get out. You don’t have to go in, or you don’t want to retreat. At that time, what do you do? A stupid war will drag your entire mercenary regiment and the gray rabbit defense. collapse."

m laughed harder as he talked, as if Qin Fei in front of him was a primary school student, and she was a senior teacher standing on the podium, enlightening this ignorant student~www.wuxiaspot.com~ since you know This involves the Black Sun organization. You should also know that the financial and human resources of this organization are quite large. You can support Charlotte. Why can't they support Gary? In the end, there will be a wave of refugees. These refugees must flock to French islands and even apply for asylum in France through the agreement between the two countries. At that time, did the Gaul government accept it or not? Have you ever thought about all these problems. "

"Boris is a really shrewd senior intelligence person, so he has a more mature view of the problem than you. In his judgment, even if he doesn't interfere, letting you attack Gary will not benefit France in the end. . A poorly beaten Comoro is not in the interests of the Gauls. It’s not that he doesn’t know everything on the island, but he knows too well, and he knows Comoro better than you, Qin, You are an excellent soldier, not an excellent politician. You are just the head of a mercenary group, not the leader of a country. No mercenary group will take on this kind of restoration mission at its own expense. This time you are very impulsive. Did a stupid thing, you know?"

Qin Fei didn't have a lesson for Ms. M, so he was numb.

He had to admit that Ms. M’s words were on the point. He did not even raise half of the most basic funds. His plan was to win the arms support of Victor, and he planned to win Como within five days at most. Luo.

But, is he really underestimating Gary as m said?

No, it should be said that he underestimated the Black Sun organization?

He suddenly understood that Ms. M actually knew everything.

Even the Black Sun organization, Qin Fei had no doubt that the pale old woman in front of him knew everything about this organization.

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