Absolute Honor

Chapter 40: Father's back

   "Because of this, you decided to stay in the team?"

"From that day on, I only knew what it means to be someone outside of a person, there is a person outside of the sky. My purpose as a soldier is not so lofty. I came from a rural area and I just want to break out of the army and at least be able to be an officer or something. In the future, I will be able to live by changing jobs. In the army, I can compete for the first place because I can’t afford to lose. I think I’m already the best shooter in the army. I think it’s unfair not to promote me. But Lei The instructor really taught me a lesson. When he left, he told me that if I want to be a real elite, then he will be waiting for me in the 203 unit."

   "So you participated in the 203 recruitment selection?"

   "Yes, but..." Xu Wu's face dimmed, "I still lost the election."

   "With your skill and tactics, how could you lose the election?" Qin Fei looked at Xu Wu in disbelief, after all, he had witnessed Xu Wu's tactical level and individual quality.

   can be regarded as the "gun king" soldier in the army.

   "That's a fact, I lost the election, and..." At this point, Xu Wu stopped talking.

   Qin Fei had to believe that this was a fact, and it was not an easy task for a strong special soldier to admit defeat.

   From this point of view, Xu Wu’s defeat is definitely an indisputable fact.

  The question is, why did you lose the election?

   "Old Xu, can I ask you something?"

   Seeing that Xu Wu was reluctant to talk about the reasons for his loss, Qin Fei could only change the subject, "As far as I know, Unit 203 will not recruit the same soldier twice. How did you get the chance of this second election?"

   Xu Wu was astonished as a clay sculpture.

   For a long time, Qin Fei saw that the corners of Lao Xu's eyes were a little moist, but he never spoke.

   "There is water."

   Xu Wu pointed to the pit and motioned.

   Qin Fei lowered his head to look, unknowingly, water was leaking from the bottom of the pit he had dug.

   I dug almost 70 cm deep, and the soil here is really rich in water.

   "Yes, Political Commissar Wei still didn't teach you in vain. It seems that your ability to survive in the wild is quite strong." Xu Wu said, "Sure enough, no more than one meter."

  Although there is still a stomach problem, Qin Fei is not happy to ask Xu Wu to break the casserole.

   Although Xu Wu's expression changed slightly, he could not escape Qin Fei's eyes. Behind this third-stage non-commissioned officer participating in the second selection, there must be a story that I don't want to mention.

   Qin Fei waited for the water to collect to a certain amount, pressed the kettle to the bottom of the pit, and filled it with water.

   "You can't drink it directly yet." Xu Wu said.

   The water in the wild is still very turbid even if it is dug from the ground, it takes time to settle, and a simple filter is made of fine charcoal and fine sand, which can be safely consumed after being filtered.

   Qin Fei couldn't help cursing: "Damn Lei Gong, I won't give out a packet of water purification tablets."

"It would be nice to be able to give us guns and live ammunition. At first, I was worried that we would not even give us guns and live ammunition. Let us bring our own paratrooper knives." Xu Wu said, "I participated in the selection three years ago. This kind of task. It's just a prelude. Killing a drug dealer is just observing our most basic technical and tactical skills and jungle combat capabilities. The good news is behind."

   "More than a hundred top special forces hunted down drug dealers, and they could not figure it out at Lei Gong. Anti-aircraft artillery shot mosquitoes." Qin Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Xu Wu immediately denied Qin Fei's view: "Don't underestimate Lei Gong, you kid, he is a real person and not showing his face. Don't look at the three-inch man who is not one meter and six tall. If you really want to do it, those of us who participated in the selection. The special forces can't hold him together."

   "You are quite thinking about Lei Gong." Qin Fei smiled.

   "Since we are given live ammunition and firearms, I think this mission is still very dangerous, Qin Fei, promise me, don't be aggressive at critical moments, listen to me." Xu Wu solemnly explained.

   Qin Fei nodded and agreed.

Xu Wu only felt a little relieved, and said: "This kind of deployment looks like a sledgehammer, but in fact it really tests us. If we separate so many groups, if we don’t have good tactical literacy among each other, the cooperation will be quite good. Difficulty, maybe it’s easy to accidentally injure oneself. Therefore, this is not only testing our individual quality, but also testing our battlefield organization and coordination capabilities. Unit 203 is not an ordinary special force, nor is Lei Gong. Instructor, you won’t mess up the subject. Since your father served in it, he should be very clear."

   Qin Fei was tightening the lid of the kettle, and stopped when he heard the words, feeling inexplicably sad.

"I don't know. I haven't asked him what he does since I was a kid. I only know that he is a soldier. Maybe he is a little better than an ordinary soldier. The fathers of other people in the compound went out with military medals on their chests when they came to the festival. When taking pictures, my father never saw him wear a medal of merit. So I don’t know the nature of the army he served or how powerful it is."

   Suddenly remembered that for so many years, the impression of his father Qin Anguo seemed to remain only on the back of the old-fashioned military uniform.

   I remember the last time I saw my father. It was a rainy night. My father walked to his bed, leaned down and kissed his forehead, stared for a while, then put on his military cap and turned away.

   only left one last back.

   At that time, I was half asleep and half awake, and in my daze, I only felt that my father was different from usual.

   In the past, my father would go on a mission as soon as he spoke, and he had never kissed himself in front of his bed as he did that day.

   That kind of feeling...

   Qin Fei still remembers the expression in his father's eyes. It is so complicated, loving, unwilling, painful... It's like a bottle of five flavors being knocked over on the ground, it has all the flavors.

   This is a look worth savoring for a lifetime.

   For more than a dozen years, Qin Fei has been constantly wondering what kind of thoughts his father had in his heart that night~www.NovelMTL.com~ whether he had predicted that he would not come back, or whether he knew that he would not come back.

   What makes Qin Fei unwilling to imagine most is that his father might have planned to rebel.

   He rebelled?

   This is absolutely impossible!

   Qin Fei denied his terrible thoughts time and time again.

   He repeatedly asked Wei Tiansheng many times what had happened to his father.

   But the answer is the same: don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask.

   On the 18th-year-old adult’s birthday, Wei Tiansheng celebrated Qin Fei’s birthday and asked him to make a wish.

   "Did you agree to all my wishes? Uncle Wei?"

   "Of course you can't pick the stars and the moon, but it's within Uncle Wei's ability. I promise you that you will do it."

   Qin Fei, who just turned 18, gave birth to a mature and prudent Wei Tian with a slightly naive cunning.

   Qin Fei knew that it was unrealistic to make a wish for his father to come back. He made the most realistic wish.

   "I want to know, what was my father's last mission? Why didn't he come back, why was he called a traitor by the army?"

   Wei Tiansheng was stunned on the spot.


   After a long silence, Wei Tiansheng sighed: "It seems it's all fate..."

   turned around and said to Qin Fei: "You can ask me to tell you the ins and outs of this matter, but there is a prerequisite."

   "I agree to any conditions! I only need to know what happened to my dad!" Qin Fei's teeth could bite the steel.

   "Join the army, the best soldier, and then join the 203 unit. When you are officially selected, I will tell you the whole thing."



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