A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 43: Shaking Emotions

Is there any marks on the throat that have been tightened on the calia?

I feel that way and stroke it, but I don't feel anything in particular. He leaked a howl of exhalation and poured ale down his throat to swallow anxiety and agitation.

Karia thinks with her eyes narrowed as she hands on her lips. And from time to time, I turn my gaze to this one.

Give me a break. There are hardly any more bills available for this one.

"I see, for the sake of childhood. I see that's why you're walking on burnt iron."

Nodding several times, Karia muttered so as to convince herself. There is a slight grin on his cheek. I don't know, I hope you convinced me.

There's no way I can tell a boulder everything. Instead, if we talk seriously about the world's lost business of being the shadow of that specialty, or coming back from the time of the future, we doubt the sanity of the boulder.

But I told you everything else. About Arueno, about Daicheng as an adventurer, and about to use the disturbances that will occur more than this as a strange currency for that matter. Though not talking boulders, swirling in themselves, or feeling for Hert Stanley, etc.

This was the utmost sincerity I could show Karia. She trusts me as a companion and wants to be with me. Yes, once upon a time, she should have sporadically scorned and broken off that my life was not worth it or anything else. Of course, it's different from her now. That's what Karia said to me, she's one of us.

Then thinking about just using it, etc. is not appropriate as an attitude towards her. If you're going to respond to that thought, naturally I think I should show some good faith, too.

I have no manners or knowledge, I'm just a dove rat. Therefore, this is the duty of the noble things, not according to courtesy, but only the insistence, the will, in me. It could be a lot cheaper. But this is the best I can do.

Karia finally talked her fingers out of that face and nodded deeply.

"A childhood tame in the cathedral - did I say Arueno? Well, sure, then we can't give it to the crests in good faith. You seem to have more than one hand tag, and your hands were limited from the start."

Oddly enough, there are many words to convince myself. But seeing that look didn't change the thin grin on his face.

When she rocks the long sword at her waist, Karia sips off the table ale and gazes at me.

That gaze, like being drawn in. Silver gemstone-like brilliance. Unexpectedly, breathtaking. A moment of mutual silence was felt, no, for a long time.

"- Admitted. I'll try to make contact with the self-defense organization. What, I can't help but ventriloquism. The social community is still experiencing this."

Yes, Kalia moves her lips and carries on the words, telling her to stay in a light condition.

"This time I'm going to ride your plan. But that's it. From there, I move under my judgment and reason - no complaints?

Of course, I nodded like I said.

I don't have to be. What I want is not a doll wearing Kalia's skin. I want a man named Kalia. Demonstrate reason, make judgments in the field, and seek the best solution. I want Karia, such a proud knight. Trustworthy because it is.

Yes, when I tell you. Karia dyed the white cheek slightly red. I'm not sure if that's due to Yale, or to a flurry of emotions.

"It's something my mouth often turns to. But good, I will never take your hands off me. Your... No, let's move to be our best."

I left the means of communication along the way, and when the words came out, my gaze wasn't already on this one. Ringing in the footsteps, stepping on the guild's wooden plank, Kalia creeps through the door and leaves.

Come on, me too. I have to get ready, too. If you no longer rely on Kalia, and you don't make it, you don't deserve to stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

Drink up your share of ale in one breath, as Karia did. Push up with emotions, sliding words that seemed to spill straight down the back of your throat. Oh, push him to death. I have to push him to death.

- Gachan.

When you put the container on the table, the overflowing emotions appear ahead of you, making a noise.

Slowly place your hands on your mouth and contain emotions that are likely to be exposed against your will. Before Karia was there, that look and emotion I could never give. Yes, it can also be called joy.

The way Karia showed it today. That emotion, that's indisputable, that can be called obsession. Karia had shown a strong obsession, which could no longer be described as a crime department. She's nobody. If it's not Hert Stanley, it's not another man. He was showing it to me.

I feel the sticky emotions that were precipitating in the depths of my heart.

Stop it. Don't be happy. Give me your emotions. That's Kalia. It's Karia Birdnick, the woman who cut me loose once and said your life was meaningless. A woman who tries to hide the weak, the cold, and the prejudices.

Yeah, but. But.

- How can you strangle the emotions that gush from this thoracic floor, the breath roots of emotions in the name of joy?

It is no exaggeration to say that Karia used the whole spirit to suppress her clinging cheeks. Walk as you step on the floorboard and exit the Alliance gate.

The chest is deliberate and feelings are likely to be zero from the eye end. The blood flow throughout his body runs from the tip of his hair to his toes as if he had gained a great deal of vitality.

I thought I got it. Oh, yeah, I got vitality in this heart. Something too big to rupture your chest.

Karia bites her back teeth off that this may be the first time she has gained so much emotion. Pressure so much that teeth overlap each other, clamp, and no longer resign to self-destruction.

See, uh, look at his face. The look on Rugis's face when he gave her the name Arueno.

That's a look I've never seen in front of me, everywhere, a warm look.

Mouthless. Cats and dove rats running around the perimeter tremble like they were struck by the atmosphere, emotions emitted by Kalia, paving the way for themselves. Same with people. Before that swinging silver hair, nothing fails to appear.

From behind that throat, many words seemed to overflow. With his back teeth chewed off, his lips closed tight and Kalia desperately pushes it away. But the flow of emotions doesn't stop.

- It'll be good, Rugis. If that's what you want me to do, I'll obey you now.

But it is. Karia heard her voice zero as her emotions trembled, never thinking it would work. That's supposed to be the voice you whine about, but it sounds like someone else's voice. It's like, a demonic voice.

The flimsy grin with its side was strangely beautiful.

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