A Ton of Superman

Chapter 442: This is a good question

After the crowd dispersed, Yi Dun directly contacted Yi Jianlian, who wanted to solve his doubts.

"Allianz, I heard that you had beaten Yu Jia in the locker room when you played in the Bucks before?" Yi Dun asked directly without hiding.

In Yi Dun's view, this kind of thing is not a shameful thing, no one is in a hurry.

If Yi Jianlian really can't make a fart with three sticks, then there is really a problem.

Upon hearing this question, Yi Jianlian was full of weird faces, and he was not surprised why Yi Dun knew about it. Although it was not brought to the table, there were many people who knew it. The child is also extremely normal.

"A long time ago, let's not talk about it." Yi Jianlian waved his hand, apparently did not want to mention this matter.

Yi Dun didn't question him either. Looking at Yi Jianlian's attitude, he generally knew it.


Someone shouted Yi Dun's name, Yi Dun turned his head to see that it was none other than Li Zhigang who was his own.

Now Li Zhigang is definitely Yi Dun's royal correspondent. This Olympic Games was also qualified for interview because of Yi Dun's reasons.

"You guys, where have you been in the last few days? I am preparing to report you as a missing person." Yi Dun said angrily after seeing Li Zhigang.

Li Zhigang smiled and scratched his head, "I have been busy interviewing the diving team for the past few days."

"Can you still interview the diving team? How old do you know you?" Yi Dun rolled his eyes and said.

"That's not looking at you, the leader of the diving team gave me the opportunity to interview. Seriously, it's true that someone is good at doing things."

"Come on, not to mention this. I came to you this time to have a task. I want to give you a live interview. It is best to bring Dazhi or Yi Jianlian."

"It's up to you to go out again, and invite them both to support the scene."

Li Zhigang is now a reporter at a large Internet news site in Beijing. Although he is only a reporter, his weight is quite high, and he is very important.

Because the domestic basketball atmosphere is good, interviewing the Chinese men's basketball team has become Li Zhigang's most important task now.

Yi Dun thought about it, and now he is already in the top eight of the guarantee, but it is not impossible to be interviewed.

If there is still a slim chance for the group to qualify, it is impossible to be interviewed anyway. This will definitely be the handle. After all, the performance is so bad, and the mind is on TV. It is strange that fans do not spray.

But now with good grades, everything is easy to say.

"Okay, then I'll go to the United Arab Emirates. Da Zhi's words are not very interesting for this." Yi Dun agreed directly.


In the afternoon, in Yi Dun's room, Li Zhigang brought in a photographer and staff.

Yi Jianlian didn't want to come, but Yi Dun pulled it over.

The last thing Yi Jianlian wants to do is to be interviewed. The main reason is that there are too many people spraying him. If it is not for this time that the group has been guaranteed to qualify, even if Yi Dun takes the knife holder on his neck, he must be Will not come for an interview.

After seeing Yi Jianlian, Li Zhigang came forward with a smile on his face, and brother Yi shouted in his mouth.

"Come on, don't slap it with that. Hurry to broadcast, hurry to end, we are all busy." Yi Dun urged.

"Wait a minute, the live broadcast time is four o'clock in the afternoon, and there are fifteen minutes, don't worry." Li Zhigang laughed.

Yi Dun was speechless, which was Li Zhigang. If someone else sat and waited for fifteen minutes, he would definitely not be happy.

Several people sat chatting, and fifteen minutes passed quickly.

"Dear audience friends, today we have the honor of the Chinese men's basketball team Yi Dun and Yi Jianlian."

"Presumably, the fans and friends have many questions to ask the two. Next, we will select the questions in the chat room of the live room to consult Yi Dun and Yi Jianlian." Li Zhigang began to act as the host of this live broadcast.

Because it is not CCTV's live broadcast, so there is not so much attention, everything is simple.

However, even if everything is simple, the number of viewers of this live broadcast is extremely amazing. Within a short time, millions of people have gathered in the live broadcast room.

"Okay, I see anxious netizens asking how far our Chinese men's basketball team can go next time." Li Zhigang asked the first question on behalf of netizens.

Yi Jianlian was bored and did not speak. He might be afraid of spraying, so he naturally did not want to answer this kind of question that might provoke right and wrong.

To say too optimistically, if there is no way to break through the best results, then someone must say Yi Jianlian is arrogant.

If it is pessimistic, it is estimated that Yi Jianlian is not confident.

Anyway, Yi Jianlian didn't want to answer this question. After glancing at Yi Dun, he obviously wanted Yi Dun to answer this question.

Yi Dun did not shirk. He was different from Yi Jianlian. Yi Jianlian was afraid of being sprayed, but he was not afraid at all, because before he wanted to spray himself, he had to weigh the 20 Olympic gold medals he had won for China.

"I can't say exactly how far I can go. Now I can only say that I will do my best to fight for the quarter-finals first."

"This time the Olympics have come here, I think we can try to win a medal as much as possible." Yi Dun added.

If this sentence is put in the past, no matter who said it, even if Yao Ming said it, it will definitely make the fans dumbfounded.

Want to win a medal? Isn't this a fool's dream?

But now Yi Dun said this, the fans had no sense of absurdity at all, and immediately believed Yi Dun's "ghost words".

The audience in the live room responded enthusiastically, with Yi Dunlian's saying, they were immediately full of confidence in the next schedule of the Chinese men's basketball team.

The point is that Yi Dun didn't have a big lion's mouth. He came directly and said that he wanted to win gold. If he really wanted to say that he won gold, there are not many people who believe.

Yi Dun is ridiculously strong, but basketball is a five-person game after all. A strong person can only make one team a strong team, but it cannot be the strongest team.

The British team is the best example. Their high-end combat strength is actually not bad. After all, there are All-Star players in the team, but what is the use of this? Now he is battling with Russia for the last qualifying place.

The average strength of the Chinese men ’s basketball team is not strong, which is destined to the fate of the Chinese men ’s basketball team can not win gold, when Yi Dun is next to qualify for three or four All-Star players, in that case, Yi Dun will say to win gold, then The reliability is much higher.

"I heard this news, I am afraid that most fans are very excited, let us look forward to the next schedule, I wish the Chinese men's basketball team can successfully beat Brazil."

"The next second question, some netizens asked, do you have any plans to return to the NBA?"

This question directly asked Yi Jianlian's death knot, and he regretted accepting this live interview. Knowing that there was such a problem, he would definitely not come.

He has signed a contract with the Guangdong men's basketball team now. He must play in Guangdong in the future. As for whether he will return to the NBA in the future, at least Yi Jianlian must still want to go back ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But this can't be said directly. .

"Let's talk about things in the future. My goal now is to play every game of the Olympic Games." Yi Jianlian gave an ambiguous answer.

Li Zhigang here also thinks that it is a little difficult for Yi Jianlian to answer this question, and immediately leads the conversation to Yi Dun.

"Yidun, some netizens asked, do you have any plans to enter the NBA?"

"After all, with your current strength, a proper All-Star player after entering the NBA."

This question made Yi Dun look serious. "This is a good question. In fact, I am thinking about it now."

"Mainly because I have a contract now and I have two years left with the Dongshan team, so I will definitely not go to the NBA before the contract is over. After all, the temptation to go to the NBA is not that big for me . "

Yi Dun bluntly uttered his thoughts. If he said it bluntly, it would be fine to go, not to go, depending on his mood.

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