I don't know if you have guessed it, but I plan to announce the answer anyway."

Maybe there is hope, so Wang Di's whole person seems to have some spirits.

He usually seldom interacts with the water friends, but now he has begun to interact.

"The correct use of the fish basket in the wilderness is fishing!"

Having said that, Wang Di stopped looking at the camera, but began to focus on the fish basket in the water.

"Because I don't have a wire, I don't have a steel wire, so I can't make a fish basket that can't get out of the fish as soon as it comes in.

So, if you put the fish basket in the river to catch fish, then you are just relying on the sky to eat~

If I come at the wrong time, there will be nothing in the basket.

Therefore, in the wilderness where tools are lacking, the fish basket is still better for fishing.

But fishing with a fish basket is a little tricky.

That is the depth of the fish basket.

If it is too deep, the fish will not be clear, and if it is too shallow, there will be few big fish.

So you can only hold the fish basket with your hands and let the fish basket float at a proper depth.

In order to allow the fish to enter better, I also tied a small stone in the center of the fish basket.

Don't underestimate me~

Although I often eat spiders and bugs, my survival skills are very good.

The reason why I often eat worms and spiders is because of bad luck~


There are fish!"

I saw a big black fish appearing in the river at the moment, swimming cautiously towards the fish basket.

After a while, it came to the bait of the fish basket and began to eat it in mouthfuls.


Wang Di was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly lifted the fish basket with all his strength.

However, because of not having enough food for a long time, lack of strength, and the large fish basket, the resistance in the water is too strong, so the speed of pulling slows down.

So the big black fish ran away.

"It's okay. Let's come again~

Not being caught is a normal thing."

Wang Di cheered himself up and continued fishing.


While Wang Di was fishing hard, Liu Deli was already exhausted and paralyzed.

"Whoa whoa...

Boss, you are amazing..."

Liu Deli was lying on the earth wall, gasping for breath.

And Liu Kun, not far from him, was waving a shovel like a relentless excavator.

"After digging for so long, you haven't even changed your speed, it's still so fast...

Are you a robot from the future, right?"

"Your imagination is so rich..."

Liu Kun's voice was slightly panting.

Such high-intensity work, although it will not make him tired, but the oxygen consumption has greatly increased.

The oxygen underground is relatively thin, so he can only breathe heavily to make up for the oxygen he consumes.

"It's just a routine operation, you go up and take a rest first.

There is less oxygen underground."

"It's okay~ let me slow down~"

Liu Deli touched his head that was about to go bald, and then said indifferently, "It's cooler underground.

It's still hot outside even if it's raining."

"Okay then~

It's almost over anyway."

The underground temperature is divided into three layers.

The first layer is the outer thermal layer, also known as the temperature change layer, which is about 0-10 meters underground, and the specific depth depends on the region.

Maybe less than 10 meters, maybe tens of meters.

In this layer, the subsurface temperature will continuously change with the outside temperature.

The further down, the closer the temperature is to the temperature of the second layer.

The second layer is the normal temperature layer, also called the constant temperature layer. The depth of this layer is not deep, only about 60cm.

The exact depth depends on the region.

Generally speaking, the temperature here is similar to the local average annual temperature.

But not absolutely.

Because this temperature also depends on the specific conditions of the local area.

There are many factors that affect it, such as humidity, soil conditions, precipitation, sunlight and so on.

It's like the permafrost of the Arctic.

The ground is completely frozen, but the surface thaws in summer.

Many underground pipelines are deeply buried, the purpose is to prevent or reduce the influence of thermal expansion and cold contraction on the pipeline.

The third layer is the inner heat layer, also known as the warming layer.

After the second floor, the ground temperature began to increase.

And so on to the hot center of the earth.

Therefore, if you want to find the point with the lowest temperature, you can dig to the constant temperature layer.

And here is the tropical rain forest.

There is a lot of rainfall, it is very wet, and the light level on the surface is not high.

Therefore, the temperature of the thermostatic layer is lower than the annual average temperature.

This is very good news.

But what follows is a bad news-waterproof is not easy.

The humidity in the tropical rain forest is too high and the rainfall is too sufficient. When digging the cellar, it is easy to dig out the groundwater.

If it can't be done well, the cellar will be turned into a well.

So Liu Kun dug very carefully.

"Okay, here it is~"

Liu Kun stopped.

They have dug into the sweet spot.

The rest is just to expand the cellar area and make it waterproof and moisture-proof.

"Looks like it will be finished soon!"

A happy smile appeared on Liu Kun's face.


While Liu Kun was very happy, Wang Di was about to cry.

Fishing with a fish basket is very simple to say, but it is very difficult to do.

There were not many big fish by the river. He waited for a long time, and it appeared only once, but he hadn't caught it yet.

There are quite a few small fish, but because he is a fish basket made of rattan, the small fish are basically impossible to catch.

Those little fish will run away from the holes in the fish basket.

Now, his bait has run out.

In the end, only a 10cm long "big fish" was caught.


Well, something is better than nothing."

Wang Di sighed and started walking back.

"Maybe, Lei Rui can find a lot of delicious food~"

Lei Rui is his partner, the two met because of eating insects, and then they became partners and began to hunt for prey together.

Today, their relationship is very good.

When the typhoon blows this time, they split up to look for seafood. After counting the time, Lei Rui will be back soon.

So, Wang Di did not eat the fish he just got, but waited for Lei Rui's return.


After a while, he heard Lei Rui's hearty laughter.

Hearing the smugness contained in that laughter, Wang Di was instantly overjoyed.

"Lao Lei~ You found seafood!?"

"Hahaha~ Of course!"

Lei Rui strode over, put down the bamboo basket behind him, and took out the three fishes in the bamboo basket.

I saw the three fish, all of them were 20cm in length, fresh and plump, and they were delicious at a glance.

"I don't know what kind of fish this is, but it should be fine!"

Although Wang Di has extraordinary knowledge, not many people really know all about sea fish.

After all, there are too many.


This fish doesn't look spent at all, and it's definitely not poisonous!"

Lei Rui said with a smile, then put the fish in the pot and added water to prepare the soup.

Wang Di also put his little fish in, then added a few more mushrooms and cooked them together.

"It is said that tropical fish are not as delicious as cold-water fish, but I feel...

That's hungry light!

When I'm really hungry, tropical grass is better than cold water fish!"


The one-pot fish stew was ready in no time, and smelling the delicious aroma, the two of them couldn't help but move their index fingers.

Pick up the chopsticks and start eating.

10 minutes later.


So cool!"

Wang Di patted his stomach and burped very comfortably.

He felt power inside him!

"This fish has no spines, and it tastes really good!

Moreover, I feel that this fish is very fat, and it is all oil!"

Thinking that there are still plump centipedes to eat tomorrow, Wang Di suddenly felt that his life was complete.

Leaning lazily against the pillar of the shelter, he didn't want to move.


Hehe~ After my hooks are sharpened, let's eat fish every day!"

After Lei Rui was full, he didn't want to move anymore.

The two of them just rested against the pillar and chatted while drinking fish soup, which was very comfortable.

However, half an hour later...


My stomach hurts!"

Wang Di suddenly covered his stomach, and his whole body bent over like a shrimp.

"what happened?"

"do not know......

But I feel...


Wang Di suddenly covered his butt again.

"Feeling...feeling like it was running oil!

Not anymore!

This is really oily!



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