There are orcs in many Western fantasy, and there were also in Middle-earth before, but the appearance value is super low.

The tall and burly orcs here, together with their brown skin and white wolf mounts, immediately reminded people of the orcs in World of Warcraft, and they were the ones who didn't drink the blood of demons.

Ai Qi thought to himself that the warg is the most commonly used battle mount by the orcs. Even the half-orcs in Middle Earth also ride the warg, but the white warg is very representative.

In Middle Earth, despite the large number of wargs, there are very few white wargs, that is, Asog is riding a white warg alone.

And if it is in Warcraft, the white wolf can appear on a large scale, basically it is the Frostwolf clan.

This magic field of vision can only give a rough idea. Ai Qi couldn't see the clan logo on the flag clearly from such a distance, but since he met the Frostwolf clan, it seems that he needs to get some information from these orcs.

After all, the Frostwolf clan has always played a very important role in the history of Warcraft.

All along, Ai Qi likes to make big noises when greeting, and the gorgeous way of appearance is more in line with Ai Qi's taste. After all, in front of a group of orcs, if there is no weight, who will stop and talk to you quietly.

Ai Qi directly injects huge magic power into the Frost Dragon Ring. You must know that this Frost Dragon Ring is made of a quarter of the Frost Treasure Box, and the Frost Treasure Box can move the earth Even if it is only a quarter of an item transformed into an ice age, the ice energy contained in it is vast.

Under the urging of Ai Qi's magic power, the power of ice radiated from Ai Qi's left hand. Even though Ai Qi deliberately avoided his men, the people around still felt the biting chill.

Soon, a large number of ice cubes gathered in front of Ai Qi, forming a large piece of frozen soil on the barren land. After the large pieces of ice and blood clots appeared, they quickly recombined, forming a pile of two meters high. The snowmen, and the snowmen did not stop, but climbed one by one, and the ice and snow on their bodies were reorganized for the second time, and finally formed a snow giant that was created by Elsa in "Frozen" The same frost elemental creation.

This construct was transformed by Ai Qi on the basis of summoning ice elements in the summoning magic. Anyway, this construct is made of elements, and its final form still depends on the level of the magician.

After the snow giant took shape, he bent down and stretched out one hand, palm up, in front of Ai Qi.

The snow giant is more than 15 meters tall and has a very large palm. Ai Qi stepped on the palm of the snow giant and ordered the mages behind to ride on broomsticks and follow behind.

Then, under Aiqi's control, the snow giant put Aiqi on his shoulders, straightened up, and walked towards the direction of the orcs.

A giant with a height of four or five floors, walking with big strides, is really shaking the ground, and under the magic of Ai Qi, every time the snow giant's foot hits the ground, it will form a piece of frozen land on the ground, boom boom boom The sound of footsteps was steady and powerful, and could be heard far away.

The orc troops not only heard a violent sound, but also felt the shaking of the ground.

The leader of the tribe ordered everyone to stop, and asked the former shaman of the tribe to discuss:

"Is there a Goron moving in this direction?"

The shaman thought for a moment:

"Unlike, Gron's footsteps are not so loud.

It's a pity that the elements no longer respond to us now, otherwise I will let the wind elements explore.

Now I have to line up and prepare. If there is really danger, I can only confront it head-on.

Let the women and children who cannot fight be ready, let them escape when necessary, and we will cut off the rear. "

The leader nodded:

"If it's really Gron, if there is only one, we can still deal with it.

If there are too many, I am afraid they will have to retreat. "

Under the command of the leader, the orcs lined up and prepared for battle at any time.

Soon, a huge white figure appeared in the sky, and there were some black dots flying around. It was Ai Qi's snow giant and magicians on broomsticks flying beside the snow giant.

Because of its tall stature, the snow giant quickly arrived in front of the orcs with a large stride, allowing the orcs to see clearly the person in front of them.

Although they were amazed at the huge snow giant in front of them, the orcs showed no sign of fleeing because of their superior numbers. In their view, this guy who was about the same age as Gron should be able to defeat them with their strength.

The snow giant stopped, and Ai Qi's men used magic to amplify their voices, and shouted at the orcs:

"Come out and ask someone in charge!"

Unfortunately, the orcs did not answer, but held their weapons vigilantly and whispered to each other.

One of Ai Qi's subordinates flew on a broom and reported to Ai Qi:

"Your Majesty, it seems that we don't understand the language, and the other party is very vigilant, but he seems unwilling to confront him head-on."

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