In informal settings, Edge has always liked to talk things over the dinner table.

So, after exchanging a few pleasantries, Ai Qi led everyone to their seats, ready to discuss while having dinner.

When they were seated, what surprised the group was that among the people who came to eat together at the table this time, they actually met Harry and Lily.

Ai Qi invited Harry and Hermione's family to be present by the way this time, and Lily attended as a matter of course.

For Dumbledore, seeing Harry Potter here was quite predictable. After all, from the actions of Snape in the past few months, Dumbledore could roughly confirm that Snape knew that Harry did not What danger.

This time Snape invited him here, probably to clarify the matter.

Of course, the Malfoy family didn't know this. In fact, they couldn't recognize Harry Potter without showing the scar on his forehead. You can probably guess a thing or two from the face.

The thing that really surprised these people was the appearance of Lily Potter.

They all knew Lily Potter, and of course they knew that Lily had been dead for nearly ten years, and now she was standing in front of them alive, how could they not be surprised.

Lily understood their surprise very well, that's why Lily didn't contact any old friends except Snape for more than half a year after her resurrection.

Now, since Harry is about to enter Hogwarts, Ai Qi asked Snape to go back and discuss with Lily. Lily thought it over and decided that it was time to come out again.

However, the relationship between Lily and Lucius is quite ordinary, so Lily did not take the initiative to argue, but greeted Dumbledore with a smile:

"Professor Dumbledore, long time no see.

It's good to see you are as healthy as ever.

Starting next semester, I plan to let Harry study at Hogwarts, and I hope you will teach her well. "

In fact, it was all about scenes. Lily was still very resentful about Dumbledore's failure to protect her family back then, especially after knowing that Harry had become a Horcrux, Lily had resentment towards Voldemort and Dumbledore.

However, it was James' decision to choose Peter Pettigrew as the secret keeper, and he can't blame Dumbledore.

Besides, there are so many right and wrong in the world of adults, so Lily greeted Harry very politely, then turned her head and hugged Harry, and introduced to him:

"This is Professor Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

As I told you before, Hogwarts, like Winterhold, is a school specializing in magic.

Because there are more peers there, both your teacher and I think it is better for you to study there for a while.

Come on, say hello to Professor Dumbledore. "

Harry nodded sensibly:

"Hello, first meeting, Professor Dumbledore."

However, Harry's focus was not on Dumbledore. After saying hello, he turned and continued to ask his mother:

"And Hermione? Is Hermione going too?"

Of course Lily understood that Harry cared so much about Hermione. The relationship between the two of them was just like that between herself and Snape back then. When she suddenly thought of Snape, Lily blushed slightly and immediately returned to normal:

"Of course Hermione will come with you.

I believe that with your talents, Hogwarts will definitely give you an admission notice. "

Lily said such a thing, regardless of the headmaster of Hogwarts being a little embarrassed.

However, Dumbledore didn't care about these things. In normal times, Dumbledore would definitely pay attention to Harry, because it involved the major event of whether he could defeat Voldemort in the future.

However, when a person reappears after being dead for many years, all Dumbledore's thoughts are on Lily's side:

"Sorry to bother you,

Lily (as an old member of the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore used to call Lily by her first name, not her last name).

Although it's very impolite to ask this way, I am very sure that you died in Voldemort's attack that year, and I attended your funeral.

May I ask how you came back to life? Or was it actually a suspended animation? "

Having said this question, Lucius Malfoy also listened, and he was also very interested in it.

"I was indeed dead at the time. I used the protection spell to protect Harry at the cost of my life, and I was attacked by the Avada Kedavra spell, and I was indeed killed by Voldemort." Lily said coldly .

The resentment in Lily's heart is real. After all, it's fine if she didn't protect her family well. Couldn't she find someone more reliable to support Harry?

That's right, his own protection spell requires Harry to look forward to staying at Lily's blood relative's house for a period of time every year. In this case, as Lily's only surviving blood relative, Harry has no problem staying at his aunt's house.

But you don’t even look at what that family is like. After Lily came back to life and found out about the abuse Harry had suffered in these years, she almost went directly to apply for a lesson through the gate of dimension to teach her dear sister a lesson. Luckily It was stopped by Snape.

Then Lily lost her temper at Snape, why don't you support Harry, as long as a wizard shows up at the Dursleys from time to time, it doesn't take much, twice a year, Lily can guarantee that the Dursleys will Not very nice to Harry, at least not abusive to Harry.

What should you do if you lose your temper with a woman you've loved for decades?

Snape, who has loved a woman for decades, gave a professional answer: Coax!

Of course Snape would not say that Harry looked too much like James, except for those eyes, Snape wanted to beat Harry up when he saw Harry.

The explanation given by Snape is that Dumbledore forbids everyone to contact Harry, and wants Harry to grow up in an ordinary environment, so as to prevent his reputation in the wizarding world from affecting his mind.

Besides, this explanation is also true, otherwise Harry would have been annoyed to death since he was a child.

This explanation is too reasonable, and it directly puts all the blame on Dumbledore.

Given that Dumbledore was still in another plane when Snape told Lily, he couldn't justify himself.

Besides, he also said the same thing, who else is better than this pot.

But no matter how reasonable it is, for a mother, the behavior of sending her son to the fire pit is unforgivable.

So Lily is not grateful to Dumbledore at all now, and although she can't talk about resentment, she is definitely unhappy.

"Thanks to Snape protecting my body with magic, it was only half a year ago that His Majesty Aiki had the opportunity to cast magic to resurrect me."

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