Meeting a pack of wolves on the road

The family that Gu Fengchi belongs to has a holiday today, which is the time of year every year, and the guards are used to it. The family has given each guard a bonus of five gold coins, and his salary is one gold coin per month. After deducting my own expenses, there are about eighty silver coins left.

After today’s holiday, Gu Fengchi and the other guards left the family together, and went home in a beast car at the post station.

On the way home, he had to transfer two animal carts. When he left, there was no snow here, but a little rain. When he arrived at Zhenbei City, the snow here was heavy. When he got on the animal cart to Jinhuang City, the driver of the animal cart told him that this was the last animal cart and that it would not be able to leave in the future. The road ahead was difficult, and Zhoucheng decided to suspend operation.

Gu Fengchi was secretly happy, thanks to his good luck, otherwise how would he go home if he didn’t have any animal carts? When he arrived at Jinhuang City to see the situation, if it was impossible, he could find a few people to go with him, and it would be better than being trapped in Zhoucheng.

It was already afternoon when we arrived at Jinhuang City. The snow on the road was so thick that the animal carts didn’t dare to run fast. Fortunately, it didn’t snow now, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere.

He found a small restaurant and ate something. Since the road was difficult to walk, he didn’t dare to buy a lot of things. He just bought some urgently needed items at home, and found a small inn to spend the night casually.

The next morning, after Gu Fengchi had breakfast, he packed his bags and left the city. He walked towards the intersection in the direction of Gujia Village. He was going to see if anyone was going back. By the way, everyone would accompany him along the way, so the safety factor was higher.

From a long distance, I saw a few people sitting on the rocks protruding from the snow, and they seemed to be waiting for someone to accompany them all the way home.

As soon as Gu Fengchi came over, he stood up alone and asked, “Where are you going? Let’s go together!”

“I’m going to Gujia Village, where are you going?” Gu Fengchi said his destination, and asked again.

“Are you going to Gu’s Village? I’m going to Huang’s Village, and we’re going along the way.” A man sitting on a rock beside him heard that he was going to Gu’s Village, so he immediately stood up and said.

“Okay! Where are they all going?” Gu Fengchi pointed to several other people and asked.

“It’s all in that direction, but they fork off halfway, and they are waiting to see if there is a direction. There are few people and I dare not go. The mountain is high and the road is dangerous. If you encounter a fierce beast, you will be in trouble. Said You may lose your life!” The man in Huangjiazhuang was very happy to meet the people in Gujia Village. After all, the two villages are very close to each other. It is safe for two people to be together along the way. Looking at Gufengchi carrying a long knife, he must Is a martial arts master.

The two chatted for a while, and a few more people came over. These people hurried forward and asked where they were going? None of them went in the direction of Gujia Village, but two of them found companions with smiles on their faces.

Gu Fengchi discussed with the man from Huangjiazhuang, and after waiting for half an hour, the two of them will leave together regardless of whether there is anyone there.

The man from Huangjiazhuang is called Huang Shiren, he is a master of martial arts at the level of a general. When he heard that Gu Fengchi was at the level of a martial artist, he felt more at ease.

During this time period, basically everyone who wants to go back has come. After all, everyone wants to go home early, and it’s easy to find a companion if you come early.

Half an hour later, the two of them didn’t wait for anyone. Gu Fengchi and Huang Shiren didn’t hesitate, and strode home with their bags on their backs.

No one has passed by on this road, and there are no traces to be seen. At first, the two walked quickly based on their feelings, until Huang Shiren, who was walking in front, almost fell into the ice cave, the two were careful, holding sticks while exploring. Walking on the side of the road will slow down the speed, and walking in the knee-deep snow is strenuous.

After walking halfway, the two were so tired that they were sweating profusely and panting. Even though they were martial arts masters, they couldn’t take it anymore. They found a place with a leeward wind, picked up some firewood and lit a fire, and rested for a while while warming the fire. Let’s go again, anyway, it’s still early now, so don’t worry.

After resting for half an hour, the two of them were about to get up and walk, when two people walked over yelling from behind.

When the two came to the front, Gu Fengchi and Huang Shiren saw that they both knew each other. These two people were also Gu Fenglin from Gujia Village, and Huang Shiming from Huangjiazhuang.

“Brother Fengchi, are you back today?” Gu Fenglin asked happily when he saw Gu Fengchi.

“Brother Shiren, so you are together? We heard from the people at the intersection that the two of you were gone, and we happened to meet Brother Fenglin, so we hurried to catch up. Fortunately, we caught up.” Huang Shiming also said happily .

“Since you’re here, let’s take a break! Wait for you to recover before leaving. Anyway, there’s no rush. You’ll definitely be home before dark.” Gu Fengchi said with a smile.

Huang Shiren also meant the same thing. He immediately picked up some more firewood, and the four of them chatted around the fire.

When Gu Xiangfei was practicing today, he was a little restless, feelingFather was coming back, and the road was covered with thick snow, so it was definitely not easy to walk. He practiced patiently for a while, but was still worried about his father’s safety, so he decided to take a walk to see it.

Gu Fengchi and the others chatted for a while, and Gu Fenglin and the others had almost rested, and the four of them stood up and walked together.

Just after leaving without a cup of tea, I met two Qingyan wolves looking for food in front of me. These Qingyan wolves are fierce beasts in groups. Now I meet two Qingyan wolves who are alone. I must kill them quickly, otherwise I will attract wolves. The group of four of them couldn’t resist at all.

Fortunately, all four of them were martial arts masters. They took out their swords respectively, and one of them, the Qingyan wolf, turned around and ran away.

“Stop it, don’t let it run away?” Gu Fengchi said, holding a knife and killing another Qingyan wolf, Huang Shiren and Huang Shiming, Gu Fenglin hurriedly chased the fleeing Qingyan wolf, everyone knows this When the Qingyan wolf wanted to find the pack, they all rushed to kill them.

Seeing that he couldn’t run away, the Qingyan wolf raised its head and let out a long howl, which echoed far away in the valley.

The three of them couldn’t stop the Qingyan wolf from howling, and were very annoyed. They hacked the Qingyan wolf to death with several knives, and Gu Fengchi also killed the Qingyan wolf.

“Let’s find a place against the mountain wall and prepare more firewood. We can’t run away now, we can only wait for the response by luck.” Gu Fengchi and several people said.

Huang Shiren and the others also knew that if they ran now, they would definitely be surrounded by wolves, so they might as well wait for rescue.

The four of them quickly found a place against the mountain wall, put down their backpacks and luggage, and searched for firewood.

“The Qingyan wolves are here, everyone go to the mountain wall.” In less than a pack of cigarettes, fifty or sixty Qingyan wolves ran over from afar.

“Hurry up and find some stones. Build a wall as high as you can. At least it can provide more protection.” Gu Fengchi said to the other three people.

When the wolves ran over, the four of them used stones to build a half-meter-high wall, which was a bit more protection.

Four people guarded three sides, and some firewood was piled up in the middle. The wolf king of the wolf pack bowed his head and arched the dead body of the Qingyan wolf. He opened his mouth and let out a long howl. The wolves were ordered to attack them.

Gu Fengchi was holding a long knife. One Qingyan wolf had its head cut off, and the other one took the opportunity to pounce on him, opened its mouth full of stench, and bit his neck with sharp teeth.

Gu Fengchi raised his hand and punched the Qingyan wolf’s skull. There was a sound of bone shattering. This Qingyan wolf was knocked into the air, and he returned with another knife, cutting off half of the other Qingyan wolf’s head.

The four swung their swords and danced, and quickly killed seven or eight Qingyan wolves. The wolf king let out a long roar, and the attacking Qingyan wolves retreated.

Two of the four guarded with knives, and the remaining two hurriedly moved the corpses of the Qingyan wolf to a stone wall half a meter high. , and a higher layer of protection.

The wolf king saw that they used the corpses of the same kind as a protective layer, opened their bloody mouths to reveal sharp knives, and wished to tear them to pieces.

It didn’t take long for the second attack to start. This time, more than 50 of them attacked together, killing one after another. They all opened their mouths to reveal sharp knives.

Although the wolves have all come up, their attack range is not large, and they can only attack from three sides. One Qingyan wolf wanted to jump over the stone wall and bite them inside. Unexpectedly, it jumped violently and hit the stone wall. Feeling dizzy, she fell and was kicked to death by Huang Shiren.

The four slashed desperately, and more than 20 wolves were quickly killed. The wolf king yelled again, and the pack of wolves retreated and surrounded the wolf king, waiting for the next attack order from the wolf king.

All four of them had wounds of varying degrees, and they didn’t bother to bandage them. They first put the dead Qingyan wolf body on the stone wall, then lit a fire, and took turns to rest.

There are still more than 30 Qingyan wolves in this group, and they are confident in killing this group of wolves.

The wolf king also noticed it, and felt that if he attacked again, the whole army might be wiped out, but he was unwilling to leave like this, so he remained in a stalemate.

Gu Fengchi and the others took out their own food and added some food. The two attacks just now had consumed too much energy. After eating something, the four of them took turns to adjust their breathing to restore their internal strength.

Gu Xiangfei went out the door and walked towards the entrance of the village. The snow on the road was so thick that he couldn’t find his way unless there were signs of houses.

He walked on the road to Zhoucheng based on his memory. He wanted to step on a road so that people returning to the village could see his footprints and go home smoothly.

The snow is so thick that it’s up to your knees when you step down. Pulling out your feet and walking is too exhausting. He thought about using the Gale Wind Art to blow away the snow and expose the road, so that walking would be much easier.

Gu Xiangfei decided to give it a try and see how it works. Using a tactic with both hands, he used a gust of wind tactic, revealing a road more than 20 meters long and 5 or 6 meters wide.

“The road is a bit wide, one meter wide is enough.” He said to himself.

The second time I used the Blizzard Art, the length was more than 30 meters, and the road was more than three meters wide. No way, it was still a bit wide. When I used it for the third time, I controlled the spiritual power to be one meter wide, and the length was unlimited.

This time it was about two meters wide and more than fifty meters long. He shook his head and was very dissatisfied. It seemed that the spiritual power he controlled could not be sent and received freely. Let’s continue to practice!

He fell asleep in the practice of magic and spiritual power, and he had long forgotten what he was going to do when he came out, and he even forgot about his father.

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