The Second Floor of Qi Refining

“Does it still hurt? This time is a lesson, remember it! Otherwise, I will lose my life next time.” Gu Xiangfei looked at his younger brother crawling on the bed and said.

“Hmph! I’ve seen through you. I agreed to hold on, and you ran away to eat chicken legs by yourself. You just want to see me get beaten.” Gu Xiangyu complained without raising his head.

“I wanted to pull her at first, but didn’t you see the face of my old lady? If I pull her, I will be beaten together, and both of them will be beaten, so I thought about it, it’s better for you to be beaten alone Forget it.” Gu Xiangfei said with an innocent face.

“Then you can say something nice! You actually ran away to eat chicken legs, can’t you hear me screaming so loudly?” Gu Xiangyu said trembling with anger.

Gu Xiangfei held back his smile, coaxed him for a long time, and said a lot of assurances, and his younger brother Gu Xiangyu finally let him go.

The next day, Gu Xiangfei went up the mountain again after breakfast. He practiced spells in the morning and searched for herbs and hunted in the afternoon.

For three consecutive days, Gu Xiangfei went out early and returned late every day. He has mastered several spells so that he can send and receive them freely. He feels that he will be able to advance to the second level of Qi Refining after a few more days of practice.

These days, the game at home is too much to eat, so my mother and second aunt made smoked chicken and smoked rabbit, so that they can be stored for a longer time, and they can also be bought in the city.

The medicinal materials collected every day, my mother also divided them into categories and put them in the shade to dry. The second uncle sold the bear skin and bear bile to the old mother. Gu Xiangfei didn’t ask how much, anyway, the second uncle would not give less , In addition, the second uncle bought him two new clothes.

Gu Xiangfei asked for leave this time, the academy gave a one-month vacation according to the regulations, the Martial Arts Academy stipulated that the elderly in the family can have a one-month vacation, and the parents have a half-year filial piety period, and according to the number of days of vacation, the graduation date of the students is extended. It can be said that the Martial Arts Academy is still very benevolent in this regard.

Gu Xiangfei has been at home for eight days, and there are still more than 20 days of vacation. He decided to make good use of this vacation and try to make the life of the family better. Only relying on his father’s salary can only support the family. Now he When I grow up, I have to fulfill my responsibilities for this family.

Just as Gu Xiangfei went out today, he saw his second uncle walking over, “Feifei, we went to the mountains together today, and these days we depended on the prey you hunted to allow your second aunt and the others to live, otherwise they would have to I’m hungry, thanks to your kid being at home.”

Gu Xiangfei smiled embarrassedly and said, “Second Uncle, we are all one family, and this is what I should do.”

“Okay, I won’t say much, let’s go!” The second uncle also carried a machete in a backpack, and it seemed that he was also gathering herbs and game.

The two of them didn’t talk much, and walked along the path to the mountain.

Second Uncle Gu Fengcheng’s qualifications are very poor., I was a disciple of a handyman in the college. After graduation, there was a sick grandfather who needed to be taken care of at home, so I didn’t join the adventure team. I chose to stay at home to marry and have children. If you suffer a little, you can live a safe life, and you can make money by participating in the adventure team, but their heads are hung on their belts, and they don’t know when they will die in a foreign country.

After walking for half an hour, I was almost at the edge of the deep mountain, and it would be dangerous to go further in, but danger and opportunity coexist. If I can pick up an old medicine with a long history, my family can live a good life for a year or two. Today, many people in the village are still willing to take this risk.

“Let’s look around here! Don’t go inside, we can’t beat the beasts.” The second uncle is quite satisfied with his current life and doesn’t want to take risks in the mountains.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t propose to go into the deep mountains either. He believed that as long as he brought it up, the second uncle would definitely go in with him.

The two made an appointment to meet at noon, and searched for herbs separately. If they wanted to stay together, they would get very little, unless they were children who had just entered the mountains and didn’t understand herbs.

After Gu Xiangfei separated from his second uncle, he performed the Wind Control Technique, and soon came to the deep mountain, found a place with strong aura, sat down cross-legged and practiced the exercises.

Now that he has cultivated to the late stage of the first level of Qi Refining, the spiritual energy here is relatively strong. He wants to attack the second level of Qi Refining. With the operation of the exercises, the surrounding spiritual energy swarms in and quickly envelops him.

An hour later, Gu Xiangfei’s last acupoint on the second level of Qi Refining was broken open, and there was a light click in his body, as if the ice was shattered when it encountered a raging fire, and an aura in his body that was several times stronger than that of the first level of Qi Refining flowed towards him. Spread out all around.

It’s the second level of qi refining. Gu Xiangfei felt the aura in his body, and it actually surpassed the realm of a martial artist, catching up to the realm of a general.

His father is in the realm of military commanders, but he was promoted to the realm of Wuzun some time ago. This cultivation is indeed better than martial arts. He was secretly happy and continued to use the exercises to stabilize his cultivation.

After a while, Gu Xiangfei let out a mouthful of turbid air, stood up to see that there were some greasy things on his body, took off his clothes and used the clear water formula to clean himself, then washed the clothes, and dried them after running the exercises put on.

Looking up at the sky, it wasn’t time to gather, so he decided to dig some medicinal materials, otherwise the second uncle would laugh at him if he saw that he hadn’t dug up anything all morning.

Few people come in from the deep mountains. There are many herbal medicines more than ten or twenty years old. By the time of assembly, he had already dug half of the baskets. Place.

“Come here, what do you gain?” The second uncle arrived early and was lighting a fire. There were two prepared hares beside him. It seemed that they were preparing to roast the hares.

“It’s not bad. If you look for it in the afternoon, you’ll be able to dig it up.” Gu Xiangfei put down the basket and the pheasant and hare in his hand.

“You can do it, kid! We dug up so many aged herbs and shot several pheasants and hares.” The second uncle said enviously when he saw the herbs in his back basket and the pheasants and hares he shot.

“Be lucky. When digging herbs, I killed these pheasants and hares.” Gu Xiangfei said while helping to roast the hares.

“Oh! I can’t do it. This is the way it is for the rest of my life. Although your father is better than me, he still eats based on people’s faces. You are the boss in your generation. If you have the opportunity, take Xiaohai and the others. Don’t let them get along with you. Like me, I spent my whole life in a muddleheaded way in the village.” The second uncle said with a sigh.

“Don’t worry, Second Uncle, I will definitely help them. There are only four brothers and sisters at home, so I can’t ignore them.” Gu Xiangfei gave Second Uncle a reassurance.

“Okay! With your words, I feel relieved. I know that you will definitely be better than us in the future, so I’ll just wait for your favor.” The second uncle said with a smile.

After eating the roasted rabbit meat, they rested for a while, and the two separated again. This time, Gu Xiangfei used the Wind Control Technique again, which was several times faster than before, and the spiritual energy consumption was also less. Practiced all the spells.

In the past, when I used the wind blade technique, I used up the spiritual energy in my body six times at most. This time, I didn’t feel enough spiritual energy in my body after using it for fifteen times. This is different from what I guessed!

He originally thought that the spiritual energy in his body could be used twelve times, but he didn’t expect to feel that the spiritual energy was insufficient after fifteen times. If he persisted, he could use it sixteen or seven times. .

After the aura in his body returned to its peak, Gu Xiangfei started digging herbs. Practicing these spells took a lot of time, and he had to dig his basket full when he returned home.

The further you go into the mountains, the more herbs there are, and they are all ten or twenty years old. Gu Xiangfei dug a basket full of herbs in less than half an hour. Looking up at the depths of the mountain, he thought to himself when his cultivation base was upgraded to the foundation building stage. , Be sure to go to the deep mountains to have a look.

On the way back, he wasn’t in a hurry, it was still early before the meeting time, and he was going to hunt some wild game back.

Now that he is at the second level of Qi Refining, he doesn’t need to run at all, holding a handful of gravel, as long as he sees pheasants and hares, he can’t escape his palm.

Back at the assembly point, he has already shot nine pheasants, thirteen hares, and twelve wild eggs. The current season is the peak of pheasant egg production. After a while, the wild eggs will hatch into young pheasants. Now, now is the time to eat wild eggs.

“You came here quickly, boy! Have you dug your backpack full?” The second uncle came to the assembly point with his backpack on his back, and saw Gu Xiangfei was already waiting for him.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the second uncle was also carrying a few pheasants and hares in his hands. He found a wooden stick and skewered all the pheasants and hares.Together, carrying it home with my second uncle.

When it was getting dark, when the two returned home, Gu Xiangfei left a few pheasants and hares for the second uncle, and gave six wild eggs to the second aunt, and the second aunt happily accepted it, and asked him to eat here before eating. go back.

Gu Xiangfei was afraid that his old lady would not feel at ease, so he refused the second aunt’s persuasion, and walked to his home.

Seeing him coming back, my old lady smiled and helped him pick up the basket, and asked him to wash his hands and get ready to eat.

My eldest son is capable. Every day the family eats wild game, and there are so many herbs that can be sold for a lot of money. The life of the family is getting better and better. The old lady has a smile on her face these days.

Younger brother Gu Xiangyu has been very honest these past few days, he has not run wild outside, and has helped the family with some work within his ability, but this phenomenon cannot persist for a few days, kid, it is impossible for you to let him stay at home every day, before their brothers The two were beaten, and they were honest for a few days, and when the pain in their butt stopped, they started to make mistakes again and again. The typical scar was healed and the pain was forgotten.

The next morning, Gu Xiangfei and his second uncle went into the mountains again. On the way, they kept meeting people from the same village who went into the mountains, and everyone laughed and said some coquettish words.

“Hey! Did you hear that? Li Guilan from Huangjiazhuang was caught having an affair with an old bachelor. The two of them were stripped naked and tied to a big tree at the entrance of the village to show themselves!” A villager had a bad look on his face. said with a smile.

“I heard, you said why Li Guilan had an affair with Yilong. Could it be that he likes him so much?” Another person took the conversation and said.

“Do you think Li Guilan is such a good bird! It’s not about the money for a one-stop plan, otherwise how could you have an affair with him?”

“Giving money and enjoying it at the same time, why not do it!” A person in the village who had attended a private school for several years came up with a phrase.

Men also gossip, and they gossip more than women. Women just talk, but men not only talk, but also take practical actions.

When I went up the mountain the next day, I heard that someone did that with Li Guilan last night and was almost caught. Hearing this, Gu Xiangfei not only thought, how could he do that after being tied to a tree?

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