"Come, come, hostages come, we are safe!" Someone in the crowd cheered. Falls squinted and saw a familiar face.

Under the encouragement of this person, a circle of people around was gradually commotion.

Many more people have noticed that the three of the wild orchids, Fanny, and Angelina floating in the sky behind Falls have not waited for the implementation, so they ca n’t wait to discuss how to share.

Walking through the bush is simply walking through the jungle of thorns

Fowles was unable to maintain it, only secretly rejoicing that all three women passed out, and did not have to be sober to bear the fright.

Looking at the excited eyes on Monday, he knew this was never a place to stay.

"People and I brought it, and it did not insult the mission. But there seem to be some other problems." Alos said to a leader in front.

"We all know." The person who greeted Elos smiled bitterly. "Natasha's news came over and said that we were just here to stay. It would be natural to see it later. She also told us that the Master There is our internal response in the guild, the joint code is 'Michael? Scofield'. "

At this point, the identity of Falls is no longer a problem. A leader came out and clarified the story of Falls in the voice of helplessness and regret.

"Even if he is our internal response, it is still the object of the Master Guild's attention. Taking him as a hostage, the effect is the same!" Among the crowd, the lost Shude couldn't help but continue to provoke.

There were really some people who were moved by his thoughts, and he talked to the leader with all his words.

"In order to allow you to escape from the cage, I will dig a hole and let Martin who has been demoted to civilians? Luther is your prison officer; I will rack my brains and let the Master Guild Academy flow and the elemental flow fight. The old guys are still confined in the double-dharma plane; I have used the benefits of new magic to gain the support of Nicholas the Space Master for your support. "

The whole thing was messy, but after finishing this time, Fowles has gradually understood that some things inherit the causal relationship between the past and the future, and even include the situation that will happen in a while. After understanding all this, he will not be low-key.

If the tongue of the tongue springs on the river, no matter whether it is right or not, let the assassin girl and the old man Nicholas stand here, can he refute him? Both of them owe him debts!

"Tell you, if there is no me, at this moment, none of you can stand here!" Under the effect of loud magic, Fowles' voice thundered, covering every inch of the prisoner's standing land.

"I've done so much for you, who is that guy in the crowd? Two weeks ago, he was still in the magistrate's guild. He was in trouble with me everywhere. After only two weeks, he was one of you. What? He even instigates you to revenge, why should he? "

Under the words of Fowles, the words of all swords, everyone put their bad eyes on Xiu De.

"Not true! That's not true!" Shude cried out in a pale face, but his faint voice was too weak compared to Falls.

On this chaotic occasion, who has the loudest voice and who has the right to speak!

Feeling that the emotions around him were almost instigated, Fowles read the mantra: "Convex Mirror Focus! Hot!"

After being improved, the eight scorching rays that best match his caster's level were released from his palms in an instant, converged through a convex mirror, and shone straight on Shude's body.

Shude was crowded with people around and around, but it was inevitable. Under the eight fire pillars, people almost turned into fly ash at a clearly visible speed, first the head, then the neck, chest, chest and abdomen

An unpleasant smell came out, but, except for the people around him, the others didn't even feel much heat radiation.

What a weird magic!

In a circle of horrified sights, Fowles nodded with a smile: "This is my new magic! It's ugly. Okay, it's almost time, let's look up!"

look up? Everyone's thoughts have been driven by Fowles, and he couldn't help looking up.

At first, there were still doubts in people's hearts, and gradually, a burst of shock and surprise came out

Several magic towers around, the space at the top is slowly changing!

There are two kinds of space crevices, the elements are colorful, and the school ’s gray is not slippery. However, although each crevice is different, there is a color tone that is the same-green, representing the dissociation of destruction and destruction. green.


These space gaps rely on the magical power similar to dissociation to decompose the material completely from the eccentric plane into the most primitive magical energy.

But now, the space, or the true colors of colorful or gray autumn are still there, but their green background has been gradually eliminated, and it has gradually changed into a blue, blue color, just like a portal s color.

"That's the exit you will escape in a moment." Fowles pointed to the sky and explained with amplifying magic. "The Mages Guild has a huge teleportation system, but each teleportation array needs corresponding permissions to open, we can Rescue everyone, but it is impossible to give everyone a legal identity. "

"And, through those fixed teleportation arrays, it will leave traces, and it is easy to be traced by the Mage Guild, even if you fled thousands of miles away, since you are connected with the teleportation array, you are on the outskirts of Prague, and you are always faced with chasing and suppressing soldiers. "

Therefore, only through these natural portals at the top of the mage tower, the energy of dissociation is eliminated and replaced by stable spatial energy. It is an excellent random portal at once. The damage of surgery, jump into these gaps, can you get rid of the guild immediately?

This thing sounds very difficult to operate, but for Nicholas, who is so deep in the space department and enjoys the high prestige in the Mages Guild, it is not too difficult.

"You explained everything clearly, what are we talking about!" Fowles shamelessly took the credit of others, and suddenly the voice of the old Nicholas sounded behind him.

"You're so kind to say that you don't have to explain anything to me, and the code word for me is useless at all. If I still have two loose hands, I have already explained it here when I was just running." When he turned around in a hurry, he saw Nicholas and the assassin woman floating in the sky behind him.

He nodded to the assassin girl to say hello.

"You know?" The assassin girl and Nicholas were shocked and looked at each other a few times, filtering out some of the known information, and they were all emotional. "The words just now are not a false statement."

During this period of speaking, thousands of people still looked up at the sky, and they did not pay attention. The prisoners of the hundreds of deserted islands took advantage of this time to enter the crowd without knowing it.

These people really look for opportunities! Fowles thought, he reminded these people around to watch the stars. He meant that they wanted to keep their sight on the wild orchid and Angelina, but he did not expect

"Both of you owe me a favor!" Falls said uncomfortably.

"I don't preach the fact that you can translate the secrets of the abandoned island, and I have given you a great face." The assassin girl said, and left Falls in there.

"Everyone, the portals above are all opened by my disciples. Each portal can only be delivered to a random area of ​​Pavel mainland. It is impossible to send each of you to the place you want to go, so please You remember the destination of each portal, do not squeeze in line. "

"Starting from the first tower on the right, the destinations are the Geneva Neutral Metropolitan Area, the Wind Cliff Area, the West Sea Desert Area, the Northland Grassland Area, the Pirate Islands Area, and the Island of the Farsighted. , The choices are all the weak places in the East China Sea Federation. "

"On the tower in front, that is, the Thirteenth Tower of the Second Ring Road, I will open it in a moment by myself, and send it to the precision magic circle of Storm Bay."

The old man Nicholas did not make any excuses for the complaint of Falls, exhaled, and Yan Yuese sent a message to a prisoner.

Although I did n’t make an excuse, at the end I heard that Fowles vaguely wanted to vomit blood. It was n’t that people did n’t notice it, it was n’t the right time. I sent it to the door

Really superfluous, ask for trouble!

While Fowles stomped and sighed, a group of prisoners listened to the old man's words, and had already divided into countless ways and ran to the space above the tower.

The mage used the fly directly. The fighter pedaled the eaves of the mage tower in several steps. The priests had the shortest legs and had to run into the mage tower. They took the prop flying blanket that went straight from the bottom of the tower to the top. .

The place where thousands of numbers originally converged, "Hula Hula", left only a few hundred people on the deserted island. Even if you didn't watch the stars, it wouldn't make sense to be mixed.

Fowles chatted for a while, dragging the three women, mixed in the large army, and walked to the 13th Tower of the Second Ring Road together.

As for the old man of Nicholas, he has already used space magic to advance to the top of the tower to implement the operation.

A few minutes later, a group of people came to meet on the top floor, lining up one by one to jump into the space portal one by one. Fowles arrived early, and when he was about to cross, he suddenly withdrew.

"Oh, there is one more thing that I almost forgot to do! You go first." With that said, Fowles walked out and turned to a secret place.

This person, will there be no problem? The team continued to move forward, but there were a few suspicious guys who trailed silently behind Fowles.

After the Russians, these people backed up several times faster than they went, looking for a horned horn and spitting out violently. Behind them, Fowles stepped out, with a few **** things in his hands.

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