"Shut the hell up! If anything happens to Chunyue, I'll kill your whole family!" He Sanshengzi was going crazy with anger. He really wanted to kill He Daqian.

But Xiao Ji said something shocking: "Your wife is fine. My boss checked her pulse. She fainted because she was happy."

"What? What did you say!" He Sanleizi couldn't hold on anymore and fainted: "You said Chunyue is pregnant? I have a son?"

Xiaoji said: "I don't know whether my son is pregnant, but Sister Chunyue is indeed pregnant. Go in quickly and take Sister Chunyue home. My boss said that she must be well taken care of and take anti-fetal medicine for a few days." .”

"Hey, hey, I'll go in right now." He Sanshengzi said, not forgetting to say to He Laosi and He Daqian: "You two old beasts whose ancestral graves were dug and the stove collapsed, did you hear that? My Chunyue I’m pregnant! I have a son!”

After He Sanshengzi finished speaking, he stopped talking to He Laosi and He Daqian, and walked into the workshop with great pride. After being laughed at for many years, he could finally straighten his back and behave like a man.

He Laosi and He Daqian were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses: "Has the seed of He San's leprosy sprouted? God is blind, so he actually allowed him to have a child?"

"Bah, you two are talented, God is blind! Get out of here, and if you stay here anymore, I will ask Oyuan to take you to the ancestral hall to kneel until the New Year." Village Chief He really hates He Daqian and He Daqian. He Laosi, why don’t these two bitches learn well?

While they were talking, He Dayuan and Wang Yongfu came out. He Laosi and He Daqian ran away when they saw the two of them acting like fools.

He Dayuan and Wang Yongfu had beaten them several times. If they didn't run away, their legs would be broken again this time.

When He Sanleizi came to the spice workshop, Mo Chunyue was already awake and half-lying in the room where Cui settled accounts.

"Daughter-in-law, how are you doing, wife?" He Sanleizi held Mo Chunyue's hand and asked, his hands shaking with excitement: "Am I a father?"

Mo Chunyue's face was still pale, but she had the strength to speak. She nodded and said with a smile, "Well, we are parents."

After saying this, tears fell down. With a child, the couple would no longer have to be laughed at, and her life would be considered complete.

He Sanleizi was even more excited than Mo Chunyue, and burst into tears: "I didn't expect that I could still be a father... I will definitely work hard to make money to support him, and I will never let him suffer."

Mo Chunyue knew that He Sanlei would become bad, firstly because his family was poor, and secondly because his parents had died early. After hearing this, she knew the pain in his heart and shed even more tears.

Gu Jinli frowned and said, "If you cry again, the child will be scared away."

One sentence frightened He San Leizi so much that he didn't dare to speak.

Gu Jinli said: "You don't have to be on duty today. Send your wife home and take good care of her."

He took out two more ingots of silver: "This is your husband and wife's salary and bonus. Feng Lian will send you the annual gifts and anti-fetal medicine to your home. Come back."

"Hey, thank you so much, little boss." Mo Chunyue was the first to react and pushed He San Laizi before he helped Mo Chunyue go home.

Mo Chunyue had not laid eggs for four years, and her pregnancy became a new topic of conversation in the village, overshadowing her family's distribution of mutton to workers.

The women in the village were so fierce that they not only used this matter as a topic of conversation after dinner, but also bit their ears and talked about the posture in which they got pregnant.

Gu Jinli worked in the workshop for a day, made money for a day, and came back half exhausted. As a result, her hearing was too good. When she heard this...she told herself that her sister was very pure and she knew nothing.

After finishing the work of distributing money in the workshop, Gu Jinli was free. The next day, he lay on the bed and couldn't get up. Even lunch was brought back to the house by Xiaoji for her to eat.

Xiao Ji said disgustedly: "Xiao Boss, why are you so lazy? You don't even get up to eat."

Gu Jinli turned over, stretched out on the bed and said, "I have money, and I'm happy."

Xiao Ji twitched the corner of his mouth and stopped talking about her. He just reminded her: "An Ge'er said that dividends will be distributed to each family during the afternoon application. You have to get up."

Gu Jinan is still busy calculating year-end dividends for several families today. After finishing this, he has time to rest.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Yes, I understand. You called me before Shen Shiqian."

Gu Jinli guessed that she was really tired, so she got up after lunch and moved around for a while, then stayed in the room to take a nap. It wasn't until Xiaoji came to call her before midnight that she got up to wash up and go to share the bonus money with several families.

In the past three years, tofu workshops and spice workshops have made a lot of money. Although the dividends to these companies are only 10%, they have shared a lot of money.

This month, the Qin family, the Luo family, Lao Yan's family, Uncle Tian's family, the third grandfather and the third grandmother's family, Gu Dafu and Gu Dagui's family all received 1,300 taels of silver, which shows that business is good.

However, Gu Dafu's family and Gu Dagui's family were considered one share, and they had to divide the money again after receiving it. Every time when the money was distributed twice, Mrs. Chen always felt very distressed and shouted: "If I had known, I shouldn't have saved those few taels of household registration fees, I should have divided the family long ago."

Gu Dagui scolded her again: "You bitch, can't you be content? You already have so much money, what else do you want? How much is enough?"

Mrs. Chen put her hands on her hips and yelled back: "No amount of money is enough!"

The third grandma said angrily: "How about I give you our share?"

Mrs. Chen was very happy to hear this, and her IQ was very good. She would be very smart every time she met someone trying to plot her money, but she would become very stupid when she met someone giving her money for free. She actually believed it three times. Grandma said with a flattering smile and asked: "Sister-in-law, are you serious? How much do you want to give? Don't worry, as long as you give one of your dividends to my family, we and I will definitely support you until you die."

The third uncle's family had no son, and her daughter was missing. She thought that as long as her family provided for the third uncle's family to take care of her in old age, wouldn't this dividend be appropriate?

"Bah!" Third Grandma spitted directly on Mr. Chen's face and cursed, "This is the coffin book for our two elders, you really want it!"

The third grandma had a headache when she saw her, and started to drive people away: "Hurry up, I'll be upset when I see you. It's almost the Chinese New Year, don't make me angry."

Gu Dagui felt very embarrassed and quickly ran away with Chen... He swore that if he didn't really like this woman, he would have divorced her long ago. She was too much trouble for the family.

The other families also took the money and went home.

Before leaving, Mr. Qin said: "I didn't sleep well last night. I have to go to bed early tonight. I'm afraid I won't wake up even if I hit the gong."

Gu Jinli blushed. Today is twenty-eight, and Brother Qin should be back.

Qin Sanlang was indeed on time. He said he would be back on the twenty-eighth night and he really came back, carrying two baskets of fruits on his horse.

Gu Jinli woke up when he heard the sound of horse hooves. After waiting for a moment, he heard the familiar chirping of birds.

"My dear boss, that damn bird is chirping again..."

Before Xiao Ji finished speaking, Gu Jinli opened the door and came out: "Don't panic, I'll kill him right now."

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