A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 717 Revenge against the Xia family

Bang bang!

Luo Wu slapped himself hard twice, making his face red and swollen.

Gu Jinxiu hurriedly stopped him: "Brother Luo Wu doesn't want it, you were also harmed by the Xia family."

Luo Wu said: "I am stupid. If I were smart, I would not be harmed by the Xia family."

Then he said: "Don't worry, no matter what the result of the drug test is, I will never leave again. I will seek revenge on the Xia family!"

He left before because he didn't want to hurt Sister Xiu for the rest of his life, but that dream told him that even if he left, Sister Xiu's life would not be easy.

If that's the case, then he won't leave. No matter what happens in the future, he will stay with her, accompany her and protect her regardless of his status.

Gu Jinan was finally comforted when he heard this, but he still said: "You brought this on yourself. If you had told us what Xia Gu had done to harm you earlier, what happened today wouldn't have happened."

He frowned again and said: "I really don't want to scold you, but you grew up with us. Don't you still know my sister's temper? She doesn't like to talk, and you still hide everything from me. You You really know how to seek death!"

Luo Wudao: "You're right, it's all my fault."

Gu Jinan snorted coldly and said in his heart that it was still possible, but he didn't want to forgive Luo Wu so easily. He had to keep him cold for a while, otherwise if he did it again in the future, he would really be able to kill Luo Wu with a knife.

"Sister, now that the truth has been revealed, Luo Wu will follow us back to find Xiaoyu to test the poison. You can rest assured and go back to rest first. I have something to say to Luo Wu."

Gu Jinxiu was a little worried, fearing that Brother An would beat Brother Luo Wu violently, but after thinking about it, she nodded and said, "Okay, eldest sister will leave first. You guys can talk."

Xiaoyu said that there was something wrong with her character, and there was also something wrong with Brother Luo Wu's character. One didn't like to talk, and the other liked to hide things in his heart. If their tempers didn't change, their lives would not be easy in the future.

She remembered Xiaoyu's words and boldly made changes. She also wanted Brother Luo Wu to make changes, and Brother An was smart and had ideas. As long as he took action, he would be able to change Brother Luo Wu's habit of hiding everything. come over.

"Don't worry, Sister Xiu. You can rest in peace. I won't run away again." Luo Wusheng was afraid that Gu Jinxiu would be worried, so he said one more thing before she went out.

Gu Jinxiu nodded and smiled at him. After being glared at by Gu Jinan, he hurried away.

In the house, Gu Jinan sat down and said: "Test the poison first when you get back. If you are not poisoned, we will talk about other things. But it is impossible for you to marry my sister just like this. Show your true skills, otherwise my family will keep your eldest sister for the rest of your life." I won’t let her marry you either.”

Luo Wu knew that what he had done made the Gu family very angry. He was not qualified to say no, so he nodded and said, "I will seek revenge from the Xia family, but I still need your help."

Seeing that he could take the initiative to ask for help, Gu Jinan felt quite satisfied. It was good that he could ask for them. After all, they were the closest people, so what if he asked for help?

After Gu Jinan finished speaking, Luo Wu told him about the dream again. He spoke in great detail, fearing that missing something would harm Gu Jinxiu.

Gu Jinan frowned when he heard this: "In the dream, my eldest sister married Zhan Er? Or was it Zhan San who caused it? You are really good at dreaming. You must have thought about it at night after hearing about Zhan Er."

"Absolutely not!" Luo Wu said: "I don't know how to put it, it's just a feeling. This feeling makes me feel that this dream is real. It is a warning."

He paused, looked at Gu Jinan and said: "Although I was dreaming, I had the feeling that it was not a dream but that my soul really went to see Sister Xiu after he died in battle, so don't take this seriously. Dreams are important.”

Gu Jinan saw that he was speaking so seriously, and the nervousness and fear in his eyes and words could not be deceived. He also paid attention to it and asked: "Who is the embroiderer who drugged the eldest sister? Did you tell me his name? What does he look like? How about that? What about the relationship with Grandma Li?"

Don't say that he is too ruthless, in fact, the Winter Embroidery Fair is organized by Huaiyu Embroidery House, and all the embroidery masters are appointed by Grandma Li personally and then send someone to invite them.

Luo Wu recalled the dream, and after a long while he shook his head and said: "Her name or trade name was not mentioned in the dream, and her appearance was very ordinary, just like the kind you catch a lot in a market."

Luo Wu is a team leader and knows how difficult it is to find ordinary-looking people.

"It seems that that person was not invited by Grandma Li, but came by herself. Because he was so famous, he sat at the second seat on the left during the winter embroidery party."

Da Chu respects the left, and the main seat in the middle of the Winter Embroidery Club is unoccupied. After a competition, the seat will be given to the master embroiderer with the best embroidery skills. Grandma Li sits on the first seat on the left.

Luo Wu is very keen on handling cases. Now that he talks about that dream, he feels that it is very strange... Why did the embroiderer come here on his own initiative? Xiaoyu and An Geer protect Sister Xiu like this. They will send people to protect Sister Xiu as soon as she goes out. But in the dream, Aunt Tao is not here, Sister Li and Tong Xiaoxue are not here, Qingrong and the others are not here either. Where did you go?

Luo Wu regarded that dream as a real event that would happen in the future, so he got chills all over when he thought about it: "There is someone behind the scenes who wants to harm Sister Xiu! That person is quite powerful, and he has enough manpower to hold down the people serving Sister Xiu. He is also very capable and can send a famous embroiderer to help him."

After Gu Jinan listened to Luo Wu's dream, he also felt that someone was harming his eldest sister behind her back. The first thing he thought of was Xia Gu, and then Zhan Er.

Hehe, it's not surprising that Zhan Er, a lustful ghost, would make such a calculation in order to get his eldest sister.

However, this is just a dream after all, not real. They will not go to the Winter Embroidery Fair this time. They can rest assured until next year's Winter Embroidery Fair.

"You should rest first and go back early tomorrow morning. After the poison test is over, you can tell me the appearance of the embroiderer who harmed my eldest sister, and I will draw her appearance." Xiaoyu taught him a painting technique Yes, it's just because of the Qin family's affairs that their brother and sister have never painted with that kind of painting technique.

Luo Wu nodded: "Well, I will definitely think about what that evil person looks like."

Although Gu Jinan was a scholar, he handled things neatly. He arranged things that night and turned around and went home at dawn the next day.

Mrs. Chu cried with joy when she saw them coming back together. Okay, okay, being able to come back together proves that things have turned around.

Luo's father was also very happy, but he was still so angry that he wanted to beat Luo Wu. He couldn't explain it to the Dashan family without giving the boy a good beating.

But Gu Jinan stopped him: "Father Robert, I'm going to wait for this beating first. Let Xiaoyu find a way to test Luo Wu's poison first?"

"Poison test?" Gu Jinli frowned and looked at Luo Wu: "Are you poisoned?"

I couldn't tell what kind of poison you were poisoned, but I could see that you were about to die from exhaustion.

Gu Jinan said for him: "It's said that he was infected with Duanyang Powder, a kind of heirloom medicine."

As soon as the words "Jue Si Yao" came out, Mrs. Cui almost fainted with fright, not to mention Mrs. Chu.

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