A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 521 Buying a wealthy building

Because of his dereliction of duty, Squad Leader Zhu was ordered to reflect at home. However, he heard from his former subordinates that Luo Wu would be promoted to Squad Leader during this period, so he couldn't help but came to the county government office and asked to see Magistrate Xu. Unexpectedly, I saw Luo Wu when I first arrived.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the Luo Wu thief still had a smile on his face, obviously mocking him.

Squad leader Zhu was furious. He pointed directly at Luo Wu and asked, "You white-eyed wolf, I wasted all my care for you before. You actually stabbed me in the back and took away my position as squad leader and my job. What else do you still have?" No conscience?!”

Hearing this, Luo Wu raised his head and glanced around, and saw a man in government uniforms in the distance quickly hiding behind the pillars of the corridor. Then he looked back and saluted Bantou Zhu with clasped fists: "Uncle Zhu."

"Don't call me uncle. You are so capable, but I can't stand the call of uncle." Zhu Bantou pointed at the document in Luo Wu's hand and asked angrily: "What is this?"

It looked very much like the appointment document when he was promoted to class leader.

The document is still enshrined in the ancestral hall in his hometown village. He reads it every year and never admits his mistake.

Luo Wudao: "It's the boy's squad leader's appointment document, which was stamped by the Fucheng Yamen."

"Are you really promoted to the top class? Or were you appointed by the adults of Fucheng Yamen?" Zhu BanTou was going crazy. He rushed over regardless and punched Luo Wu in the face.

Luo Wu did not hide, but received a punch from Bantou Zhu. When Bantou Zhu hit him again, he turned around and dodged.

"Stop! You surnamed Zhu, you are so damn capable, you dare to beat the squad leader in the county government office." As soon as Jiang County Lieutenant and the others came out, they saw squad leader Zhu beating Luo Wu, and they were very angry: "You are Are you dissatisfied with the yamen’s arrangements?”

Squad leader Zhu yelled: "Being humble means disobeying the position. The boy named Luo has only been in the yamen for a few months and became the squad leader. What ability does he have to be the squad leader?"

"What ability does he have to be the leader of this team?" Lieutenant Jiang Xian smiled: "Just because he dares to go to the water bandits' village to suppress the water bandits and has made great achievements, he is qualified to be the leader of the team."

On the night when the water bandits were annihilated, the men led by Jiang Qi were able to capture alive the leader of a water bandit village. Luo Wu was of great help and even blocked Jiang Qi's knife, otherwise Jiang Qi would probably be in trouble.

After hearing this, Captain Zhu deeply regretted that he had not followed to suppress the bandits, but now he said: "I am not afraid of suppressing bandits even if I am in a humble position. It is the adults who did not let me go."

Lieutenant Jiang County laughed angrily: "Are you blaming me? It seems that I have been too kind to you. I shouldn't have kept you at home. I should have put you in jail immediately!"

Zhu Bantou was ordered to guard the Zou Mansion, but he failed in his duties and caused the Zou Mansion to catch fire and let Zou Hai escape. His body was even more unclean... Zou Youlian didn't care about the government officials, so why did the government officials help him in private? It's all because of Bantou Zhu.

County Lieutenant Jiang was a resolute man. When he saw that Bantou Zhu dared to cause trouble, he turned around and said to County Magistrate Xu: "My lord, we have collected almost all the evidence against Bantou Zhu and others. I will put them in jail first and wait until you are free." We will try them later.”

Magistrate Xu nodded: "Mr. Jiang is in charge of the Yamen. Mr. Jiang can arrest him if he wants. Anyway, we have evidence."

Ming Shaoqing had just left today. Magistrate Xu originally wanted to sort out the affairs in the county government before dealing with those government servants and officials who had enriched themselves, but Captain Zhu bumped into him.

If it works, then let him fulfill it.

Jiang County Lieutenant heard what County Magistrate Xu said and immediately asked the government officials to seize Bantou Zhu.

Luo Wu was not polite to Bantou Zhu. After knocking Bantou Zhu down with two moves, he twisted his arms and tied them up with his backhand. Then he kicked him on the knees, knocking Bantou Zhu to his knees and pointed at him. He pointed at the corridor pillar in the distance and said, "Wang Guangzhu is over there, catch him!"

Wang Guangzhu is a yamen servant who used to follow Bantou Zhu. He helped Bantou Zhu send a lot of news to the Zou family. He also used the names of Bantou Zhu and Zou Youlian to do some evil things in the countryside. He was punished by the yamen servants and the Zou family. In the list of officials.

Wang Guangzhu was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, but where could he go? He was caught before he even left the county government gate and was dragged into the county government prison.

Because of this incident, the elimination of unclean government officials and officials in the county government was brought forward. Jiang County Lieutenant immediately asked Jiang Qi to take the people from the Division of Military Affairs to take all the officials and government servants who were confined at home and take them back to the county government office and throw them into prison.

In addition to the arrests of yamen servants and officials in the county government, Jiang Qi and others also divided their troops into several groups and went to the official offices in various towns to arrest officials who were unclean.

Shuli Lu and Shuli Zhang from Silifang in Qingfu Town were arrested by Luo Wu and the government officials. When they were arrested, they shouted that they were wronged.

But Luo Wu ignored them and asked the government officials to take them to the county government office.

All the people in the town came to see the fun. Knowing that Luo Wu was the son of the Chu family, they grabbed him and asked, "Young descendants of the Luo family, what happened to these two scribes? Why were they arrested?"

The vendors who set up stalls in the town snorted coldly: "Humph, why were they caught? They have done so many things to enrich their own pockets, they should have been caught long ago."

None of them who set up stalls in the town had their money extorted by the two scribes.

Luo Wu told the people who were watching the excitement why the two scribes, Lu and Zhang, were arrested, and then said to Lao Kong: "Tomorrow the county government will send new scribes over. Uncle Kong can welcome them then. Don't worry about the scribes in the scribe office." There’s no one doing the paperwork.”

Lao Kong nodded, and after saying a few words to Luo Wu, Luo Wu couldn't wait to say goodbye and return to the village.

He rode a fast horse and arrived home in less than half an hour.

After returning home, I told Father Luo and Mrs. Chu that I wanted to buy a house and shop in the county.

Mrs. Chu understood what he was thinking. This boy was thinking that if he could marry Sister Xiu in the future, he could take Sister Xiu to the county town.

Thinking about Luo Wu's recent performance, she relaxed and said, "Okay, my family has saved a few months of dividends, which should be enough to buy a house and shop."

Luo Wu was very happy. After thanking his parents, he told about his promotion to class leader.

Luo Huiniang was extremely happy: "Brother, are you the class leader? Ha, then I am the class leader's girl. I can walk sideways when I go to the county government."

With a snap, Mrs. Chu gave Luo Huiniang a violent shudder and scolded: "You are a girl with no control over your mouth. You can say such nonsense without bringing trouble to your brother."

Luo Huiniang knew that she had made a mistake and apologized quickly: "I was wrong. I will never talk nonsense again."

Luo Wu smiled and said to her: "Just don't tell me outside. I'll go to Uncle Dashan's house first and tell the Third Grandpa what County Magistrate Xu said."

After saying that, he couldn't wait to get up and go to Gu Jinli's house.

"I'll go too." Luo Huiniang also followed. She wanted to go find Xiaoyu to play.

When they arrived at Gu Jinli's house, Luo Wu told the story.

Third Grandpa said happily: "This is a good thing. Such bargains are not available every year."

The third grandfather immediately got up and went out to inform several families.

Qi Kangle happened to be at Gu Jinli's house. After hearing Luo Wu's words, he hesitated for a while and said to Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, do you think the Fugui Building in the town is expensive? Do you want to open a restaurant? How about we buy the Fugui Building together?" How about coming down?"

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