After the two cattle thieves were taken away, Village Chief He came to Gu Jinli's house and asked about Yushu Village.

Third Grandpa said: "The man has been captured by the soldiers from the Division of Soldiers. Nothing happened to Yushu Village."

He then told Village Chief He: "Village Chief, we shouldn't say more about the matters in Yushu Village, lest we spoil the matter of the county magistrate."

When Village Chief He heard this, his eyes shone brightly, as if he understood something, and he hurriedly said: "I won't tell you, I'm just asking. I'll feel relieved knowing that Yushu Village is fine."

Kan Liu stayed with Wang Yongfu all night. Instead of catching up on his sleep immediately, he came to Gu Jinli's house and told him what happened last night.

Gu Dashan and Gu Jinli listened nearby and said to them: "You will have to work hard for a while. Only after the Zou family's matter is over can we feel completely at ease."

Kan Liu assured: "Yes, don't worry, my boss and my little boss, we won't let go of this so soon."

Before Kan Liu came to Qingfu Town with Old Doctor Wu, he worked as a guard. He was very good at patrolling, preventing thieves, and protecting the Lord. He commanded Wang Yongfu and several servants who were good at fists and kicks. Something happened suddenly last night. , but there was no trouble, and the manpower was well arranged.

After Kan Liu and the others talked about the matter, they went back to the new workshop to rest.

Dafeng Village was very lively all morning because of the cattle rustlers caught last night, but at noon, it was overshadowed by the arrest of a group of big thieves in Yushu Village.

"My God, there were only two cattle thieves in our village last night. In Yushu Village in front of us, nearly fifty thieves came. I heard that all of them had sinister faces, big muscles and round waists, and even held knives. Even the commander of the soldiers Everyone in the place was alarmed, but the people in Yushu Village were scared to death."

"Did anyone get hurt? What did you steal?"

He Shiliu's cousin is from Yushu Village. After hearing about this this morning, he was afraid that something might happen to his cousin's house, so he ran to see it. He knew more about it. Hearing this, he replied: "No one was hurt. We are soldiers." The county soldiers have been targeting them for a long time, and they arrested all these thieves last night."

Magistrate Xu did not let anyone say that those were water bandits, only that they were a group of big thieves who had done many evil things.

After a while, He Shiliu said again: "The village chief of Yushu Village was also taken away."

"What? The village chief of Yushu Village has been arrested? Why arrest him? Isn't he a coward? Zhang Niuzi is the king of Yushu Village and he doesn't even dare to fart, what evil can he do?" A villager who was enjoying the cool air and repairing farm tools next to the stone mill hurriedly asked: "Is there a mistake?"

"Zhang Sisong from Yushu Village is my aunt's cousin. You all know who he is. He never tells lies. He told me so personally. When the county came to arrest him, the charge was that village chief Zhang was shielding Zhang Niuzi. That gang has been a gangster for many years. Moreover, Yushu Village is the village in Qingfu Town where the most good people have been sold, so the county magistrate made a big fire and asked the Yamen to drive a carriage to arrest Mr. Zhang before dawn."

"Yeah, if it weren't for the protection of the old village chief Zhang, how could Zhang Niuzi and his gang of gangsters have been doing evil for so many years? I heard..." A villager lowered his voice and told the villagers something. After hearing this, the big guy yelled. .

"These beasts really deserve to die. I'm telling you, there are many girls in Yushu Village who are marrying far away without saying a word. It turns out that these beasts are the ones doing the evil!"

"Village Chief Zhang deserves to die. As a village chief, he deserves to be caught for shielding and conniving the bastard."

He Dagong from the village said: "What kind of cover-up and connivance? Old village chief Zhang must be unclean. If he didn't do any good, how could he have protected Zhang Niuzi for so many years?"

He Shiliu said: "Dakong, don't say this nonsense. Let's wait for the county magistrate's judgment. In short, Village Chief Zhang's family will not be well."

Sure enough, the next day, another team of government officials came to Yushu Village.

As soon as the yamen entered the village, they sealed off the home of Mr. Zhang and arrested all the men in Mr. Zhang's family. They said that Mr. Zhang had committed a crime and the men in the family would be jailed together.

As for Village Chief Zhang, his position as village chief was gone, and the county asked Village Chief He to temporarily concurrently serve as the village chief of Yushu Village.

When Village Chief He received the official document from the county, he was so excited that he almost fainted and exclaimed: "There is smoke coming out of the ancestral graves!"

On the day I received the official document, I prepared sacrifices and went to the graves of the ancestors of the He family to tell the ancestors the good news.

After he was happy, Village Chief He started to get scared again and ran to the third grandfather: "Brother Gu, we are from another village. I am going to take care of the affairs of Yushu Village. Can the people in their village obey me? Don't say anything nice. In the end, I will Give me some crime and ruin my reputation."

Then he said to Gu Jinli in the yard: "Little Yu girl, you have to think of a way to help your grandfather, the village chief."

Gu Jinli looked at the sun and was stirring the soy sauce in the sauce vat with a long wooden pole. This soy sauce needs to be dried for half a year and stirred every day to produce a good sauce.

She smiled and said: "Village Chief, you don't have to worry. The gangsters in Yushu Village have been arrested, and the family of the village chief Zhang has been sealed off. Now the people in Yushu Village are afraid, and you are the representative appointed by the county. Village chief, with the official documents here, they don't dare to do anything to you."

"Isn't the sixteenth uncle's cousins ​​in Yushu Village? You go to him and ask his cousins ​​to help you grow old. They will feel more comfortable if they have people in their village to tell them about things. If they are still uncomfortable and want to find trouble, You have always complained to the county government and asked the county government to come, how can you still be afraid of them?"

"Hey, Xiaoyu girl, you have an idea. If it's done, I'll go find He Shiliu and ask him to take the old man to Yushu Village to find someone." Village Chief He walked away with his crutch, and then turned around and said: " Xiaoyu girl, if I go to the county to find help, I have to lend you your mule cart."

Village Chief He was very curious about Gu Jinli's family's mule cart. He even dreamed that the mule had given birth to a calf. Then Gu Jinli's family did not care about the mule calf and gave it to his family, which made him extremely happy. . It was only after I woke up that I realized that the mule was a born gelding and could not give birth to cubs.

He Shiliu took Village Chief He to Yushu Village to find Zhang Sixong that day.

Zhang Sisong is a good man and has a sense of loyalty. He is somewhat famous in Yushu Village and has many cousins. With the help of their brothers, Village Chief He straightened things out in Yushu Village within a few days.

In the county government office, Qin Sanlang also used the antidote as bait to get several water bandits to compromise and tell them the location of the water bandits' stockade and the defenses in the stockade.

However, Qin Sanlang was jealous of people coming from Fucheng Yamen, so he did not take the lead. Instead, he told Jiang Qi his idea and asked Jiang Qi to do it.

The method is very simple, that is, all the captured water bandits are poisoned by the poison prepared by Gu Jinli. When they wake up, they feel pain like needles, have no energy, and cough up blood, making it look like tuberculosis.

Jiang Qi told the water bandits that poison would cause bad health. The water bandits carried it for a few days. Those who couldn't bear it told the bandits what happened in the water bandits' village.

Qin Sanlang had the ability of a scout and could draw defense plans. According to the water bandits' oral instructions, he drew several defense plans of the village.

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