The group did not enter Yushu Village immediately, but turned into the mountains halfway.

The leader was very familiar with the area and led the group through the path into the mountains without being seen by anyone.

When it got dark, they came to a mountain col. The leader pointed to the mountain col and said: "Xiao Ye, Qi Ye, there is a cave under the mountain col. It is very hidden inside. Let's stay there first and wait until the matter is settled. , then go to Fucheng to have fun, play for a few days and then return to the village."

My name is Gao Rui. He is an old son of Gao Tong. He is also a ruthless man. He wants to seize the water and become the boss of the bandit village. After hearing that Gao Tong asked his elder brother and Yan Wu to kill Zou Youlian, he felt very dissatisfied and asked for help. After Gao Tong, he was able to bring Lian Qi to Tianfu County.

As long as they can kill Zou Youlian before the boss, the people in the village will know that his ability is no better than that of the boss.

But although Gurui grew up in a water bandit's den, he was raised with good food and drink. He lived in a spacious yard, and at worst it was a awning boat. Where could he have lived in a mountain col?

Gao Rui said dissatisfied: "You just let us live in the mountain col?"

The water bandit brought by Gao Rui immediately said: "Zhang Huzi, this mountain col is full of weeds and mosquitoes, and it's still so humid. How do you want me and Qi Ye to live there?"

Then he said: "Isn't your home just outside the mountain in Yushu Village? We can just go into the village and live there. Anyway, you have to go back to the village to find out the news."

Zhang Huzi suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and said to the young man: "Master, I was thinking of letting you stay here for a few hours. I will go out of the mountain and into the village later. If the village is safe, I will come back immediately." I welcome you into the village."

After hearing this, Gao Rui looked better and nodded.

Lian Qi frowned and persuaded Gao Rui: "Master, we don't have to go to the village to live. We can just stay in the mountain col for a few days. We don't know what the situation is in the village. If someone ambushes us, we..."

Gao Rui interrupted Lian Qi: "Uncle Qi is joking. In a poor village, who can ambush us? Besides, the village is full of unarmed farmers. Even if they find us, they will be the unlucky ones."

Gurui wouldn't even think about killing a few villagers. Moreover, there are twelve of them, and they are all very good at boxing and kicking. With them, what can they have to fear if they live in the village for a few days?

Lian Qi was very dissatisfied when his words were interrupted by Gao Rui, but he knew that Gao Tong loved this little son very much, so he didn't dare to say anything to Gao Rui, so he could only reluctantly nod in agreement.

Seeing that Lian Qi agreed, Gao Rui immediately asked Zhang Huzi to return to the village to check the situation.

"Hey, I'll go back to the village right now. I'll be waiting here." Zhang Huzi immediately left the mountain and entered Yushu Village by taking a detour.

It was dark in Yushu Village. Only an old house in the back village had firelight. That was where Zhang Niuzi lived with about thirty gangsters.

"Damn, it's almost September, why are there so many mosquitoes? They bite me to death." Zhang Guangqiang was so stung by the mosquitoes that he waved two torches around the house.

Zhang Mangzi was hit by the sparks from the torch, and he hissed and cursed: "Damn it Zhang Guangqiang, you'll die if you be careful, the sparks are all splashing on my face. If you swipe those sparks at me again, I'll beat you up." Damn you, I have plenty of strength now anyway, so I can vent my anger by beating you."

"Hey, Zhang Mangzi, you are the only one who has the strength, right? I haven't touched a woman for more than two months, so I still have the strength to fight with you. Do you want a fight? If you want to fight, come and fight. Who is afraid of whom?"

Zhang Mangzi stood up after being told by Zhang Guangqiang, but was stopped by Ge Huizi next to him: "Okay, if you don't sleep at night, why should you beat me? Didn't you see that Brother Niu Zi is already angry?"

Zhang Niuzi came out of the back room with a tigerish face, stared at them and said: "What's the matter, are you uncomfortable hiding in the village with me? If you want to leave, get out now. Not everyone wants the village. You bastards, get out, wait." My eldest brother doesn’t have to intercede for you when you go to the village.”

After Zhang Mangzi and Zhang Guangqiang heard this, they immediately smiled and said, "Brother Niu Zi, we are just playing, we don't want to do anything."

Then he asked: "Brother Niu Zi, when can we go to the village? Brothers have been waiting for so long."

I heard from Zhang Niuzi that the water bandit village where Zhang Huzi was located was great. Not only did he live in a brick house, but he could also drink and eat meat every day, and there were endless amounts of beautiful women to play with. His life was comparable to that of a god.

But they begged Zhang Niuzi for a long time, but Zhang Niuzi said that the village did not accept people easily, and if he wanted to live happily in the village, he had to wait for his brother to send him news.

"If you want to go, you have a chance now." Zhang Huzi walked in with a smile, glanced around the room, and said to Zhang Niuzi: "Boy, you are doing well, you have a lot of people."

There are many gangs in the village. If you don't have anyone under your command, the people in the village will look down on you.

Zhang Huzi was recommended to the village by the Prime Minister of Zou County, and his life was relatively easy in the past. But after Zou County Cheng's accident, Zhang Huzi's life in the village was very sad and he received a lot of looks.

However, if he goes well with his errand this time and takes Niu Zi and these dozens of people with him when he goes back, life in the village will become easier again.

"Brother!" Zhang Niuzi rushed over excitedly when he saw Zhang Huzi: "Brother, hahaha, my brother finally got you back."

"What, this is Brother Huzi?" Everyone in the room was shocked and immediately gathered around to look at Zhang Huzi. Seeing that he was tall and tall, with a beard and scars on his face and exposed arms, they felt in their hearts. Somewhat frightened.

Zhang Huzi looked at them and said: "That's me, do you want to follow me to the village to eat well, drink, play with women?"

"Think, think!" Zhang Guangqiang shouted the loudest, and ran over to Zhang Huzi and said: "Brother Huzi, you have to bring your brother with you. My brother has been looking forward to entering the village with you for more than two years."

Ge Huizi also said: "Brother Huzi, take me with you. Although my brother's surname is not Zhang, the one he admires the most is Brother Huzi. I beg Brother Huzi to help me."

Zhang Mangzi and other gangsters also hurriedly begged Zhang Huzi.

The gangsters who lived in the old houses nearby heard it and ran over one after another. When they found out that the person coming was Zhang Huzi, they were all very excited.

Ge Huizi knew something was going on and said to the other gangsters: "What are you still doing? Go to the village quickly and bring some chickens to entertain Brother Hu Zi."

The gangsters said hurriedly: "Hey, let's go right now."

Zhang Huzi still remembered his mission to the village and said to them: "Don't go with the people in the village, otherwise you will be discovered tomorrow and cause trouble. Go to the nearby village and go with a few chickens and a pig. Do it more cleanly and don't get caught." People are chasing you.”

"Brother Huzi, don't worry. Brothers are used to doing this. They are all very skilled." The gangsters responded and left five of them to go to a nearby village to do some shopping.

The rest of the people gathered in this old house to listen to Zhang Huzi's words.

Zhang Huzi only talked about the time it took to make a cup of tea, praised the water bandit village to the Queen of Heaven, stood up and said: "I have to go out and there are a few distinguished guests to pick up, so you should prepare first."

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