A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 327 The Mo family sells themselves out

Gu Jin'an looked back at her, with a hint of matter-of-factness on his childish face: "Sir, Grandpa San, Grandpa Qin, Dad and Brother Cheng also like sweets. Why can't I like sweets? What you said makes sense. It makes no sense."

Gu Jinli was helpless: "You can eat it, you can eat it. You don't have to drag so many people into the water just to have a sweet tooth."

Brother Cheng is still a child, so he naturally loves sweets.

At Gu Jinan's request, Gu Jinli made a pot of sweet and sour meat. That night, her family, Gu Daya's family, three grandparents, three grandma, and Mr. Qin, a large group of people had a meal happily, which was regarded as a holiday.

The next day, Gu Jinli was busy as usual, following Gu Dashan and Gu Jinan to the workshop to get tofu for He Dacang and the others.

Gu Jinli asked them: "How are the sales of dried tofu and fried tofu?"

He Dacang said with a smile: "The sales are very good. Although the price is two cents more expensive than white tofu, the dried tofu and fried tofu are delicious, especially the fried tofu. Everyone likes to buy it. They say they put a few pieces of fried tofu in to cook it." You don’t even need to put any oil in the vegetables, it saves a lot of oil.”

Liang Dunzi said something similar to He Dacang.

Hearing this, Gu Jinli finally felt at ease and explained: "Remember to remind the guests that it is hot today and white tofu will go rancid easily. Let them buy it and eat it on the same day. Don't leave it for the next day. Otherwise, we will not admit it if it goes rancid." .”

The ancients didn't go to the streets often, and they always bought more things. For example, in winter and spring, customers bought more than ten kilograms of white tofu, or dozens of kilograms, and kept it for later eating. But now they can't keep it. living.

"Hey, we told them not to buy so much."

Liang Dunzi talked about Liang Zhuzi again: "My eldest brother and my sister-in-law went to Hukang County. In four days, on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, their shop will be opened."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Sure, I understand. I will prepare the goods for him on the tenth day of the lunar month."

Liang Zhuzi not only sells spices, but also dried tofu and fried tofu. It is best to get the latter two items fresh, so I made a reservation to pick them up on the same day.

Liang Dunzi picked up the goods together, first went to Daxing Town, and then sent them to Hukang County from Daxing Town. They rented a mule cart and traveled for two hours to get there. It was a bit far, but if they could catch up, it wouldn't delay their business.

After taking the goods to Liang Dunzi and He Dacang, Gu Jinli ran to Gu Dashan and said, "Dad, I want two big jars."

"Okay, I'll get it for you." Gu Dashan went to the warehouse and moved out two large and half-person-high jars, and he and Gu Jinan moved them home for her.

"After breakfast, you can make it slowly." Gu Dashan knew that Gu Jinli was going to make fermented bean curd, so he explained.

"Okay." She responded. After breakfast, she moved the two jars to the kitchen and started processing the fermented tofu.

After the tofu is fermented for seven days, Mucor has grown and the tofu is covered with a layer of long white hairs.

Gu Jinli rolled the tofu piece by piece until the white hair on it was gone, and then sprinkled the spices on the tofu.

Brother Cheng watched from the side, frowning, and said suspiciously: "Second sister, is this really edible?"

It's hairy.

Although he is young, he also knows that eating hairy things will upset his stomach.

Gu Jinli said: "Didn't you ask me last time? Of course you can."

Brother Cheng: "..."

He had asked and said he would trust the second sister, but he had never seen a real hairy tofu, and now that he saw it... he was scared.

Gu Jinli looked back at him and asked, "Don't you believe the second sister?"

Brother Cheng frowned even more. After struggling for a while, he nodded resignedly: "I believe it."

Gu Jinli smiled and pinched his cheek: "Be good, wait until the second sister puts the tofu in the jar, and I will make hairy tofu for you."

Brother Cheng: "...Second sister, our family has had breakfast, there is no need for anything more."

When Gu Jinan heard this, he finally couldn't help laughing and said to Brother Cheng: "You said you believed in your second sister. Since you believe it, you must do something to support it. There is no point in being afraid."

Brother Cheng looked at his eldest brother with a sad face and felt aggrieved. He paused for a moment, then rushed over with a smile and said, "Brother, let's eat together. I'll give you what I can't finish."

Gu Jinan said angrily and funny: "I really hurt you in vain."

Good things don't come to him, but bad things come to him first.

However, he still agreed: "Okay, isn't it just to eat some hairy tofu? Big brother will eat it with you."

The fermented bean curd is a new thing that no one has eaten before. It is still made of moldy tofu. Xiaoyu said that he will sell fermented bean curd in the future. Gu Jinan is afraid that if the customers have problems with the food, they will settle the score with them, so he wants to eat the fermented bean curd first. Take a look at the tofu. If there is a problem, you can find it early.

"Brother is the best." Brother Cheng was very happy and helped Gu Jinli put the tofu sprinkled with spices into a big jar.

Not long after, Gu Jinli packed all the tofu and sealed it: "It will be ready to eat in a few months."

In fact, it can be eaten in a few days, but it will taste better after marinating for about a month.

"Let's go make the edamame tofu." Gu Jinli took the remaining two large pottery bowls of edamame tofu and fried them until golden, then mixed a bowl of sauce and poured it in, simmered for a while, then put it on the plate: "It's ready to eat. Come on, brother Cheng, eat quickly."

Brother Cheng hid behind Gu Jinan: "Brother, eat first."

Gu Jinan had no choice but to pick up his chopsticks and eat four or five pieces: "It tastes good. It has a different flavor. Everyone should like it."

Then he said: "Don't eat it yet, wait a quarter of an hour before eating."

Gu Jinli: "Brother, are you still worried that you will be poisoned?"

Gu Jinan: "I'm afraid you will be poisoned."

Gu Jinli: "..." To put it bluntly, I don't believe in what she made.

But she had nothing to refute. The ancients were always very careful about what they put into their mouths. After all, many people died from eating randomly.

More than a quarter of an hour later, Gu Jinan had no stomachache or any symptoms of poisoning such as turning blue on the face. He picked up two bowls of hairy tofu and said, "It's ready to eat. Let's go eat with the third grandma and the others."

However, the third grandfather, the third grandmother and Gu Dashan were not there. Mrs. Cui said: "They went to see off He San Leizi and Lao Zhu. The two of them are going to find the victims in Changping Town today and ask if your Aunt Fuya is there." News from the family.”

On the day Lei Wuye came to pick up the goods, Jiang Jiao brought a brochure. The third grandfather and the third grandmother had been thinking about finding someone, but they were busy lately, building a shop and celebrating the holidays, so they delayed looking for someone until after the festival.

"You guys eat first and leave a bowl for your third grandma and the others." Cui said. She also tasted two pieces of hairy tofu and thought it was quite delicious.

Brother Cheng previously disliked hairy tofu, but after eating it, he fell in love with the taste, and he was the one who ate the most.

They finished eating and waited for half an hour before Gu Dashan and the others came back, along with Village Chief He and Mo Chunyue.

Gu Jinli frowned when he saw them, knowing something was wrong.

Sure enough, Village Chief He said with anger: "Old Mo's family is really embarrassed. The whole family sold themselves to the Lu family and became servants of the Lu family!"

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