"Really?" Zou Yuwan was very happy. She had long been tired of living in this shabby countryside, but she couldn't understand her hatred in her heart: "What about those families who fled from famine? They haven't suffered retribution yet."

If they just leave like this, wouldn't it be in vain?

Zou Yuzhen's face darkened again when he saw that she was not opening any pot.

Zou Yuwan's face turned pale and she hurriedly called to Hua'er: "Damn girl, what are you doing standing still? Go back to the house and pack your things."

"Hey, slave, let's go now." The master and servant left in a hurry, not daring to stay here longer.

Before leaving, the Zou brothers and sisters visited Lu Laosan once and said to him: "Third uncle, let's leave first. You can take care of yourself in peace. When Yuan Fei is admitted to the imperial examination and becomes an official, I will hire an imperial doctor for you." When you come back, you will be cured."

"Oh~ let's go~" Lu Laosan still spoke crookedly and could only speak two or three words. When he heard that Zou Yuzhen and his sister were about to leave, he hurriedly shouted: "No~ we can't leave~"

Mr. Lu said: "Third brother, don't keep your nephew. If your nephew doesn't come back, Zou County Cheng will almost forget about their brother and sister."

We have to let them go back and hang out in front of Zou County Cheng more often, so that they can keep their favor and avoid being separated by their direct descendants.

Lu Laosan was obviously not happy. After gathering enough strength, he shouted: "No~ no! No~ can't~ let it go..."

Before he could finish speaking, he ran out of energy and could no longer speak. He could only breathe heavily.

Zou Yuzhen looked at Lu Laosan who looked like a dead fish and felt extremely disgusted. What evil had he done in his previous life to meet such a maternal wife in this life?

He really wanted to strangle these vulgar, useless, useless losers who were just dragging him down one by one.

After Lu Laosan took a breath, he said again: "Zhang~Zhang Niuzi~let him..."

"No!" Zou Yuzhen said with a sullen face and gritted his teeth: "Third uncle, please don't act recklessly. If something happens to the Lu family again, my father will never let you off lightly."

He added: "But remember the Sun family. The entire Sun family was sentenced to exile and all their wealth was dispersed. The county magistrate is now worried that he has no merit. If the Lu family has trouble again and is discovered, the county magistrate will not be lenient."

He's not afraid of something happening to the Lu family, he just doesn't want to be implicated by the Lu family anymore.

"Zhang Niuzi and his group will definitely use it, but now is not the time. When the time comes, I will naturally let them take action."

Lu Laosan's eyes widened when he heard this. He knew that Zou Yuzhen had a plan, so he hurriedly responded: "Okay~Okay~Okay..."

Zou Yuzhen was tired of Lu Laosan and didn't want to stay any longer. He took Zou Yuwan out of the house and told Mr. Lu: "Grandpa, don't act rashly during this period. I will deal with those families."

Mr. Lu said: "Brother Zhen, don't worry. Grandpa is a very capable person. He will not let Zhang Niuzi touch those companies before he is sure."

After the fall of the Sun family, Mr. Lu was worried every day, fearing that the Lu family would end up like the Sun family.

Another thing is that the county magistrate is different from before. In the past, he was just trying to make peace with him, hoping for a safe transfer. Now he raised the knife for the sake of merit. He was afraid that the magistrate's knife would hit the Lu family's head.

"It's good that grandpa understands. Revenge is not urgent. The important thing is to kill them in one fell swoop." Zou Yuzhen finished explaining to Mr. Lu and left in the car with Zou Yuwan.

After two hours of running, the mule cart returned to Zou Mansion.

The servants of the Zou Mansion were very surprised when they saw them coming back. The third young master and the fifth young lady had been in the countryside for many days, and now they came back suddenly, or at night. Could it be that something happened to the Lu family again?

Aunt Lu's people were very worried, but Mrs. Zou's people were very happy. People on both sides rushed to inform their masters.

Zou Yuzhen ignored the secret actions of his servants and said to Zou Yuwan: "You go see Madam first, and I'll go to the study to pay my respects to Dad."

The brother and sister are back, and he has to show his face in front of the old man.

Zou Xiancheng is working by midnight in his study. After County Magistrate Xu removed half of the district chiefs in the county, it has been very difficult for him recently. Sixty percent of the removed district chiefs were his people, and they all came to him. Ask him to think of a way to let them become village chiefs again.

But this matter was an order from the magistrate. The magistrate also sent a memorial to the capital, saying that half of Dachu's li chiefs would be removed to reduce Dachu's expenditure.

The prefect's eyes were red with excitement for such a great achievement. How could he, an assistant officer, have the ability to object?

For the current plan, we can only find some excuses, slowly demote the current mayor, and then replace him with his people.

"Master, you have been busy for almost two hours since you came back from the office. Let's take a rest first, have a bowl of soup, and then talk to your son." Zhong Cuilan grabbed Zou Xiancheng's hand, pressed it on her stomach, and smiled. Qianxi said: "You don't know, your son is very naughty. He probably didn't see you during the day, so he started making trouble in Lan'er's belly, asking Lan'er to have you as his father~"

At the end of Zhong Cuilan's words, there was a bit of an elongated and upward ending, coupled with the soft and waxy voice, a serious word, she said it suddenly changed its taste.

Zou Xiancheng put his arms around Zhong Cuilan's waist, pinched her waist, stared at her belly and said, "Could this be a monkey? Why is it that she is already causing trouble even though she is not even three months old?"

Zhong Cuilan leaned her body towards Zou Xiancheng, twisted her waist and said: "The tiger father has no dogs, but I am not as good as a father~"

These words spoke to Zou Xiancheng's heart, and he laughed and said, "I am so powerful."

Looking at the entire Tianfu County, how many men in their sixties can still have a son?

Zou Yuzhen stood outside the study. When he heard this, he was so disgusted. This old guy has an old heart. He may die in bed one day!

He suppressed his nausea and said to Zou Jiang who was guarding outside the study: "Uncle Jiang, these are some articles written by Yuan Fei. Please help me pass them on to my father. Tell my father again that Yuan Fei has already reprimanded Lu Everyone in the family, they don’t dare to cause trouble again, please don’t worry dad.”

Zou Jiang was not named Zou before, but Jiang. He was ten years younger than the Prime Minister of Zou County. He was once a famous child prodigy in Luchang County. He was familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics at the age of ten. He was born as a child at the age of thirteen. Because of his talent, his reputation spread far and wide. Cheng and other literati also made a special trip to visit him.

But when Zou Jiang was fifteen years old, he suffered a great disaster. He took his widowed mother and his newly married daughter-in-law to Fucheng to take the college entrance examination, but they encountered bandits. Both his mother and daughter-in-law died, and he himself was seriously injured. Fortunately, he was saved by Zou County Cheng, who also went to take the college entrance examination. , and then he survived.

Zou Jiang encountered a catastrophe. His wrist was injured and he was shaking when writing. He had no hope of success. He was grateful for Zou Xian Cheng's life-saving grace, so he sold himself to Zou Xian Cheng and became Zou Xian Cheng's servant.

Zou Xiancheng trusted Zou Jiang very much and often took him with him. For so many years, Zou Jiang was very popular in the Zou family. Even Zou Yuzhen had to respect him.

Zou Jiang took the articles and said, "Third Young Master, please wait a moment. I will send the articles to you right now."

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