A Hogwarts Esoteric Leader

Chapter 227: Reciprocity (5)

Body 227. Reciprocity between inside and outside (5)

"That's not necessarily true." It was the wizarding scholar who spoke.

"How can you call it despicable?" he said. "It's a legitimate pursuit."

"How can this be called a legitimate pursuit?" Connie retorted. "Approaching a loved one in disguise is like a hunter disguised in sheep's clothing to hunt wild sheep. Hunting? How can a pursuit initiated with a hunting heart be called legitimate love?"

She persevered, as if she were an expert on it.

However, the wizard scholar laughed: "Your Highness Princess, you have never been in love, have you?"

When he was mocking, he liked to use his honorific title, which made the client listen to it. Moreover, these words also hit Connie's weakness and pain at once. She had never been in love, and part of the reason for her escape was because of her love for love. Have expectations, and never want to marry politically before you have tasted the taste of love.

What she thought at the time was that if she met the right person, she would travel to the ends of the earth, but now, because of the situation in Europe, she has made up her mind to go back.

Thinking of this, Connie couldn't help but feel sad, and her tears unwittingly overflowed like spring rain filling a water tank, but then she wiped it casually as if her eyes were getting sand.

How can you make others pitiful!

Then she sarcastically said: "Yes, I have never been in love, and I will soon dedicate myself to the general trend of the world. Is this fortunate or unfortunate?"

"It's fortunate." Ignoring Connie's stare, the wizard scholar said, "Love will only make people bruised and bruised, especially with an identity like you, in today's troubled world, if you want to fall in love freely, I am afraid you will talk about the other party. The family is ruined."

"You—" Connie was so angry that she was speechless.

The wizarding scholar continued: "And if you knew the pain of love, you wouldn't pursue it. There is a saying used to describe someone who is in love. It is called falling in love, which shows its drowning nature, and love is the easiest to change. People who are in love are burned into black coal by the flame of love, and there are many people who hate each other because of love. This is the so-called love and murder."

He slammed and refuted: "The reason for this is that love is not driven by happiness, but by pain. In order to avoid this pain, we can only find ways to get the other party and fly like this. In this case, , No matter what method you use, as long as you don't put the cart before the horse, then the heart of love comes first, and the method of hunting comes second, for example—"

He paused and said, "It's like if you want to eat meat and vegetables, you have to kill a pig, but your heart is to eat vegetables, not to kill. In this way, you should understand."

Connie was speechless. In terms of eloquence, she couldn't say seven more mouths than a wizard scholar. This guy has a three-inch tongue.

Moreover, although he was annoyed, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case, but I don't know why, and I am still unwilling for no reason.

The therapist on the side suddenly said, "So, what should we do after the pursuit? The disguise will eventually be removed, just like the potion will eventually work according to its original nature. shift."

Gu Lu just heard the wizarding scholar say: "People are more complicated than potions. The reason for this is that when making a certain potion, one of the most basic goals of the pharmacist is to maintain the nature of the potion. , otherwise, just do other medicines, right?"

The therapist nodded, thoughtfully: "Indeed. But what's the difference between people?"

The wizarding scholar said: "The complexity of man is to make the fake into the real."

"Fake it?" the therapist asked. "What?"

The wizard scholar said, "Is the me of this second, the me of the second before, and the me of the next second, the same person?"

"Did you mean the Ship of Theseus?" The healer frowned.

"Yes," said the wizard-scholar, "since you know, I won't go into details. In short, as time progresses, there will be changes in the new self that gradually replace the old self. We won't discuss which self. It’s the real me, there are so many meaningless questions about why I don’t develop hysteria, I just want to say, how does this process happen in humans?”

He said: "In the body, it is metabolism, food and then excrement and urine are released, the essence is absorbed, and the pickled sap is excreted, while in human nature, it is giving and getting, pursuing something, paying the price, if it goes well If you do, you will get results, and if you don’t go well, you will learn a lesson. This kind of giving and receiving is real, so it is possible to change the nature. This is a matter of course, and it is what distinguishes human beings as intelligent creatures from other animals. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Today's morality and concepts are all obtained in this way, even magic."

He smiled and said: "And love happens to be the emotion that can give and receive the most. Nothing can cause turmoil more than love. Wars in history are often triggered by love. People who are in love will give like crazy, which is rare in any other relationship. Naturally, there are also failures and successes. Failures are not mentioned, only regrets, and once successful, they will strengthen themselves in What you do when you are in love is also recognized in your heart. People will recognize those behaviors that can make them successful. No matter what the disguise is, as long as the heart recognizes it, it will become what he is now. This is love can make people forge ahead. reason."

"It's as if," he said, before he could finish, "it's like running in the direction of Rome to chase a wild deer, and when chasing a wild deer, people also unknowingly arrive at Rome. Before you know it. Among them, people's situation and temperament have changed, which is what interests me."

So the therapist was also persuaded. No, not so much persuasion, but rather a diversion of attention in other directions.

She frowned, the ship of Theseus, making a fake into a reality, this is indeed a mystery that has never been involved in potions, is this a natural flaw in the knowledge of potions?

No, she thought, it's just that the predecessors haven't developed this far.

On the other hand, Barrow, who was on the side, was stunned for a moment. He had no idea that a simple idea of ​​his own could contain such rich and profound truths. He couldn't help but admire the wizards and scholars.

And Yonefo, who has been watching from the sidelines, also has some thoughts in his heart...

He asked, "What do you mean when you said that even magic is like that?"

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