A Hogwarts Esoteric Leader

Chapter 223: Reciprocity (1)

It is not easy to remember is a modest word, but in fact, I have completely remembered it.

Yuneefo stepped forward calmly, and touched the iron door with both hands. Since there was no attack, the defensive circle was not triggered, but it did not mean that the door could be pushed open in this way. As long as there was a stronger force, Whether it's the impact or the driving force, the magic circle will stop his actions.

This magic circle connects the wall and the earth with a radius of dozens of miles. Facing it, it is like facing the gods of this land.

If you don't know its specific academic name, let's just call it the "Land God" array.

With a little force from Yunevo, corresponding slight ripples appeared on the iron door, and then with more force, the ripples became larger and more obvious. The "suction" brought about by the principle.

After a long time of tempering, he has gradually understood what this "suction" is. This "suction" is a "gap", and the "gap" naturally needs to be filled, so there is some kind of attraction in the dark. Not necessarily for the key, but for something it lacks.

Just as men and women are attracted to each other, the shy person and the cautious person are attracted to each other, a natural phenomenon in the dynamic change of yin and yang.

In contrast, using a key is more like using a fake to deceive the door to get in, like a "locksmith" using technology to break through an empty door to steal treasure.

And in this quiet induction, Unieff gradually groped for some unnatural points of the magic circle. According to the wizard scholars, these points should be the connection points he said.

Yes, such a huge defensive circle is naturally not a single body, but is made of dozens of large and small circles, using the principle of magic mosaic.

It is impossible for man-made objects to be as seamless as the universe, not to mention that dozens of blocks are linked together, and these connection points become flaws. It was very cleverly covered up, but under the special perception given by the "Revelation" criterion and the quite detailed prompts from wizard scholars, it was slowly exposed like a girl taking off her clothes.

Of course, if you are an ordinary person, even if you see these flaws, there is nothing you can do, because these flaws are extremely small, and they are fleeting in the operation of the magic circle. How can you grasp it?

This is why strength should be matched with knowledge, and action should be matched with vision.

At this time, the therapist suddenly said to Barrow, who was riding a skeleton horse in the sky: "It is said that the Nightstrals will be infected with undead poison if they eat it. Do you have an antidote ready?"

Barrow laughed and said: "Where do you need such an antidote? Do you really believe that you can defeat the defensive circle? Now your performance is the best antidote that makes me happy."

The therapist stopped talking.

At the same time, Unieff was already in action.

What he wants to do is not to defeat the entire defensive array, but to separate the big iron gate from the entire defensive array, that is, to cut off the connection. Although this is not easy, it is still much less difficult than the entire defensive array.

He cast an impact spell on the iron gate with his right hand, causing the ripples of the magic circle to rippling. In the process, part of the magic circle was attacked, and the external pressure on this part had to be shared with other parts, while the other parts were To send strength here to support.

There is a certain time difference here. If there is no time difference, the magic circle will not even ripple, that is, it is truly perfect and seamless.

And the flaws, that is, the connections, are also manifested in the form of time differences, and it takes longer for these forces to flow.

Taking advantage of these time differences, Unieff started further operations.

His left hand began to radiate the brilliance of magic, and he was disguising the power of the withdrawal spell, disguising it as a power similar to the magic circle.

This kind of camouflage works by changing the surface shape of the magic power. In simple terms, it looks like a part of the power transported by the magic circle on the surface, but the inside is actually a different kind of magic spell.

It is said that the Internet hackers of later generations use the same principle, which is the same kind of wisdom reflected in different technologies in different fields.

Of course, to do this, you need to be extremely meticulous about the grasp of magic power, which is also an extremely difficult challenge for him.

In the real world, because of his huge magical power, he ran wild for a time, which caused the repairing curse incident in the London neighborhood. Later, although he got better, it is still not particularly strong, and even in terms of the detailed perception of magic power, it is not as good as Hermione came more slender, at least Hermione could feel the change in magic power after receiving the feedback from the Seed of Knowledge, but he didn't feel it at all.

This is the relationship between volume and control of details. The larger the volume, the more difficult it is to manage to the details. Generally speaking, in this case, you can only rely on the same instinct as the free market to manipulate. .

But in the ten or so years of this historical copy, Unieff has used the power of the Code of Revelation to patch up control.

If it is said that the power brought by the principle of lamp is grand, huge and glorious, then the power brought by the principle of enlightenment is delicate, subtle and even feminine.

In the process of practicing magic, he uses the principle of Kai to find the "gap" in which his magic power operates, and follows these "gap" to decompose it down to the next level~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His control of magic power also reaches another kind of boundary.

This is one of the reasons why he can break most of the defensive spells with the extraction spell.

At this moment, his extraction spell has entered the operation of the defensive array at the iron gate in the form of "simulation" and "support". The next thing to do is to peel off the shell and try to be poor. See you.

I saw that the invisible barrier at the big iron gate suddenly became swollen, but immediately dented again, and after a wave rolled like a quilt, it finally burst open. With the sound of banging, the big iron gate was slowly pushed open.

Unieff used a softer technique to break through the strongest defensive barrier of the era in Barrow's eyes, while Bart was still sitting on the back of Thestrals without reacting.

But Thestral reacted. This kind of skinny creature with dragon head, horse body and bat wings that can only be seen by people who have seen death is actually **** sensitive. It shook violently and threw the unprepared Barrow down , he flew away as soon as he turned his head, and the direction was naturally the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

On the other hand, Barrow fell to the ground by surprise, but luckily he didn't fly too high, so he didn't hurt his muscles or bones.

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