A Hogwarts Esoteric Leader

Chapter 214: mental time (1)

"Rune..." Anna hesitated for a moment. Although she didn't know the specifics of Rune's injury, she knew that it was not the case even if she only looked at the surface. Up to now, no matter what kind of worship she had towards Rune in the past, Now it has become a real enemy.

Of course, the main enemy is still Union, she is only incidental.

But Best suddenly came over and said that she wanted to talk about Rune. She really couldn't think of anything to discuss.

"It's like this." Best said, "The physical injury is not bad. Although it is very serious, it can still be cured with the resources I have. But the problem is that there is something wrong with his spirit. Simple and simple It's just a bit of a mental disorder..."


Anna didn't know what to say. On the one hand, she couldn't imagine what Rune's insanity was like, and on the other hand, she didn't know what Best's purpose was.

"What do you want to say?" She sighed. "If I can help, I will try my best to help."

She still chose to ease the conflict. Although she didn't know whether the conflict could be eased, she still didn't want to sharpen the struggle.

"Thank you for your generosity." Best used honorifics, and he kept his attitude very low. In terms of rank, he is still one level higher than Anna, "Actually, it's nothing, I just want to know What happened at that time, although I saw the situation at the time as an outsider, I think the person involved was more aware, and Rune was no longer able to answer the question consciously, so I wanted to ask another person. It's Mr. Masu."

"Of course, it's not free," Best said. "I've prepared a small gift for this."

He took out a list, and Anna glanced at it, a little surprised, because it was not a five-level list, but a six-level list.

"You and Mr. Macou can choose either."

Anna couldn't help but be moved, but still a little embarrassed.

"Yunevo just took the medicine..." she said, "I don't know if he can answer, whether he is willing to answer, can you wait here, I'll ask."

"Please," Best said. "I'll just wait here."

His attitude was completely different from his first meeting.

So Anna walked back and asked Union: "Is it alright?"

"What - what - ah?" Unieff looked up at Anna.

"..." Anna turned to look at the therapist, her eyes clearly asking what was going on, but the therapist was adjusting the position of the oversized wizard hat on her back. Didn't notice her eyes.

Anna had to ask, "What happened to Union?"

"What?" the therapist asked, tilting his head.

"..." Anna suddenly remembered that if Univer's only current brain is offline, then the therapist's brain is often offline, and her mind is always full of strange theories and ideas.

She had to ask again.

The therapist finally picked up the signal this time.

"It's the effect of the ultra-high concentration of demulcent." The therapist said, "Now Yunevo should be in a state of extreme laziness, and his senses have become very dull. For him, the time in the outside world is three seconds. It's only equivalent to one second in a normal state..."

"Stop!" Anna said. If it was normal, she would be quite interested in accepting these complex concepts, but she doesn't have the spare cognitive resources now. "Can you say it briefly?"

"It's a state similar to sleep, um, more precisely, like sleepwalking. If I'm not mistaken, he should have been extremely excited before, feeling that time is speeding up, and now he needs to use a demulcent to relax his mind." The therapist replied.

"Then how do I communicate with him now, can I wake him up with a bucket of water?" Anna asked.

This was of course a joke, but the therapist replied solemnly: "If you want to use a bucket of water to wake you up, not to mention whether you can wake up so easily, if you wake up, the treatment will be in vain. Now, I have observed that in the last battle, Unieff's behavior is very different from the previous duels, so it can be simply judged that he is very unstable, and if he does this kind of behavior, I don't know if he will release that kind of The fire burned us all."


"Also, it doesn't take that much trouble to communicate," the therapist said. "You just need to be patient and ask a few more times, speak slowly, and he should be able to hear it."

"Just say that," Anna said.

So Anna asked for Univer's opinion in a slow tone that reminded her of talking to her old grandparents as a child.

After a while, Unieff nodded and said, "Okay—"

I don't know if his current decision is the same as normal, but after all, he agreed.

So Anna called Best over, and taught him the method of communicating with the present Univer.

She is not worried about any unfavorable actions by Best, not to mention the combat effectiveness of the agent. With so many people here, plus the protective measures of the arena, what can Best be like?

Best also asked obediently.

Such a complicated question was naturally asked several times, only to hear Unieff slowly sleepwalking and saying, "Emmm, didn't you tell Rune to do this?"

He glanced over slowly, and although he was in an extremely slow state, the logic was still exceptionally clear.

If it weren't for Best's help on the sidelines in the end, Rune would have burned half to death at most, but his brain would not have gone wrong.

"I didn't expect this to happen. I just think that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ still has a chance. Besides, Luen's wish is like this." Best said.

Yunev's response was extremely slow, and after a while, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

In this extremely slow state, he didn't care much about small details, and could only grasp the development of things from the big context. Best's statement made him feel a sense of incongruity.

But he didn't ask, anyway, it was about Rune's side, so he told the situation at that time.

"Rune used time magic, but his attainment in this area is obviously not as good as his attainment in space magic. I mean, he didn't choose the right object and planned the scope of magic. In addition, his The magic effect is also unstable, causing different time flow rates to act on him."

He paused and said, "It seems that it still affects his spirit, or so, I heard that the human brain can be divided into the left brain and the right brain, and the left brain and the right brain can be divided into two parts. Subdivided into smaller areas, it may be that the flow velocity at different times has caused these spiritual host areas to change to varying degrees, so that the spiritual body is distorted."

"Of course, this is just my guess. I'm not a therapist, so I'm not responsible for speaking." It could be seen that his state was still somewhat pleasant.

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