A Hogwarts Esoteric Leader

Chapter 136: capital (1)

Speaking of which, time is truly a wonderful thing.

In the same class, Snape can make people feel like a new year, but if he really feels that he needs to learn a little knowledge and technology, such as now, he feels that there is not enough time.

Time stretches freely at the level of consciousness, as if it can be stretched very long and shortened very short.

But what's interesting is that whenever you feel that time is difficult, or you feel that time is too tight, the real time is actually just turning by second by second. Just staring at the watch can find this fact, as if demarcating a domain Limit, it will not really be one second or ten thousand years or consciousness will freeze.

This also leads to the fact that in the real world, it is very difficult to achieve something overnight. The greater the achievement, the more impossible it is to achieve overnight.

Therefore, a class passed by in an ethereal manner, and before it had time to learn that specific ritual, it had already passed in a practical sense.

Of course, this is also because of the need to take care of everyone's progress. Just drawing an absolute circle and an absolute pentagram, checking and guiding one by one, has taken up most of the time.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the get out of class bell rang on time, and Gabriel didn't delay at all, so everyone could leave after clearing their desks.

He was pulled by Professor Flitwick to discuss some theoretical issues.

"Can any spell be put into the empty magic circle?"

"How many spells can an empty magic circle put at most?"

"What is the principle of injecting magic into the magic circle?"

And so on, question after question.

For the simple questions, Gabriel answered immediately.

For example, for the first question listed, the answer she gave was that the three Unforgivable Curses could not be put into the magic circle.

For the second question, the answer she gave was seven.

As for the third question, she said that it was a bit complicated, and it would take a long time to conduct a complete discussion, which is obviously not available now.

Because she had made an appointment with Professor McGonagall to see if there was anything that needed to be added or cut in her newly arranged office and dormitory.

Her office is on the sixth floor of the main tower, and she welcomes Professor Flitwick when everything is in order.

Of course, Unieff and Hermione are also welcome.

Hermione naturally asked about the relationship between Gabriel and Union, but Gabriel said mysteriously, "Then it depends on what Union sees."

To this, Unieff had only one answer.

"I am your father."

No origin involved, just an emotional statement.

Gabriel shrugged, lighthearted and indifferent.

Hermione looked at Gabriel, then at Union, her eyes narrowed, lost in thought.

After that, I went back to the common room, and Hermione rarely went all the way with Unieff.

Of course, if you don't want to go all the way, you can't go all the way, unless you take a long way, but Hermione isn't that awkward yet.

But the air pressure is still a little low.

However, I don't know whether they are acquainted or ignorant, the other Ravenclaw friends just left them space to be alone.

hehe hehe-

To ease the embarrassment, Union said: "Tell you a good thing."

"Good thing?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah." Unieff nodded.

"What good?" Hermione asked.

"According to the reliable information I have received, Hindlesh has woken up, and maybe he will enter Mansu again in the near future."

Hermione nodded subconsciously, but when she really realized what Unieff said, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, and with her brown-blond hair, she looked like a little lion.

"Really?" she said in surprise.

"Really." Unieff affirmed, "However, it's hard to say when she will enter Mansu again. After all, it depends on personal wishes."

"What I'm saying," he said, "is that if you see Hindlesh lately, please don't tell her about my existence."

"Why?" Hermione asked.

"Because she has a very powerful wizard by her side, I can't guarantee whether he will obtain some information through Indleshi." Unieff said, "We must keep some secrets as a trump card."

"Are you saying that you are the trump card?" Hermione showed a look of disgust.

"I don't want to be either," Union said, "but in reality, there aren't many options. What Hindlesh didn't know was what happened while she was in a coma. How much has changed during the coma?"

"In short, don't let her know for the time being that there is still an agent." He emphasized, "This is beneficial to my actions."

"What you have to do is to find out whether she is safe now, whether she is sleeping well or not, and whether she is eating well," said Unieff.

"I'll do the same without you telling me," said Hermione.

"By the way," Univef added, "if it wasn't for me, you probably wouldn't know Indreich's name by now, so it's best not to reveal this. If it does, it's from Mr. Night's Watch. learned."

Hermione was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Can I borrow the name of Mr. Night Watch?"

"Mr. Night's Watch doesn't matter."

"Hey, can your disrespectful appearance be regarded as Mr. Night's Watch's agent?"

"Of course it is," Union said. "The reason why you are so restrained is because you haven't understood the true meaning of Mr. Night's Watch. If you do, you will find that Mr. Night's Watch really doesn't matter."

Hermione squinted like a hawk, as if thinking about the credibility of Unieff's words.

"What is the true meaning of Mr. Night's Watch?" she asked.

"It's hard to express in words, you just experience it yourself." Unieff said prevaricately.

"Didn't you say you didn't say it?" she said angrily.

"It's just that you didn't understand it." Unieff said, "It's hard to express in words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It means that it is beyond the scope of our language."

"Beyond...language?" Hermione mused.

Unieff didn't know what she was thinking, in fact, he just found a reason to prevaricate.

Back in the common room, Hermione successfully resolved today's eagle knocker problem. What surprised Unieff was that the Doomsday series of problems had ended.

And according to Hermione, since yesterday, the topic has changed to a different field, and it has become a question of which one comes first and which comes last.

This means that the Doomsday series lasted for a total of seven days, and the last question was on Saturday night.

The title was: "When is the end?"

"It's actually a brain teaser," said Hermione.

"Brain teaser?" Unieff asked.

"Yeah, so it's hard to crack with ordinary ideas," Hermione said. "It was also Prefect Hilliard who solved the problem at the time, otherwise everyone would be locked out."

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