A Genius and a God Fell In Love

Chapter 136: Stay steady and don’t panic

The rabbit said apologetically: "I only made soup for one person. Sorry guests, if you don't like radishes, all you have is cabbage."

The player's eyes fell on a few big cabbages on the chopping board: It wasn't going to give them the raw cabbage directly, was it? ?

The young man quickly said: "Let's eat radishes. I like radishes."

He took a cracker from the plate and took a bite, his eyes widened: "It's so sweet and crispy!"

The young man also picked up the radish, looked at it over and over and said, "This is the first time in my life to eat pink radish."

Nangong Nan and Qian Xia also took one each, leaving only the peach on the plate.

The rabbit said: "Guest, do you want some cabbage? I can cut some for you."

"No, no, no, I also like to eat radishes."

Taozi quickly picked up the last radish.

Rather than eating raw cabbage, she would choose carrots.

The rabbit ignored them. He was busy arranging the kitchen utensils and stirring the soup in the pot.

The soup was obviously boiling and the aroma was overflowing, but it didn't turn off the heat and had no intention of eating.

Tao Zi drooled with greed, and her stomach growled even more.

Holding the radish in his hand, he looked straight into the pot.

She licked her lips, thought of a plan, and shouted: "Mr. Rabbit, it seems that a few chickens have come outside and are pecking at your cabbage."

The rabbit immediately put down what he was holding and strode out.

Tao Zi immediately rushed to the stove, picked up a spoon and scooped out a spoonful of vegetable soup, blew on it a few times and drank it without scalding her mouth.

"Wow, it tastes delicious. This rabbit is a chef."

The young man looked at it with greedy eyes, "I'll try it too."

Between the two of us, you had a spoonful and I had a spoonful, and half of the pot of soup was quickly gone.

Taozi called to the other three people: "You guys come too. If you miss this pot of soup, you may not have it next time."

As soon as she finished speaking, there were footsteps at the door.

The two people quickly dropped their spoons and ran back to sit at the table.

The rabbit said to himself angrily: "Some animals just like to eat the fruits of other people's labor. It's so disgusting. When the long-billed crow comes, catch them all."

Tao Zi drank the vegetable soup and was finally satisfied.

She took the carrot and gnawed it and asked: "Mr. Rabbit, where are the houses of the seven dwarfs?"

Rabbit said: "The tree house in the south is their house, but a black-haired witch came there recently, so you should be careful."

"Thanks, we got it."

After eating the carrots, several people said goodbye and left.

Taozi said: "You guys are at a huge loss for not drinking vegetable soup. It's really delicious."

Qian Xia pressed the brim of his hat coldly: "I hope you two won't have diarrhea later."


The two were stunned.

Tao Zi quickly walked a few steps to catch up, "Qian Xia, what do you mean? Is there something wrong with the vegetable soup made by the rabbit? But everyone ate the carrots it gave us."

Hearing this, the young man's expression also changed, and he said anxiously: "Yes, the pink rabbit will not be poisoned."

Nangong Nan coughed in a low voice and said softly: "The rabbit gave us the carrots, but the vegetable soup was not given to us."

Upon hearing this, Taozi and the boy suddenly panicked.

The young man said anxiously: "Although it didn't give us the vegetable soup, it can't be poisoned. Does it want to poison itself?"

Taozi stopped and felt it, and there was nothing wrong with her body.

She quickly followed and said to the boy: "Stay still and don't panic. It should be fine. It's been several minutes since I finished eating. I don't feel anything. How about you?"

The young man touched his belly and said, "I don't seem to feel anything either."

The young man smiled and said: "They are scaring you. Don't worry. Does the rabbit have the ability to predict the future? He deliberately poisoned the soup and waited for you to drink it?"

The young man was comforted and nodded: "What you said makes sense, and except for the housekeeper, the other NPCs have no ill intentions towards us, and the rabbit seems quite polite."

Just as she was talking, Taozi's expression suddenly changed.

Nangong Nan first noticed something was wrong with her, stopped and asked, "What's wrong?"

The others looked at her quickly, and the young man looked at her nervously.

Taozi raised her hand to cover her stomach and said, "It hurts a little, ah, I can't stand it anymore, my stomach hurts so much."

With that said, he held his stomach and ran towards the woods.

The boy was so frightened that his face was dripping with sweat, "Is there really something wrong with the vegetable soup?"

Suddenly, there was a sound in his stomach, followed by severe pain.

"I want to go for convenience too!"

He held his stomach and ran towards the woods.

The remaining three people: "..."

The young man was still frightened, but fortunately he did not eat.

Looking at the two people's retreating figures, the young man said: "It looks really menacing. The young man's legs and feet are all strong."

Nangong Nan said softly: "Let's wait for them where they are."

The young man asked curiously: "Have you already guessed that there is something wrong with the vegetable soup?"

Qian Xia glanced at him and said coldly: "I suddenly thought of it."

After saying that, she added, "Even if I have guessed it a long time ago, I have no obligation to tell others."


The young man's expression changed, he glanced at Nangong Nan again, but didn't say anything else.

After waiting for about ten minutes, two people walked out of the woods, one on the left and the other on the right.

As a result, before they could reach Nangong Nan and the others, they ran into the woods again, clutching their stomachs.

Even with Taozi's cheerful and joyful temperament, she couldn't help but contort her expression and wanted to curse.

I was so greedy that my legs broke when I ran to the toilet.

Why didn't she keep her mouth shut?

The second time I squatted for a longer time, until the judge's countdown broadcast sounded again.

[Oh hehe~ Dear players, we meet again~ Five hours of game time have passed, there are still five hours left, family members, keep up the good work~]

Taozi stood up holding the tree, her feet and legs were numb.

Try taking two steps and feel that your legs are no longer your own.

She vowed never to be greedy again.

Occasionally, there were a few calls of birds and animals in the forest.

Taozi's nerves were tense, and she watched her surroundings vigilantly, praying that the long-billed crows would not suddenly appear.


Something fell from above.

She raised her head sensitively, and saw a leaf the size of a palm falling down.

This distraction prevented him from avoiding the obstacle at his feet.

Her right foot stepped on something, almost causing her numb legs to fall.


She looked down and saw a dirty Barbie doll lying quietly in the middle of the long grass.

The doll was about as long as her little arm.

Wearing a lace hat on her head and a pink tutu skirt.

The doll's nose was sunken, and the pink blush on her face was stained with grass clippings.

It was obvious that she had just stepped on the doll's face, crushing it.

Taozi bent down to pick up the doll and patted the dirt on his face.

He looked over and over and said to himself: "Is this the doll I saw at the playground before... Why is it here?"

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