A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 121 Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson (Released on No. 31)

On a new day, Damocles Belby had breakfast and went to his first class in good spirits.

According to Felix's suggestion, after negotiating with Dumbledore, he visited twelve wizards who had held Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, which gave him first-hand information about the rumored curse.

According to these seniors, the influence of the curse is so subtle that it cannot even be felt, but after half a year, some hidden things begin to exert influence, and they often encounter some seemingly coincidental accidents.

Over time, this kind of accident will become more and more.

Their advice to Belby is, "When you're brewing potions one day, and you encounter a failure that shouldn't be a failure, start preparing to leave."

Belby took this sentence to heart.

In the remaining days, he began to prepare lessons seriously.


'It's the second-year class today and they should be ready to deal with the red hats, but I'd better be safe. ' This was his first class, and Belby was excited and nervous.

When he appeared at the door of the classroom, the little wizards who were chatting had their eyes fixed on him.

The professor was ordinary in appearance, tall and thin, and looked a little weak, but he used magic to drag two large cages covered with cloth, which gave them a hint of expectation.

No way, their requirements are already very low.

The professor stood at the door and greeted them, "Come with me, little wizards, today is a practice class, I need to know your actual combat level." He directed the floating cage to disappear at the door, "By the way, don't forget your wand."

The little wizards were scrambling to pack their things, but they exchanged amazed glances at each other.

It's been a long time since they've had a practical Defence Against the Dark Arts class, unless you count the memorable class this year, in which Gilderoy Lockhart brought a cage of Cornwall Goblin, messing up the classroom order.

"Know what I remembered?" Ron said pointedly.

"Those blue-faced little guys won't be so quiet," Harry answered with experience.

In that practice class, it was the three of them who cleaned up the mess and recaptured the Cornish elf back into its cage, in which Hermione's Freezing Charm helped a lot.

They crossed the corridor and came to a quiet, empty classroom.

Belby put the metal cage in the corner, and there was a low "chirp" sound from inside. Neville, who was walking in front, shrank back, he was afraid that what was inside would grab his ears and fly to the ceiling.

"Guess what?" Harry asked.

"It sounds a bit like a cat raccoon." Ron guessed.

"But the civet cats should be in the Conservation of Magical Creatures class, they're not dangerous," Hermione said.

"I just hope it's not a giant spider," said Ron hopefully, thinking that Hagrid had kept a group of spiders in the Forbidden Forest, he couldn't help but want to knock on his thick skull and look at him What do you think.

This news was a secret revealed by Hagrid when they were tracking down the monster in the back room. When he later saw the photo data about the eight-eyed spider that Hermione found, he had been brooding about it.

"He even named it - Aragog!"

Belby looked at the classroom with emotion, and he recalled his school days—though it wasn't too good, because he wasn't very gregarious at the time.

He re-introduced himself: "Many people may not know me very well. My name is Damocles Belby. I have some research on potions, but teaching you defense against the dark arts is completely qualified."

"In a way, I still have a certain advantage. I read the second grade textbook, you need to learn some anti-spells, and learn how to properly deal with some low-risk magical creatures, and I happened to be boiling potions. , know them very well..."

He told a cold joke. Judging from the effect, the little wizards were indeed frozen.

Ron whispered to Harry, "I guess Hagrid wouldn't like him." But he suddenly had the idea of ​​introducing Aragog to the new professor.

Harry agreed, and if anyone dared to use Hagrid's "cute" as potion material, he would be mad.

After the self-introduction, Belby called the names against the list, remembering the names of the little wizards one by one.

"Milison Burst."

"Neville Longbottom."


"Ronald Weasley."

After calling the names, the little wizards raised their hands curiously to ask questions. They had already obtained all kinds of true and false news in advance——

"Professor, have you received the Merlin Medal?"

"Yeah, just this month."

"Are you a potion master?"

"That's what other people say about me."

"What is the wolf poison potion?"

"A potion to relieve the symptoms of a werewolf full moon."

"Who is stronger between you and Professor Snape?" was a Gryffindor question, and the other half of the Slytherins glared at him.

"Well...the research direction is different, there is no meaning for comparison."

After a few minutes, Belby realized that he couldn't let the group of little wizards with divergent thinking ask questions. They seemed to want to go to Snape to fight for the title of the first potion master at Hogwarts. head.

Belby cleared his throat and said, "Today, let's review what we've learned, red hat, I'll ask a few questions, if you answer correctly, you'll get extra points—"


A little wizard interrupted him, "What is a red hat?"

Belby was a little stunned, "Uh... the red hat is a kind of magical animal similar to dwarfs, they are distributed in northern Europe, etc.!" He looked at the confused expression below, "Have you not learned the red hat?"

He was answered with a uniform shake of his head and a groan.

Belby stopped, he felt bad, he called a student, "What did you all learn?"

Seamus Finnigan stood up and said something unknown: "Professor, we learned to play vampires." He unbuttoned the outer layer of the wizard's robe as a cloak, bared his teeth, and made a pair of aristocratic aristocrats. expression.

Many little wizards laughed.

"It's interesting, but not the answer I was looking for."

Finally, Hermione raised her hand to introduce the overwhelmed new professor about their year's studies.

"So, except for the elf in the first class, you don't have any practice classes?" Belby was completely dumbfounded.

He had indeed inquired about this course, and he was mentally prepared, but no one told him that there was no practical part in the courses of Defense Against the Dark Arts?

It took about half a minute for him to come back to his senses, "Okay, then we, uh...then let's learn red hats today."

He waved his wand and lifted the curtain over the cage.

They were startled by the creature in the cage, a small, scrawny creature whose exposed skin gave a dirty, dark brown except for the top of its head, which was covered with a layer of red fluff.

"You can get a closer look," Belby said.

The little wizards approached bravely and looked at this fierce-looking creature—

They curled up in their cages, grinning at the little wizards, and one of the red hats slammed into the enchanted metal cage with its claws.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise from the cage's fence, but it was intact.

The little wizards were still startled.

Harry could clearly see that its claws were exaggerated, completely out of proportion to its body, and its nails were at least an inch and a half.

Belby explained: "Notice their claws? I think someone noticed, their forelimbs are very flexible and can use simple tools like sticks, sticks and stones."

"Redcaps are attracted to blood. In addition to their normal hunting, if they encounter a lone Muggle or a little wizard in the wild, they will also sneak attack from behind. We learn how to deal with them today—"

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