94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 206: Festival

Ron spoke, his voice too low to reach Hermione, who was curled up in the doorway.

"What is the mysterious man doing?"

Harry narrowed his eyes, trying to recall every detail, then whispered into the darkness:

"He found Gregorovitch and tied the old man there and tortured him."

"Grigovitch is tied up, how can you make him a wand?"

"I don't know...weird, isn't it?"

Harry closed his eyes and thought about what he had seen and heard, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it didn't make sense...Voldemort did not mention Harry's wand at all, did not mention the twin core, did not mention To get Gregorovitch to make a new and stronger wand to defeat Harry...

"He wanted Gregorovitch to hand over something," Harry said, eyes still closed, "but Gregorovitch said it was stolen...and...and... "

He thought of himself, as Voldemort, who seemed to fly through Gregorovitch's pupils and into his memory.

"You-Know-Who saw Gregorovitch's mind, I saw a teenager sitting on the windowsill, he cast a spell on Gregorovitch and jumped out and disappeared. He Steal that thing, he stole what You-Know-Who was looking for. And, I...I think I saw him somewhere..."

Harry wished to take another look at the laughing teenager's face. According to Gregorovitch's memory, the theft occurred many years ago. Why did the young thief look familiar?

In the tent, the noise in the surrounding woods was much quieter, and Harry could only hear Ron's breathing. After a while, Ron asked softly, "Didn't you see what the thief was holding?"

"No...it must be a small thing."


Ron's bed board creaked as he shifted positions on the bed.

"Harry, do you think the You-Know-Who is looking for something to make a Horcrux?"

"I don't know," said Harry slowly, "maybe. But wouldn't it be dangerous for him to do another one? Didn't Hermione say he'd destroyed his soul to the point of Is it the limit?"

"Yeah, but maybe he doesn't know."

"Um...maybe," said Harry.

He believed that Voldemort was looking for a way to overcome the twin cores, that Voldemort wanted to find the answer from the old wand master... but he killed the old man, as if he had not asked anything about wands question.

What is Voldemort looking for? When the Ministry of Magic and the entire wizarding world was trampled under his feet, he went to faraway places to find something that Gregorovitch once owned and was stolen by that unknown thief. why?

Harry could still see the blond teenager's face, happy and wild, with a Fred and George-esque, mischievous triumph. He flew off the windowsill like a big bird, Harry had seen him before, but couldn't remember where...

Grigovich is dead, and now it is the high-spirited thief who is in danger. He was still thinking about the thief when Ron's snoring sounded from the lower bunk and Harry's own consciousness faded again.

A new semester of success and frustration

Summer in the Scottish Highlands fades away in September. Late nights in Hogsmeade became very cool.

A day ago, George and Fred came to the pig's head bar to trade with the hunchback old man, Gwen saw that they only got a small package, but gave a bag full of gold Galleons , she saw her back molars sore.

George kept his word and brought the dog and Crookshanks - Hermione couldn't take care of the beautiful cat right now, so Gwen kept it with the dog.

Aberforth quickly fell in love with the two little fellows and even placed them higher than Gwen. Because their sharp claws are a good tool for dealing with secret passages.

"Less than a foot." Aberforth stooped into the hole in the back of the painting, pacing, "It will almost be dug tonight."

"Thanks Merlin." Gwen panted, leaning on the shovel. "I miss being able to use a wand."

Until Gwen's face was covered in dust, Dog and Crookshanks had black front paws, Aberforth's gray beard was dyed, They finally stopped the hard work they were doing. Standing at the end of the thirty-foot hole in the wall, they heard two crisp knocks.

"We're here." Aberforth moved his beard, and Gwen guessed he was smiling.

"Go back, little ones." Gwen wiped the cats' claws and rewarded the dogs with a small pocket of salamanders, waving them back to their rooms .

Aberforth also listened to the movement at the other end of the tunnel with one ear sideways.

"What are we going to do next?" Gwen wiped the dust from his nose with a handkerchief and sneezed.

"Interesting." Aberforth squinted and listened for a long time, Gwen looked at that face and thought of Dumbledore, who occasionally babbled. Finally, the bar manager opened his blue eyes, raised his wand, and drew strange patterns in mid-air.

"The elf at Hogwarts found that it was digging in different directions for several days." Aberforth seemed to be very interested in this conclusion, "but all the sound of the clattering of the secret passage was to this room."

Gwen, who was blowing her nose, almost cried, "No! Don't tell me..."

"A total of seven passages will be dug." Aberforth pointed to the map that appeared in mid-air, the golden line leading from Hogwarts Castle to the Hog's Head Bar. It is amazing that although there is only one starting point and one ending point, the secret passages in the seven directions are some high and some underground, and they are constantly changing and intertwining with each other, just like those in Hogwarts Castle. Annoying stairs.

Gwen grimaced, covered her mouth and swallowed tears, "Whoever designed this secret passage must have a special bad taste."

Stones of different sizes - such a subtle magic control. "Follow up, Ollivander, you must do something."

Gwen could only follow behind the tall wizard, and use the Vanishing Charm to clear the pile of stones in the tunnel - she tried not to think about who these big stones would hit on the head.

After walking for an unknown time, Gwen was so sleepy that he could barely open his eyes. Aberforth finally stopped, and Gwen bumped into his back unexpectedly.

"Sorry, sir." Gwen patted her cheek and tried to wake herself up.

"Be careful, we've reached the meeting point." Aberforth tapped the stone wall with wrinkled fingers, and there was a hollow echo, as if there was only a thin line in front of them clapboard.

But this time Aberforth's wonderful magic no longer worked on it, and soon a few drops of sweat were left on the old man's forehead.

"I'm with you." Gwen shook his head, widened his eyes, and cast a spell on the stone wall.

The last level was more difficult to deal with than expected, Gwen suspected that there might be a protective barrier behind the wall of the ancient magic school, until she was sweating profusely and couldn't hold it any longer, a small sound The sound of cracks gave them hope. Aberforth gritted his teeth and blasted the stone wall, and the earth-shattering sound echoed in the long secret passage. Gwen felt that the crumbling little second floor of the bar was about to collapse.

One step further, and she understood why the explosion was so loud. In front of Gwen is a circular cave, and the small and hollow hall leads to seven deep secret passages. Occasionally, a few inexplicably disappear suddenly, and then reappear. Only the hole behind them leading to the bar keeps coming. A faint warm yellow light.

In the corner of the cave, there was a small figure lying on the ground. After being awakened by the explosion, he covered his big ears and rushed to the two wizards.

"Aberforth Dumbledore and Gwen Ollivander!" Dobby screamed cheerfully, "Dobby has been waiting for you here."

"Dobby..." Gwen couldn't take his eyes off the ever-changing secret passage on the opposite side. "These—seven secret passages—were all dug by you?"

"Sure," Dobby said sharply, opening his big bloodshot eyes, "Dobby hasn't slept in a week."

It's not surprising, Gwen thought, that when Harry asked Dobby for help, the elf had not slept for a week.

"It's amazing," Gwen couldn't help but sigh, "you're really... a master."

"The magic of the elf." Aberforth also nodded, "You are a good elf, I have to say I like you very much."

Ha, Gwen couldn't help laughing at himself, the only guy in the pig's head bar that the manager didn't like was himself.

"Where do all these secret passages lead?" Gwen asked Dobby. "A safe place? Dobby. Not Filch's office."

"No," the elf shook his head vigorously, "they all lead to the Room of Requirement. Dobby goes to the eighth floor every night, and recites three times I need a secret passage."

"And then what?"

"And then several rooms appeared - empty, like common room, like dormitory, and room where Harry Potter and his friends practice magic. The house would just point out a door to Dobby, and Dobby digs straight ahead—it always ends up here." It gestured with its thin, thin arms.

"I've always loved magic." Gwen caressed her pounding heart, knowing that the road out of school would one day help. "Now, let's spare Aberforth's old body and poor little Dobby, listen to me, you all need a good night's sleep

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