94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 190: Festival

"she says.

Luna, like her father, wore a bright yellow robe with a large sunflower in her hair. Once you get used to these bright colors, you will feel that the overall effect is actually pleasing to the eye, at least there are no radishes hanging on her ears.

Xenophilius was having a speculative conversation with an acquaintance and did not hear the conversation between Luna and Harry. He said goodbye to the wizard, turned to look at his daughter, and Luna held up a finger and said, "Dad, look—a goblin bit me!"

"Awesome! Goblin saliva is especially useful!" said Mr. Lovegood, grabbing Luna's outstretched finger and examining the bleeding spot, "Luna, my dear , if you feel that any talent is emerging today—perhaps a sudden urge to sing an opera, to recite in the language of a mermaid—don’t hold back! It might be a talent gifted to you by the sappers!”

Ron brushed past them, snorting loudly from his nose.

"Laugh at Ron," Luna said calmly, as Harry led her and Xenophilius to their seats, "but my father, the sapper, did the magic. Researching widely."

"Really?" said Harry, who had long since decided not to question Luna and her father's peculiar views, "but do you really need to put something on that wound? ?"

"Oh, it's alright," Luna said, sucking her fingers like a dream, looking Harry up and down, "You look so good. I told Dad that most people would probably Dressed in a gown, but he believed in a sun-colored dress for a wedding, just to make a splash, you know."

She followed her father in the air. Ron reappeared, an elderly witch clutching his arm. The old witch had a hooked nose, red eyes, and a pink feather hat. She looked like a grumpy flamingo.

"Your hair is so long, Ron, I thought you were Ginny. My God, what's that Xenophilius Lovegood wearing? He looks like an omelet. Who are you?" she asked Harry aloud.

"Oh, Aunt Muriel, this is our cousin Barney."

"The Weasleys again? You breed like goblins. Isn't Harry Potter here? I thought I'd see him. Ron, I seem to remember him It's your friend, maybe it's just your own bragging?"

"No—he can't come—"

"Ugh, excuse me, eh? He doesn't seem like he's as clueless as the newspaper picture. I've been teaching brides how to look best in my headdress," she exclaimed Said to Harry, "The goblin made it, you know, it's been in our house for centuries. She's a pretty girl, but she's a—French. All right, come find me a good seat, Lo Well, I'm one hundred and seven years old, so it's best not to stand for too long. That girl, come here—"

Gwen was greeted with a plate of sparkling champagne.

"Yes, yes, give me a glass of wine, a good wine is a must at the wedding." The terribly old Aunt Muriel was sipping champagne with delight. "You're not French, are you?"

"She's English." Ron said meaningfully, "Aunt Muriel, she's George's fiancée."

Gwen felt that he was the one who drank a big glass of wine, and wanted to run away with the rest of the glass, but was caught by the old and strong witch.

"Well, Ollivanders girl, strange eyes." She looked at Gwen's silvery eyes and said, "Has little Garrick found it yet? He's so useless— In the early years, I had been persuading him to exercise more - and now, he was caught at his doorstep."

Gwen ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, and was rescued by George who led the guests to the seat.

"I have a hard time dealing with an old man older than my grandfather." Gwen said while rubbing the sweat on his forehead.

"She's the special one." George said with a smile.

"Veela cousins ​​are also special?" Gwen smiled sideways at George, pinching the flesh around his waist with one hand and twisting it half a circle.

"Only Fred is interested in them," George vowed. "I'm honest."

"You'd better be," Gwen said with a sideways glance, "or I'll communicate with the cousins ​​from France on behalf of the British wizards."

The tent was almost full, and there was finally no more queues outside. The children also quietly gathered together.

"Muriel is a nightmare," Ron said, wiping his forehead with his sleeve, "she used to come every Christmas, and then, thank goodness, she got mad because Fred and George Put a dung bomb under her chair during dinner. Dad always said she wouldn't give them anything in her will - they don't care, no one in the family will be as rich as the two of them in the future, I guess they will... wow, "He blinked quickly, watching Hermione hurried toward them. "You look great!"

"Always use that surprised tone," said Hermione, still smiling. "Your aunt Muriel doesn't think so, I ran into her upstairs just now giving Fleur a tiara. She said: 'Oh my God, is this the Muggle born?' and then: 'Pose Not beautiful, the ankle bone is too prominent. ’”

"Don't take it to heart, she's not polite to anyone," said Ron.

"Does that mean Muriel?" George and Fred got out of the marquee together, sat next to Gwen, and asked, "Yeah, she just said my ears Asymmetry, the old woman! Oh, I wish Uncle Billiers was still around. He was a real gem at the wedding."

"The one who died twenty-four hours after seeing 'Ominous'?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, he ended up being a little weird," George admitted.

"But before he goes mad, he's the life and soul of every party," Fred said. "He's often guzzling down a whole bottle of Firewhiskey and then running on the dance floor, flirting with He took off his robes, pulled out bunch after bunch of flowers, and started from his—"

"Yeah, he sounds like a lovely man," said Hermione, and Harry laughed.

"I've never been married, I don't know why," said Ron.

"It surprised me," said Hermione. Gwen was amused this time.

They laughed so hard that no one noticed the newcomer, a young man with dark hair, a big hooked nose, and two thick black eyebrows. Finally he handed the invitation to Ron, stared at Hermione and said, "You look so beautiful."

"Victor!" Hermione screamed, bang, and her beaded bag fell to the ground with a loud bang disproportionate to its size. She picked up the bag blushing, and said, "I didn't know you were—gosh—it was so nice to see you—how were you?"

Ron's ears turned red again. He glanced at Krum's invitation, and didn't seem to believe a word on it, then asked gruffly, "Why are you here?"

"Flour invited me." Krum raised his eyebrows.

Harry had no ill feelings towards Krum and shook hands with him. He thought it would be wiser to let Krum leave Ron's side, and took the initiative to lead him to a seat.

"Your friends aren't too happy to see me," Klum said as they entered the packed tent. "He's your relative?" he asked again, glancing at Harry's curly red hair.

"Cousin." Harry muttered, but Krum didn't listen. His presence caused a stir, especially among the Veela cousins: he was a famous Quidditch player after all. Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Gwen hurried down the aisle while people were still craning their necks to look at him.

"It's time to sit down," Fred said to Harry, "or you'll be bumped by the bride."

Harry, Ron and Hermione were seated in the second row behind Fred and George. Hermione blushed, and Ron's ears were still dazzlingly red. After a while he whispered to Harry, "Did you see that he has a silly moustache?"

Harry grumbled noncommittally.

The warm tent was full of jittery anticipation, humming voices punctuated by excited laughter. The Weasleys walked slowly down the aisle, smiling and waving to their relatives. Mrs Weasley wore a new purple gown and matching hat.

A moment later, Bill and Charlie stood in front of the marquee, both in dress robes with large white roses in their buttonholes. Fred whistled provocatively, and the veela cousins ​​giggled. Then there was music, which seemed to float out of those golden balloons. The crowd quieted down.

"Oh!" said Hermione from her seat, turning to look at the entrance.

As Mister Delacour and Fleur walked down the passage, the wizards gathered in the tent sighed in unison. Fleur's gait was light, and Monsieur Delacour was jumping and smiling. Fleur was wearing a very simple white dress that seemed to give off a strong silver glow. Usually, the radiant she always eclipsed others, but today this silver light made everyone more beautiful. Ginny and Gabrielle both looked prettier than usual in golden dresses. Fleur walked up to Bill, and for a moment, Bill looked as if he had never been beaten by Fenrir Greyback.

"Ladies and gentlemen," said a somewhat monotonous voice, Harry was slightly surprised to see the little bushy-haired wizard who presided over Dumbledore's funeral, now standing with Bill and Fleur in front of us, "Today we

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