94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 165: Festival

. He staggered back and thumped onto the watery ground with a big splash, and his wand fell out of his limp right hand.

"No—" Harry was startled.

Harry slipped under his feet, staggered to his feet, and ran towards Malfoy, his face turned bright red, his pale hands clutching his blood-soaked chest.

"No—I don't—"

Harry didn't know what he was talking about, he knelt beside Malfoy. Malfoy was shivering uncontrollably in a pool of blood, and the weeping Myrtle let out a deafening scream.

"Murder! Murder in the bathroom! Murder!"

Gwen suddenly mentioned it, turned to go to Slughorn for help, only to find Professor Snape striding - he came from the principal's office on the eighth floor.

Snape saw Gwen's footsteps, with a look of disgust on his face, sent the words "stay here" from his teeth, and slammed the door open.

Gwen peeked out of the door and looked into the bathroom, almost flopping her legs on the ground. She thought she saw the scene where Harry killed Malfoy. On the snow-white tiles, Malfoy in a decent suit lay in a pool of blood, Harry kneeling beside him with his wand raised stupidly.

Snape rushed in with a livid face. He pushed Harry roughly aside, knelt down in front of Malfoy, drew his wand, and moved along the deep openings made by Harry's spell, a sing-along incantation. Bleeding seems to have subsided. Snape wiped the dirt off Malfoy's face, chanted the spell again, and the wound seemed to be healing now.

Harry was still watching, dumbfounded by what he had done, barely realizing he was also soaked in blood and sewage. Weeping myrtle still sobbed and wailed over their heads. Snape lifted Malfoy to his feet, half dragging and half hugging, after the third time he had cast the Breaking Charm.

"You need to go to the school hospital, there may be some scars, but if you use Baixian in time, maybe even the scars can be avoided... Let's go..."

As Snape walked out with Malfoy in his hand, he turned around at the door and said in a cold, angry tone, "You, Potter...wait for me here."

Gwen held onto the door frame of the boys' bathroom and said shiveringly, "I have some fresh food here, Professor."

Snape gave her a look that you were barely useful, and with a tut, motioned for Gwen to hand it over quickly.

I thought Malfoy was a little pitiful, Gwen touched the crystal bottle and hesitated. If he didn't save Malfoy now, wouldn't Dumbledore be assassinated?

But like George said, they can't make a harmful choice even at this time.

But contrary to what George thought, Gwen wasn't exactly a nice guy. Let's say she chose her own low-quality white fresh essence almost immediately.

Snape opened the cork of the brown vial and took a sniff. It wasn't a pity at all, the whole bottle was poured down Malfoy's neckline, green smoke billowed up, and Malfoy had probably grown new tender skin.

"I'm glad I don't have to teach you again this year, Ollivander." Snape squinted Gwen relentlessly and said, "You have no talent for potions , this bottle of essence even wastes white fresh ingredients." Then he glared at Harry fiercely, and walked quickly towards the medical wing with the unconscious Malfoy.

Harry didn't think of disobedience at all, he stood up slowly, trembling all over, looking down at the water-filled ground, where there were bloodstains like red flowers floating on it. He didn't even have the guts to tell the weeping Myrtle to stop making noise, and she continued to cry, but it was more and more evident that she was enjoying herself.

Gwen turned pale and smiled wryly at Harry. "That's not a good idea, Harry."

"I didn't think...I didn't know that spell..." Harry stammered.

"I want to beat Malfoy too," Gwen said with difficulty after covering his mouth for a long time, "but this time you're not smart enough, he almost died. Ha. Li, I guess you're out of luck."

Snape came back ten minutes later, he chased away Gwen who was watching at the door, went into the bathroom, and closed the door mercilessly.

Gwen didn't know what kind of conversation was going on in the bathroom, because she was walking up the stairs on the eighth floor, intending to report to Dumbledore what had happened - and more importantly, to Wise old man seeking guidance. Gwen wasn't sure if she had made the right choice. She already regretted providing Bai Xian just now. Maybe it would be a better choice to put Malfoy in bed. But she thought again of Malfoy's pitiful appearance, and his family. If Malfoy fails to complete his mission, his parents will be punished by You-Know-Who - and Garrick's life will be lost.

"I would like to see Professor Dumbledore." Gwen said to the two water-mouthed stone beasts.

"The principal is not in the office," said the lively sculpture.

"Impossible, Professor Snape just came out of here." Gwen coaxed the stone beast to tell the truth.

"Professor Snape is allowed in," said another stern grubbill, and then closed his mouth tightly.

"Okay, I guess he knows the password." Gwen tapped the sculpture's head with his fingers and looked up at the location of the office.

"Professor Snape is allowed in." The ugly guy just repeated what he just said, determined not to let Gwen in.

Gwen didn't even bother to entangle with them, because she soon saw Harry running down the eighth floor corridor.

He stopped suddenly in front of the tapestry where the trolls were dancing, closed his eyes and started pacing back and forth. He walked back and forth three times in front of that empty wall, and when he opened his eyes, he finally saw the door to the Room of Requirement. Harry pulled it open and rushed in, slamming the door against it.

Gwen didn't understand why Harry was here at this time, so he simply waited for him at the door.

A moment later, Harry slammed the door open and rushed downstairs to the bathroom, panting at full speed, ignoring Gwen at the corner. The door to the Room of Requirement was shrinking rapidly, Gwen dodged and jumped over, almost slipping into the small door on his stomach, being squeezed **** his heel.

Gwen gasped. Despite her curiosity, anxiety, and pain, she couldn't help but marvel at the sight in front of her. She was standing in a room the size of a cathedral, and the beams of light from the high windows looked like a city with high walls, and Gwen could see that it was piled up with objects hidden by Hogwarts of all ages. made of. The streets were littered with crumbling piles of broken furniture, probably stuffed there to hide evidence of miscasting, or by the house-elves who kept the castle decent. There are thousands of books here, no doubt forbidden, scribbled, or stolen; there are winged slingshots and flying saucers, a few of which are still hovering feebly over the mountains of forbidden objects; some Broken bottles contained solidified potions; hats, jewels, cloaks, things like dragon eggshells; a few gagged bottles still glowed with evil; and rusted swords and a bloodstained axe.

Gwen felt like she was in an old-fashioned Diagon Alley, she walked into an alley among the treasures, turned right, passed a troll specimen, and walked a short distance, I saw the broken vanishing cabinet in George and Fred's mouth, the one where Monta disappeared last year. On her left hand side, she saw another large cabinet with a blistered surface that looked like it had been splashed with strong acid. The crate next to it was covered with an old gray hairpiece and a rusted crown. Turn right again, and a dozen bottles of fine sherry are neatly arranged—it must be Trelawney's hiding here.

Gwen probably understood that Harry came in to hide something, perhaps the magic book of that strange spell. In Gwen's opinion, the spell that caused Malfoy to bleed so much must be dark magic, so it must not be discovered by Professor Snape, who is teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts and who hates Harry the most. .

Gwen, who understood everything, was no longer nostalgic for this giant storage room, and turned to leave. She tripped over the cracked "montage happy cabinet" - bad names for Fred and George, and Gwen kicked the cabinet angrily and hurt her toes. Gwen, who was holding his feet and grinning, cursed in a low voice, vowing never to come to this **** again.

Then she limped away from the cluttered alley and took the door to the Room of Requirement. It immediately turned into a stone wall again.

When Gwen returned to the common room, Harry had just finished telling Ron, Hermione and Ginny what happened to him, but it seemed unnecessary, and the news had spread like wildfire. Weeping Myrtle had apparently popped up in every bathroom in the castle to tell the story; Pansy Parkinson had gone to the school hospital to see Malfoy and immediately spoke ill of Harry everywhere; Snape told the staff They advertised it. Harry was called out of the common room, and spent fifteen terribly embarrassing minutes in the presence of Professor McGonagall. McGonagall said he was lucky not to be expelled, and said she fully supported Snape's sanction: lockdown every Saturday until the end of the term.

"I told you there was something wrong with that prince," Hermione said, apparently still unable to resist, "Am I right?"

"I don't think so," Harry said stubbornly.

"Harry," said Hermione, "why are you still guarding that book, that spell—"

"Can you please stop nag about that book?" Harry said angrily, "The prince just copied it there! Didn't recommend it! Maybe he just recorded it. A spell someone else used on him!"

"I don't believe it. You're actually justifying what you did—"

"I'm not defending what I did!" Harry immediately

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