94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 162: Festival

Excellent wizards are willing to sacrifice their lives for a illusory future.

"One day you will understand. Gwen, all the things you worry and fear now will pass."

Look at how cunning he is, Gwen thought, and he won't even say "it'll work out". Just "past", anything can pass. Death, defeat, war, all will pass. But is a buoyant "past" the best they can wait for?

"I remember Professor Snape once advising you not to dig deeper and forget everything about it." Dumbledore held out a hand, holding a wand gracefully.

"Did he suggest that you use it for me by the way?" Gwen asked in despair.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Dumbledore snickered under the cover of his beard, "But I want you to remain silent until a certain time."

Gwen looked nervously at the headmaster's hand holding the wand, "I consider myself a good secrecy and will never betray you."

The portrait of Phineas exhaled from his nose, mocking Gwen unabashedly.

"But we not only have to hide the enemy, but also keep silent to our own people." There was a rare trace of sadness on Dumbledore's face.

"I don't understand," Gwen said. "However the plan ends, I can't even say the last word of justice to my friends about Professor Snape?"

"Professor Snape and I are ready." He repeated what he had just said with a smile. Then he didn't open his mouth again, the wand only moved slightly. Gwen felt that her tongue was tangled by a thin thread, and it was rolled back into her throat. She almost couldn't breathe, but fortunately, this sad feeling disappeared quickly. Gwen retched, clutching his neck, and tried again to refute Dumbledore's point.

She wanted to ask Dumbledore where he would hide if he was lucky enough not to die? What about Hogwarts? What should the Order of the Phoenix do? But as long as she thinks of this plan involving fake wands, she can't say a word.

Gwen clenched his teeth four times and stuck out his tongue twice, all of which ended in failure.

She was very unhappy, said goodbye to Dumbledore who was making another thought gesture behind the desk, and raised her foot to leave.

"The last word, Gwen," said Dumbledore gently, "SeinzumTode."

Gwen doesn't know German and doesn't understand what the old principal said. Just nodded sloppily and walked down the stairs. The door to the headmaster's office was closed, and Dumbledore inside was exactly the same as Gwen when he first came in, with his hands folded in front of his mouth, thinking about something. It was as if no one had come, as if a serious conversation had never happened.

Gwen didn't know it yet, and this was the last word they heard before they lost the greatest headmaster of Hogwarts.

Shen Feng Wuying

Gwen, who left the principal's room, did not expect a familiar figure to be waiting for her next to the Dripping Mouth Stone Beast.

"You can't stay at the door," said the more lively statue to him.

"I'm waiting for my girlfriend here." George answered bluntly, leaning on it.

"Shut up, you bad student, do you have to kiss around here?" Another grave-looking statue said angrily.

"If you don't peek... Ah, here she is." George straightened up, and the two ugly animals wailed. Before Gwen could react, George wrapped his arms around her shoulders and went to the old place of the date.

"Why are you here?" Gwen felt his throat burning, "I thought you'd be with Ron."

"He just woke up once," George looked carefully at Gwen's red nose and wet eyelashes, "the whole house was with him, and my good brother asked when he opened his mouth. Where's Hermione gone?"

"Hopefully they take this opportunity to reconcile." Gwen said absently.

George crossed his arms in dissatisfaction, "What's the matter with you? Rushing to the principal's room?"

"How did you find me?" Gwen wondered.

"Trade twenty-six stinky dung with Peeves for your location." George said, "I was going to look at Harry's Marauder's map, but he and He Min left to make room for Mom and Dad."

Gwen unmarkedly pulled George's dragonskin jacket to see where he hid an astonishing amount of dung.

"Don't move," George grabbed Gwen's little hand. "Tell me what's wrong with you?"

"I want to be honest," Gwen sighed, then pointed to his mouth, "but I can't. You see, George. I can't."

"What does this mean?" George frowned, "Can you tell me first, did you find the person who poisoned Ron?"

Gwen thought that was a question she could answer, and prepared to call Malfoy by name. As a result, George's eyes were rounded, because Gwen's tongue suddenly appeared several gold threads and was fastened firmly, and then the teeth were fastened.

After struggling two or three times, Gwen gave up, she even tried a few obscure adjectives, but they were all suppressed by Dumbledore's magic.

Gwen slumped his shoulders and shook his head helplessly at George.

"Wow," George hadn't recovered from the shock, it was magic they had never seen before. "Looks like you've been blocked."

"A real seal." Gwen grimaced. "So don't ask me, darling. I can't say anything until I find the flaw in this spell."

"I guess you can't tell me who did it either." George looked suspiciously at the principal's office.

It was Gwen's whimper and the comical look covering her mouth.

"Are you safe at Hogwarts then?" George asked worriedly.

Gwen hesitated, finding herself undeterred. So he answered sincerely, "There may have been in the past, but probably not now."

"Then," George gently wiped Gwen's lips with his thumb, "I don't think this magic is a bad thing for now."

Gwen felt a little irritable, "I'm like a canary in a cage."

I have to admit that George's brief company made Gwen a lot better. Although one of them was worried about Ron, the other was caught in a pessimistic premonition that the wizarding world was dead.

"Remember that you can come to me anytime." George touched the retractable ears on his chest before separating from Gwen, "Anything, Gwen, anything. I'll be first. Time has come to you."

For the next week, Gwen racked her brains to figure out how to exploit the lock tongue charm, but without any inspiration, she had to do what she now does when she can't do anything. More and more things: reading all kinds of messy books, on the one hand hoping to pass the final N.E.W.Ts exam, on the other hand hoping to find some clues - in her opinion, Dumbledore's life and death and Gary grams directly hooked. To make Gwen believe in Malfoy, who is not restricted by Dumbledore, it is better to make her believe in Kreacher, at least that elf is very loyal to the Black family in his heart.

On Sunday night, Gwen yawned back to Gryffindor Tower when he ran into the three-member Savior squad who had not slept by the fire in the common room. Ron had recovered and was discharged from the hospital, and he had finally officially rejected Lavender's courtship - which, in front of many sixth graders, made the enthusiastic girl bend the silver fork in her hand. But his relationship with Hermione entered an ambiguous, warmer state.

Harry stared at his unkempt black hair and flipped through his Potions textbook.

"You won't find it," Hermione asserted Sunday night.

"Stop it, Hermione," said Harry, "Ron wouldn't be sitting here now if it weren't for the prince."

"He will, as long as you listen carefully to Snape's lectures in first grade." Hermione said disapprovingly.

Harry ignored her, he just found a spell written in the blank (Shenfeng Wuying!), and there were three interesting words "to the enemy" below. He was itching to try it, but he felt that it was best not to try it in front of Hermione, so he secretly folded the corner of the page.

Ron was painfully writing a particularly difficult paper for Snape. Harry and Hermione are both finished. Harry waited for a low score because he disagreed with Snape on the best way to deal with Dementors. But Harry didn't care, getting Slughorn's memory was the most important thing to him right now.

"I tell you, that stupid prince won't help you, Harry!" said Hermione, her voice even louder, "there's only one way to force people to do what you want them to do thing, that's the Imperius Curse, but that's against the law—"

"Well, I know, thanks," said Harry without looking up, "that's why I was looking for something different. Dumbledore said Veritaserum didn't work, but There could be something else, a potion or a spell..."

"You're not doing the right thing," said Hermione, "Dumbledore said that only you can get the memory, which must mean that you can persuade Slughorn and others can't. . It's not about giving him potions, then anyone can—"

"Good evening, nice to see you all so energetic." Gwen yawned and sat next to Hermione, "Did I hear someone trying to drug? After Ron was poisoned ?"

"Did you hear that? Harry, Slughorn will only be more cautious after what happened." Hermione chased after the victory.

"How do you write 'provocation'?" Ron asked, staring at the parchment and shaking his quill vigorously, "It can't be 'peach provocation'—

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