94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 154: Festival

I know what you're doing, I'm not stupid, but useless - I can stop you! "

Gwen's anger rose to her forehead, and she heard the culprit admit that he had caused Katie's misery. Immediately began to think about putting a curse on this vicious boy.

After a pause, Snape said softly, "Very well...Aunt Bellatrix taught you Occlumency. What are you thinking of hiding from your Master, Della division?"

"I didn't want to hide it from him, I just didn't want you to get involved."

Gwen pressed his ears and retractable ears a little tighter...what made Malfoy start talking to Snape like this? Malfoy seems to have always respected and even liked him before? And what is your master? Had Malfoy really become a Death Eater as Harry expected?

"So you're avoiding me this semester? You're afraid of me interfering? You know, Draco, if it's someone else, I've asked him to come to my office many times and he won't—"

"Lockdown! Report Dumbledore!" Malfoy sneered.

After another pause, Snape said, "You know very well I don't want to do these things."

"Then you'd better stop calling me to your office."

"Listen to me," Snape's voice was so low that Gwen was about to stuff his fleshy fake ears into his head, "I want to help you. I swore to your mother to protect you. I made an unbreakable oath, Draco—"

"Looks like you have to break because I don't need your protection. It's my job, he gave me, I'm doing it. I have a plan and it will work, it's just time Longer than I expected!"

These two words had a huge shock in Gwen's heart, even more than Katie's incident. First of all, she now clearly knew that You-Know-Who had indeed given Malfoy a difficult task, which meant that he was already on the pirate ship. Second, Snape said he wanted to help Malfoy and knew what that mission was, but he was clearly a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Finally, about the Unbreakable Oath. If Snape and Mrs. Malfoy had made an unbreakable oath, then he would have to fulfill his promise—to think with his toes, it had to be bad for the Order of the Phoenix.

"What's your plan?"

"You can't!"

"If you tell me I can help you—"

"I've got enough helpers, thanks, I'm not alone!"

"You are unquestionably alone tonight, which is utterly stupid, wandering the hallways with no sentry and no backup. These are low-level mistakes—"

"I had Crabbe and Goyle following me, but you locked them up!"

"Silence!" Snape warned, as Malfoy raised his voice now, "Your friends Crabbe and Goyle are trying to pass Defence Against the Dark Arts this time. 's O.W.Ls exam, more work to do—"

"What does it matter if you don't get through? Defence Against the Dark Arts—just a joke, a play, right? Like any of us need Defence Against the Dark Arts—"

"It's a play that's critical to success, Draco!" Snape said, "If I can't act, where do you think I'll be all these years? Listen to me! You're being careless right now, walking around at night, getting caught on the spot, and, if you're relying on assistants like Crabbe and Goyle—"

Gwen's heart was pounding, Snape unabashedly praised his acting, maybe Harry was right again, their professor was a spy sent by the Death Eaters?

"It's not just them, there are others around me, stronger people!"

"Why can't you tell me, I can—"

"I know what you're up to! You want to steal my work!"

After another pause, Snape said coldly, "You talk like a child. I understand your father's imprisonment upsets you, but—"

Gwen barely had a second of thought when he heard Malfoy's footsteps ringing across the door. She quickly held her breath against the wall, the door slammed open, and Malfoy strode down the hallway, past the open door of Slughorn's office, and turned the corner and disappeared.

Snape walked out of the classroom slowly, with an unfathomable expression, not knowing where to go. When he was a little further away, Gwen immediately caught up with Malfoy, as if she had stepped on something in the hallway. She didn't have time to think about it.

There was only one thing on Gwen's mind at the moment, she had to know if Malfoy was a Death Eater. After that, she had to figure out how to understand the Unbreakable Oath and Snape's position. Even though she trusted her instincts that the spooky professor was just a less-than-likable teacher and not really a bad guy, everything that happened tonight had her head confused.

Gwen trotted with Malfoy and found him walking upstairs. She gritted her teeth and decided to take a gamble. She ran near the jumping machine and went directly to the eighth floor, ready to go upstairs. Block him down.

However, the long legs of the Malfoy family far exceeded Gwen's calculations. When she appeared on the eighth floor, Malfoy had already stepped on the last step. Gwen's Disillusionment Charm had basically failed. She had a wand in one hand and a perfume bottle in the other, and she didn't forget to buckle her hood on her head and walked straight towards him with her head lowered.

"Look at the road, you clumsy troll!" Malfoy was slammed on the shoulder by her and turned back to curse.

He was greeted by a bottle of purple perfume, and the blond-haired Slytherin boy took a deep breath of the spray unprepared. Then rolled his eyes and fell backwards.

Gwen grabbed him with one hand. As a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, Malfoy was a little too light. Without time to hesitate, Gwen found the nearest secret passage and threw him in. After confirming that there was no one around, Gwen walked in and closed the oil painting covering the secret passage.

In case he woke up too early, Gwen simply opened the perfume bottle and poured her concentrated sedative into Malfoy's mouth. Then she lit a torch on the wall of the secret passage, she pursed her lips tightly, resisting the urge to give him a few knives directly - forgive her, this bad boy speaks ill of Weasley all the time, and makes Katie seriously ill bed.

In the end, her sanity prevailed, and Gwen pulled up Malfoy's left sleeve layer by layer, and the movement was very rough.

The next second she froze in place, moving Malfoy's limp arm towards the bright light, and even flashing fluorescent light on his arm.

Gwen doesn't know what to do. In her head it was as if someone had weaved a tangled web of thoughts.

Because Malfoy's arm was white and clean, there was not even a mole on it.

Gwen didn't believe in evil, she rubbed the skin hard until it turned red and still nothing. No skeletons, no Dark Marks. Clean like a newborn baby.

Still not giving up, she took Malfoy's wand from the cuff of his right hand, exactly ten inches, hawthorn, unicorn hair.

The wand of contradictions, Gwen evaluates in his heart. It's not too long, which shows that this person's character is not likable. Hawthorn, the leaves and flowers have healing properties, but the broken branches smell like death. Hawthorn wands generally have contradictory properties, or seek out a wizard who is in trouble himself, although those wizards are indeed gifted in their own right. The core of the unicorn tail hair is often not the most powerful, but it is generally the least likely to succumb to black magic.

Gwen slumped to the ground, and although she had actually judged Malfoy's wand with enough prejudice, it turned out that the bad boy wasn't a Dark Wizard or a Death Eater at all. This fact made her both happy and angry.

Thankfully her Garrick might actually be safe at Malfoy's house, at least the family hadn't gone mad enough to make their underage son the Dark Lord's lackey.

The anger is that although Dumbledore's judgment is right, the little wizard with a pure soul in his mouth has actually hurt many people - through words and curses.

Thinking of this, Gwen determined that she must speak for her friend no matter what. She finds out the spell she copied from the ancient spell book, which can make a sleeping person dream of the things she fears the most.

The old English and Runic incantation was uttered aloud, and a gray ribbon of half-mist penetrated Malfoy's ears into his head.

The boy immediately showed pain, and began to tremble with cold sweat. Very similar to Katie who touched the opal necklace.

Gwen was the first to observe Malfoy so closely. She noticed that Malfoy had dark circles under his eyes, his skin was visibly gray, and his face was very pale. Even like Tonks, thin to the point of sunken cheeks.

He began to struggle, two lines of tears streaming from his closed eyes. "Leave us alone! Don't kill them! No—I don't want—"

Before Gwen cast a soundproofing spell, the door to the secret passage was opened from the outside. She turned sharply and pointed her wand at the other end of the tunnel.

Standing outside was Snape, who was also a little surprised to see Gwen, and then his eyes were on the painful Malfoy.

The professor, who was covered from head to toe, just waved his hand, and the painting blocked the hole again, and then he almost flew to Malfoy.

"What do you think you are doing? Representing justice? Or do you think I really didn't find anyone eavesdropping outside?" He said in a low and biting voice, and then touched a soothing touch. He touched Malfoy's forehead and checked him again for injuries. When he saw the boy's arms raised, Snape turned sharply, viciously

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