94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 101: Festival

Rampage! I'm sure Garrick on the second floor heard it, he nearly fell out of bed. George, my grandpa is very old, very old! "

"But we love your gift." Fred said something sweet to Gwen, "You're my best friend."

"Uh...you're my good friend too." Gwen rolled his eyes, discreetly not adding any qualifiers.

"I'm terrified, Gwen." George snatched the telescopic ear. "A lease for 93 Diagon Alley—for a shockingly low price?"

"Thanks Ollivander for that," Gwen said cheerfully, "thank the wand shop for hundreds of years in Diagon Alley. It took me a while to find a good location. , although a bit shabby - no way, Diagon Alley is full of old houses. And it has been empty for a few years, the old landlord is moving to Spain with his son and his family, saying that the sunshine in Barcelona is suitable for retirement. He originally planned to sell it outright, But the wind is not good recently... You know... In fact, many people believe that..." Gwen swallowed his opinion about the return of the mysterious man, "Anyway, in the end, relying on old Garrick's friendship with him, he is willing to use A fair price to rent the shop to - 'young businessmen with a bright future'."

"It's not just a fair price—" Fred said excitedly.

"—and a whole small building." George's lips trembled.

"Only if you like it." Gwen controlled the excited boys, "It's a bad place, it's comparable to a wand shop. If you really want to open a shop there , it takes a lot of time to take care of it with Jin Galleon."

"I wish we had time." Fred and George said in unison.

Gwen, returning to school after Christmas, is warmly welcomed by the Weasley twins. It was manifested in the way Fred looked at her - as if a parent saw a child who had been ignorant for years suddenly grow up overnight. Gwen stomped him hard for this.

During dinner, members of the D.A. kept coming in hopefully asking Harry if he wanted a party in the evening. In fact Gwen asked too, she was so looking forward to the Patronus lessons.

"For the sake of the books you received from Sirius and Lupin," Gwen begged Harry earnestly, "Save us. I'm in sixth grade, and before the holidays Mulridge asked us to copy a paragraph of the textbook four times. I hope she can give me a magic quill so that every word I copy will be engraved on her face.”

"I didn't know you hated a professor so much, good boy Gwen," said Ron with a fuss.

"If she's a professor, I can teach first-year potions tomorrow." Gwen rolled her eyes.

"Olivander, hand in an eighteen-inch paper, and a copy of the reading notes of "Strong Potion" before the next class." Snape's sinister voice changed from Over Gwen's head, several Slytherin students were trying to hold back their laughter.

"But that's a forbidden book, Professor." Gwen didn't need to look back now to know what was going on, and she found that her sense of danger had no effect on the Potions Professor.

"Then you've got my approval." Snape said word for word. He lifted his steps to go, paused, and Gwen felt his cold eyes meet Harry's.

"The good news is," she reassured George, "I don't have to be locked up." Gwen tried to get rid of the uncomfortable illustrations in his mind: a man who seemed to be taken from It turned inside out, and there was a witch with a lot of arms coming out of her head - all from "Strong Potion".

"The bad news is, I can't have a party tonight, I'm going to—make up a potions class." Harry pinched his face in pain.

The members who heard the news left disappointed. Only Gwen looked at Harry with a surprised expression.

"You're kidding, Harry," said Gwen solemnly.

"I'm not kidding." Harry stammered, "Because my Potions grades are really bad, everyone would think so, wouldn't they? Think I'm stupid—"

"You misunderstood," Gwen waved his hands hastily, "I mean, even if your potions grades are as bad as Crabbe and Goyle—or Clare and Goyle—that level, Professor Snape wouldn't be willing to tutor you either."

Ron and Hermione seemed to agree, while Katie patted Gwen on the thigh, admonishing her not to provoke herself with two more papers.

"I hate to say that, Gwen," said Harry gloomily, "but I did get arranged by Snape tonight."

Gwen struggled to hand in the extras that Professor Snape had assigned early Friday morning. She thought she looked bad enough after two nights, but she didn't expect the potions professor in the basement to look even scarier.

When Gwen got to the Great Hall, Harry's face was as white as he had been soaking in water for three days and three nights.

She thought about it and guessed what was going on. Looking at Harry apologetically, "Your Potions make-up class must be tough."

Before Harry could vomit, Hermione suddenly screamed at the front page of the Daily Prophet, and everyone around looked at her.

"What's the matter?" Harry and Ron asked together.

She spread the newspaper on the table and pointed to the ten black and white photos that filled the front page, the faces of nine wizards and a witch, some laughing silently, some pointing their fingers arrogantly Tap the border. Each photo is staked with a name and a crime for being imprisoned in Azkaban.

Antonin Dolokhov, a wizard with a long pale, twisted face sneered at Harry, murdered Gideon and Fabian Prewett savagely.

August Rookwood, a pock-faced man with greasy hair leaning against the frame with a tired expression, leaked Ministry of Magic secrets to the mysterious man.

As for the witch, almost everyone's eyes are attracted to her, her long black hair looks disheveled in the photo, her eyes are staring under her thick eyelids, and there is a hint of pride on her thin lips , contemptuous smile. Like Sirius, she still retains some traces of her beauty, but something, perhaps Azkaban, has robbed her of most of her beauty.

Bellatrix Lestrange, Frank and Alice Longbottom were tortured and permanently disabled.

There is also a familiar name, Peter Pettigrew.

Hermione opened the newspaper and began to read the report, the other students did not appear panic, almost no one was talking about the terrible front page news. They were still chatting about homework and Quidditch and ghost-knows bullshit, and there were ten Death Eaters outside the walls that had strengthened Voldemort's power. There was another scene at the staff's desk: Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were in close conversation, both with stern faces. Professor Sprout leaned the Daily Prophet against the jar of ketchup and read the first edition intently, his spoon in the air, unaware that the egg yolk dripped onto his leg. Across the table, Professor Umbridge was gulps of cereal, her toad/toad eyes not scouring the auditorium for misbehaving students for the first time. She ate with a frown, glancing viciously at Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall from time to time.

Hermione and Harry and Ron seem to care more about the bizarre death of another Ministry of Magic official in the newspapers. Gwen whispered to George and Fred, "Wizards with any brains should understand that the Azkaban escape actually proved Harry and Dumbledore right."

The twins nodded, and then Fred sneered, "Let's guess, can Umbridge be able to whitewash peace this time?"

The Deputy Minister once again proved to them the lower limit of his shamelessness.

The morning after the Azkaban escape was reported, a new notice was posted on the college's bulletin board: Senior Hogwarts Inquisitors ordered that teachers be prohibited from providing students with any Information not relevant to the subject taught.

The above regulations comply with the Education Order No. 26.

Signed: Senior Investigator Dolores Jane Umbridge

This latest decree has drawn many jokes among the students. Lee Jordan points out to Umbridge that she can't blame Fred and George for playing crackling cards in the back of the classroom under the new law.

"Crackling Explosion Cards have nothing to do with Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor! That's information that has nothing to do with your subject!"

When Gwen saw Lee again, the backs of his hands were dripping with blood, and Harry was advising him to use a little Mortella juice.

Gwen thought that the Azkaban breakout would make Umbridge a little more ashamed of her darling Fudge's blunder. However, the incident only seemed to make her even crazier to keep Hogwarts life in the palm of her hand. She seemed to be determined to fire at least one person in the near future, it was just a matter of who went first, Trelawney and Hagrid.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Gwen asked during the date.

"Fred and I need to buy some necessary raw materials." George curled Gwen's long hair with his fingers,

"Don't let me find you Apparating to Diagon Alley." Gwen warned, "Ten Death Eaters are wandering outside, even if you're going to open a shop, don't pick this time. ."

George did not answer her, "Are you going?"

"I can't go to Hogsmeade, Angelina has to train all day, seems like it'll work - Ron says we're the worst team he's ever seen. You haven't seen Sloper and Kirk, they stink, they stink even more than me." She sighed heavily, then complained in George's ear, "Every time I asked Kirk to pass me the Bludger, he could only Hit the tip of my broom."

Later that day, Harry and Hermione, returning from Hogsmeade, barely caught up

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