1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 604 The Abandoned Son of Freedom

Chapter 597 The Abandoned Son of Freedom

At this time, John Brown and others in the armory were not aware of the danger. (っ◔◡◔)っ

The continuous defeats of the Virginia militia fueled the self-confidence of John Brown and others, giving them the illusion that even the southern armed forces were vulnerable.

Robert Lee ordered two companies of infantry to launch a feint attack, forcing Confederate Gilead forces in the armory to fire back.

Robert E. Lee judged from the gunshots fired back that the northern radical abolitionist armed group in the armory only had one company at most.

After determining the number of opponents, it was considered that the Southern squires near Harpers Ferry were also held hostage in the arsenal by John Brown and others.

Robert Lee first sent people to the armory to negotiate peace with John Brown, and persuaded John Brown's Gileadite alliance to surrender.

First, if the opponent can surrender and win without a fight, this is the best outcome.

Secondly, it can also give an explanation to Virginia's senior officials, proving that he did not care about the lives of Congressman Randall and others, but launched a strong attack on the armory as a last resort.

Robert E. Lee gave this honorable mission to Lieutenant Colonel George Palmer and asked him to take Buchanan's message to negotiate with John Brown.

Although Lieutenant Colonel George Palmer had 10,000 reluctances, he had no choice but to go to the armory to negotiate with John Brown and others.

"You have been surrounded. Put down your weapons and stop making unnecessary resistance. This will not do you any good." He entered the armory alone and said to John Brown and others.

This was George Palmer's first face-to-face contact with John Brown and others.

When I saw that the other party was a group that didn't even have uniforms, most of them were in tatters, and there were many black people in the team. George Palmer was greatly surprised, with a look of disbelief on his face: Were the Virginia militiamen trained by me repulsed by this group of people?

"There is no word surrender in my dictionary. Your Excellency, please come back. There is no need to waste your breath here." John Brown's attitude was very firm.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of surrender, George Palmer handed the message that he brought with him to John Brown: "This is a message from the President. Please read it."

"I can't read." John Brown glanced at the telegram handed over by George Palmer and said coldly, without reaching out to pick up the telegram.

John Brown was not talking angrily. He had not received a good education and only knew some simple words. He really could not understand the elaborate telegrams sent by Buchanan.

"General Robert E. Lee:

It is reported that armed rebels from the Alliance of Gilead led by John Brown have occupied Harpers Ferry. You have been assigned to eliminate this rebel force. Please lead the local Virginia troops to counter the rebellion immediately upon receipt of the telegram and take all necessary actions. Clear out enemies quickly and decisively to secure the area.

President Buchanan.

Federal Government Headquarters. "

George Palmer could only read the telegram from Buchanan in front of John Brown.

When he heard that his actions were classified as rebellion by the federal government and his identity was labeled as a rebel bandit.

John Brown felt dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

Buchanan's telegram had a greater impact on John Brown and others than if the black slaves in the South had not responded to their armed uprising.

At first, John Brown refused to believe that the contents of the telegram were true, until an old man who was literate in the team snatched the telegram. After confirming that the contents of the telegram were true and not just fabricated by George Palmer, John Brown Brown finally gave up.

He fought for freedom, but was mercilessly beaten as a rebel by the government that claimed to represent freedom.

"What was John Brown's reaction after seeing the President's telegram?" Robert E. Lee asked the returning George Palmer.

"The morale is low." George Palmer patted his chest and said, "But their attitude is still very stubborn and they refuse to surrender."

Being able to walk out of the armory alive gave him a feeling of surviving a disaster. He was really worried that John Brown and the others would detain him in anger, or even shoot him.

Fortunately, although John Brown and others were born into a humble family, they were still reasonable and well-behaved.

"Very well, Lieutenant Colonel Palmer, go and target five companies. After the bombardment is over, immediately launch a general attack on the armory! We must retake the armory in one battle and eliminate the Gileadite Alliance armed forces!" Robert Lee issued the order .

Not long after, the artillery company brought by Robert Lee set up eight 12-pound Napoleon cannons outside the armory. After correcting the design, they launched an artillery bombardment on the armory.

The Gileadite Alliance armed forces in the armory also pushed out the stock cannons from the armory to fight back. Unfortunately, since there were no talents with professional artillery background in the Gileadite Alliance armed forces, they could only manage to fire the cannons after a long time. As for the artillery attack, The accuracy is really hard to compliment.

Soon, Robert E. Lee's artillery batteries suppressed the firepower of the Gileadite Confederacy.

Just after the bombardment ended, Lieutenant Colonel George Palmer led five companies to launch a general attack on the armory. The two sides broke out in the most intense firefight since the war began.

Under the fierce offensive of the Virginia army, the Gilead Alliance armed forces, which were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of morale and numbers, quickly fell into a disadvantage. The gate to the armory was declared lost, and Virginia troops entered the armory.

After breaking into the armory, under the orders of Robert Lee, the Virginia army did not give the Gileadite Alliance forces any time to breathe, and continued to pursue the defeated Gileadite Alliance troops who retreated to the administrative building.

After an hour and thirty minutes of hard fighting, the Gileadite Alliance forces suffered heavy losses. 43 militants were directly killed and 36 militants were seriously injured. Even John Brown's eldest and second sons died in the fierce fighting.

John Brown himself and his third son, Brown Jr., were seriously wounded and captured by the Virginia army along with the remaining 32 armed men.

Compared to the heavy casualties suffered by the Gileadite Confederacy, the Virginia army led by Robert Lee suffered much smaller losses. Only 4 people died directly in the fighting, and only 8 people were injured.

Representative Randall and other local gentry and celebrities who were detained by John Brown were also successfully rescued. The only drawback was that during the battle, several members of the Gileadite Alliance armed forces escaped in the chaos.

Virginia officials breathed a sigh of relief after learning that Robert E. Lee had recaptured the armory.

At the same time, the Virginia authorities began to prepare intensively for the trial of the Gileadite Alliance armed forces headed by John Brown.

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