1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 602 It wasn’t us who did it

Chapter 595 We didn’t do it

"To act recklessly will put the entire state of Virginia, and even the entire South, in danger!" Robert E. Lee retorted, "Besides, we have not found evidence that regular Northern troops were directly involved in this attack."

Among all the slave-holding states in the South, except for Texas and South Carolina, which were relatively well prepared, most of the local militia organizations in the two states had completed formalization and initially formed combat capabilities. Other states, including Virginia, had not yet completed the formalization of their militia and started war hastily. Virginia had very limited troops that could be directly mobilized.

It rained all night, but Virginia's arms used to arm the militia were still stored in the Harpers Ferry armory.

If it chooses to break with the North at this time, Virginia, which is on the front line of the conflict between the North and the South, will not only face a shortage of troops, but will even be unable to provide sufficient supplies for the army.

Therefore, do not say that the identity of the militants who attacked Harbors Ferry is doubtful, even if the militants who attacked Harbors Ferry were really regular troops from the North or were directed by the North. Robert E. Lee would also insist that it was not the case, so as to avoid breaking up with the North now and erupting into a direct military conflict.

"Even if the attackers at Harpers Ferry were not regular northern troops, this rebel force must have been funded by northern rebels!" Virginia State Speaker Phillips still insisted on his tough attitude. I am willing to make concessions to the North again.

Robert E. Lee also felt helpless. Although he was a representative figure in Virginia's military circles and had high political prestige in the military circles, he did not have absolute say when it came to major political decisions in the state.

Just when Robert Lee felt isolated and helpless, Jefferson Davis, who was on vacation in Virginia, stood up to support Robert Lee: "I think what General Lee said is very reasonable. This armed attack is not only related to Going to Virginia also concerns the entire South. I am willing to question the federal government on behalf of Mississippi Power, and at the same time contact other southern states to be ready to support Virginia.”

Robert E. Lee gave Davis a grateful look.

Virginia's Secretary of State, Richard Caldwell, also supported Davis's views. He nodded and thanked Davis: "In these troubled times, we in the South should unite, Mr. Davis. , I’ll help you contact the southern states.”

See Davis and Caldwell both support Robert E. Lee and agree with Robert E. Lee's views. After careful consideration, Governor John Blofeld and Lieutenant Governor John Allele, who had calmed down a little, adopted Robert E. Lee's opinion.

After all, facing the entire north, Virginia is still alone and needs support from other southern states.

Only the most radical Virginia state speaker, Charles J. Phillips, still adhered to the radical view of direct military counterattack against the North. But his views have become so influential that he can no longer influence decision-making.

After the meeting, Robert E. Lee left Richmond in a hurry, organized a regiment of militiamen, and rushed non-stop to Harpers Ferry.

Whether or not an all-out war broke out between the North and South as a result of this armed attack, the armory at Harpers Ferry could not be lost and must be recaptured.

February 18, 1860.

The sky above Washington was covered with clouds, and the government officials walking through the White House also looked solemn.

On the president's desk was a thick stack of messages of inquiries and even denunciations from southern states. Buchanan was suffocated by the weight of these messages.

Buchanan threw his hands away and cleared the table in anger, and asked sternly: "Who is it? Who did this?!"

Buchanan originally wanted to invite Liang Yao to join the cabinet as Minister of War to weaken or win over the power of the west for the federal government's use. Unexpectedly, Liang Yao didn't agree with him at all. He refused to come to Washington to take up his post because of illness.

Liang Yao refused to eat the toast and showed contempt for the federal government, which already made Buchanan extremely upset. He didn't expect that so soon he would encounter something even worse than Liang Yao's refusal to take office.

"It was definitely not our regular army and militia who did it." Secretary of War Scott said. "According to the intelligence I collected, John Brown, the leader of the Gileadite Alliance, suddenly went to Kansas to contact his old headquarters, and then he disappeared. I suspect that the attack on Harpers Ferry was probably carried out by John Brown’s Gileadite allies.”

A northern armed group of dozens of people attacked and occupied Harpers Ferry, and also seized a huge local armory.

Just imagining this thing feels very magical and unbelievable.

But based on the information Scott currently has, this is the only possibility.

"I'm afraid that the South will insist that this matter was caused by us." Buchanan covered his old face, rubbed his eyes and said, "No matter what, we must give an explanation to the South for this matter."

"Will the federal government send troops to suppress this rebellion?" Scott knew that Buchanan did not want a full-scale conflict to break out between the North and the South when his term was about to end, so he did what he wanted and defined the time of the attack on Harpers Ferry for rebellion.

The incident occurred suddenly. Not only was the South unprepared for all-out war, but the North was also unprepared.

"No." Buchanan rejected Scott's suggestion and said, "The South does not trust the federal government. If we send troops from other places into Virginia, it will only cause conflicts and allow the matter to develop. To the point where it is out of control. Or let the armed forces of the state of Virginia suppress this rebellion on their own. Which general is in Virginia now?"

"General Robert E. Lee is a Virginian. He is in Virginia now." The first person Scott thought of was Robert E. Lee, "but I heard that Robert E. Lee has rushed to Harpers Ferry." ferry."

"In the name of the federal government's War Department, give an order to Robert E. Lee to put down this rebellion. The federal government will give him full support." Buchanan instructed.

Just as the attack on Harpers Ferry became a focal point in the East. "Suffering from serious illness and unable to travel far." Liang Yao appeared in full swing at the North Platte Fortress Group, which was still under construction.

Following Liang Yao to North Platte at the same time were the newly formed machine gun regiment, artillery regiment and 103rd brigade.

Of course, the 103rd Brigade is the designation used internally in the West. The external designation of this fully-equipped brigade with a strength of 7,500 people is still the Arizona Regiment.

The number of troops originally stationed in the North Platte Fortress Group also increased sharply from less than 2,000 to more than 10,000.

This does not include the Mongolian Cavalry Regiment and Sauron Cavalry Battalion, which have not yet fully formed combat capabilities. Liang Yao deployed more than one-third of his total troops in North Platte.

As for the remaining two infantry brigades, the 102nd Brigade was under the command of Elvis and was stationed along the Pacific Railway to protect the security of the Pacific Railway and the munitions warehouses along the way. The 101st Brigade is stationed in Salt Lake City as a general reserve unit on standby.

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