1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 486: Terrifying development speed

"General, this is the weapon we captured from those white-skinned pigs."

After the Oregon militia counted the seized weapons, they delivered them to Liang Yao.

White people have derogatory names for Chinese people, and Chinese people naturally have derogatory names for white people.

In the early years, the Chinese derogatory name for white people was "gui lao", but this was due to the existence of these extremely racist white people in northern Oregon.

Now Gui Lao has even become a neutral and complimentary term.

Since the first batch of immigrants in California were immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong, Fujian and Guangdong have strong clan affiliations and are relatively exclusive. People outside their own circle usually like to be called XX guy or XX boy.

White people on the West Coast have heard it a lot and don’t think there’s anything wrong with the term ghost. Instead, they think it’s quite interesting.

As time went by, the Chinese subtly called white people who were easy to get along with as ghosts.

Instead, the term "white-skinned pig" replaced the term "gui lao" as a derogatory term for unfriendly white people.

This word was first heard by Liang Yao's subordinates from Liang Yao. It first appeared in the army and later spread to the people.

Liang Yao looked at these weapons. The white people in Northern Oregon were armed with many weapons.

There are all kinds of weapons, including Walter Model 1851E rifle and Springfield Model 1842 rifle.

However, this is not surprising. Liang Yao also secretly supported the Indian weapons in Northern Oregon to resist the white armed forces in Northern Oregon.

These weapons may have been captured by white armed forces in the Northern Ohio region from Indian battles.

As for the Springfield 1842 rifle, it is not surprising that this weapon, which is widely equipped in the US military, appears here.

Liang Yao's attention was attracted by two other firearms.

One is the Brown Bess rifle that has been outdated and was eliminated by the British army. This rifle is very common in the Mexican battlefield and is a relatively outdated weapon.

Logically speaking, it is not surprising that the Brown Bess rifle appeared in the hands of white armed forces in the Northern Oregon area, but the appearance of another firearm made Liang Yao find it intriguing.

Another firearm is the Lee Enfield P53 rifle (also known as Pattern 1853 Enfield). This is a single-shot breech-loading standard rifle using 577 caliber Minie bullets.

The British just converted this rifle into the standard weapon of the British army before and after the Crimean War. This is a relatively advanced weapon.

It’s tempting to think that north of Northern Oregon is what’s known as British Columbia.

"The British's new rifle? Is the financial backer behind them British?" Wu Yuanhua picked up a Lee-Enfield P53 rifle and started playing with it.

"No wonder we have given so much support to the Indians in recent years, but we have been able to fight back and forth with the white-skinned pigs of Northern Oregon."

Liang Yao did not further expand his power northward in his early years. A large part of the reason was that he considered that Britain and the United States still had border conflicts on the Oregon border and wanted to leave Northern Oregon as a buffer.

I didn't expect a British guy to see such a thing.

It is a very dangerous sign for the British to get involved in household affairs on the West Coast.

The places that the British have messed up now will not be safe in more than a hundred years.

"The British are not their sponsors, but these people are undoubtedly cheating and cheating. They must be punished," Liang Yao said.

"We definitely can't count on the Indians. Even if we give the Indians a lot of support, they may not be able to deal with these white pigs. It's up to us to deal with these white pigs in Northern Oregon."

There are not many white people in Oregon, between 20,000 and 30,000.

The immigrants who expanded to the West in the early days of the United States were not good people. They were basically marginalized people in society. To put it bluntly, they were desperadoes such as prisoners, deserters, fugitives, and cowboys.

Decades later, in front of these people, the Wild West players were all law-abiding and amiable people.

The western cowboys who came behind these people called them "seniors" or even "grandfathers and grandfathers" in high and low voices.

The Indians cannot count on these organized desperadoes and can only rely on themselves.

Like the Indians in the Great Plains, the Indians in the West Coast region were full of contradictions, a mess of sand, and it was difficult to urinate into a chamber pot. It is even less possible to spontaneously form a united front.

In the war between Indians and white people, it was normal for each tribe to fight on its own.

During the westward expansion of the United States, white immigrants and armed forces took advantage of this to provoke civil wars among the Indians, and then took advantage of the situation and defeated them one by one.

And this trick has been tried many times and succeeded every time.

"What should we do next?" Wu Yuanhua asked.

He and Liang Yao were not in a superior-subordinate relationship. Wu Yuanhua was the governor of a state, but he behaved like a subordinate in front of Liang Yao.

But Wu Yuanhua didn't think there was anything wrong. Without Liang Yao, they wouldn't be where they are today.

"Send the real immigrants to the north bank by ferry and build houses on the spot." Liang Yao said to Wu Yuanhua.

"Build a brick house! Don't build a temporary wooden house! This place is only across the river from downtown Portland. Portland has no shortage of building materials. All the building materials are brought to the North Shore, allowing immigrants to use them. , build the house quickly!”

When immigrants in California immigrate to a new place, they usually like to use local materials and build wooden houses as temporary residences using readily available wood. Then, while reclaiming land, they slowly save money to buy building materials and give their permanent residences to the immigrants. Build it up slowly.

This is how settlements in California, Oregon, and even many territorial areas surrounding the two states were slowly formed.

"Okay, Governor Stevens of the Territory of Northern Oregon will probably know what's going on here soon. I will take the brothers from the Oregon Militia to look out for the immigrants so that they can build their houses with peace of mind." Wu Yuanhua said.

"Okay, I'll go back to Portland to work first. Stevens comes and tells me right away that I am the commander-in-chief of the Western Region and am in charge of the security of the Western Region. I am also obviously responsible for this kid, so I will step in." It would be more appropriate to negotiate with him." Liang Yao nodded and said.


After the introduction of the new Land Act in 1851, American railroad companies entered a period of barbaric growth. Railway companies sprung up like mushrooms after a rain and thrived.

The number of railroad companies in the United States has also grown from less than 30 in 1851 to more than 70 in 156, and the number of railroad companies has more than doubled.

And these are just the number of railroad companies that have registered to raise capital on Wall Street.

There are countless small railway companies in various places.

The mileage of railroads in the United States also soared from about 8,000 miles in 1851 to about 70,000 miles in 1856.

The United States has entered a stage of rapid industrialization, catching up with the European industrial countries on the other side at a terrifying rate of development.

This bald eagle hanging alone on the edge of the world is using industry to enrich its wings and sharpen its claws.

When his wings grow and his sharp claws are revealed, the whole world will tremble.

Politicians in Europe will be surprised to find that they are not facing the cute bald eagle of the early 1800s, but a ferocious bald eagle armed to the teeth by industrialization.

But now if this bald eagle wants to complete its transformation and grow into a real raptor and fly high, it still needs to pluck out a kind of inferior feathers called slavery.

The Atlantic Railroad's headquarters are in Baltimore, where the Atlantic Railroad's predecessor, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, was founded.

The Atlantic Railway Company was a railway company reorganized in 1852 when Liang Yao acquired the Baltimore-Ohio Railway Company and used the company's personnel as its staff.

Atlantic Railway Company is the second largest railway company under the American Group and is responsible for the railway business of the American Group in the eastern United States. Responsible for the operations of the Atlantic Railroad was Garrett, the company's president.

Although Atlantic Railway Company is the second largest railway company under the American Group, Atlantic Railway Company is not an unknown small railway company.

As of 1856, there were a total of five railroad companies in the United States with assets exceeding tens of millions. These five railroad companies were well-deserved giants in the American railroad industry.

The five railroad companies were the California Railroad, the New York Central Railroad, the Illinois Central Railroad, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Atlantic Railroad.

Among them, the California Railroad Company, the New York Central Railroad Company, and the Illinois Central Railroad Company are the first group. They are the leading companies in the American railroad industry and are the only ones in existence.

The Pennsylvania Railroad Company and the Atlantic Railway Company are railroad companies in the same class. Although these two railroad companies are not as strong as the previous three leading companies, they have also begun to emerge and are a force that cannot be ignored in the American railroad industry.

It is worth noting that during this period, state-owned and state-owned railroad companies appeared in the United States.

Like the banking industry (during this period, chartered banks in the United States could issue currency and had some central bank functions), these companies that received government charters and shareholdings were called chartered railroad companies.

For example, the Illinois Central Railroad Company, which was reorganized in 1851, was one of the first franchised railroad companies in American history. The federal government also held a portion of the railroad company's shares.

Its main lines connect Chicago and New Orleans, as well as other construction involving western pioneer routes, in line with the national strategy of America's westward expansion.

This is also the case with the Florida Railroad Company and the Texas Railroad Company, but these two railroads are chartered railroads in Florida and Texas and focus on railroad construction in their states.

It is not difficult to see the differences between the north and the south of the United States from the development of the railway industry. The bourgeoisie in the north is obviously better at integrating and dispatching resources than the south, while the slave owners in the south prefer to guard their own acres. The land worked independently and carried out limited industrialization.

Garrett stood on the roof of the Atlantic Railroad headquarters building in Baltimore.

The headquarters building of the Atlantic Railroad Company is the tallest building in Baltimore. Standing on the roof of the headquarters building, you can take in the entire city and feel like you are seeing a small mountain.

The Atlantic Railroad Company is the only railroad company in Maryland with assets exceeding tens of millions. The height of this headquarters building also represents the height of the Atlantic Railroad Company and Garrett himself in Maryland.

Garrett looked at the Baltimore Central Station not far away, which is the railway hub of Maryland. It is very busy with railways entering and exiting the station almost all the time.

This busy and priceless railway station belongs to the Atlantic Railway Company.

Who would have thought that the Atlantic Railway Company, which is now prosperous in Maryland and has a place in the entire United States, was still a railway company that had spent an initial capital of 3 million US dollars and was about to face bankruptcy four years ago.

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

Garrett's right-hand man, Zeiss, walked towards Garrett. The wind on the top floor was very strong, and Zeiss's half-length blond hair was a little messy by the wind.

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