1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 397: Ultimatum

When Ye Tingfan's men used crowbars to pry open the wooden cargo box, Elvis and the Wang family's hands had already reached to their waists involuntarily, preparing for the worst.

Ye Tingfan pulled back the straw on the upper floor and saw a brand new steam engine.

The foreign code on it is clearly printed: Made in California.

"This is California goods, why is your cargo ship flying the British flag?" Ye Tingfang asked alertly.

"Sir, California and the Dutch East Indies are embargoing each other. If the Dutch East Indies want to buy California's goods, they can only buy them from a third country." Elvis replied with reason.

Elvis's answer dispelled Ye Tingfan's doubts. Indeed, now the Dutch East Indies can only ask a third country to come forward if they want to purchase goods from California.

As for why Ye Tenghui purchased steam engines and other gold mining equipment from California, the reason is also very simple. California's gold mining industry chain is relatively mature, and the gold mining tools produced in California are very popular among miners.

As far as he knows, even gold mines in Australia use gold mining tools produced in California.

Ye Tingfan showed respect to Ye Tenghui and opened another wooden container. When he saw that it was still a steam engine, he waved it through.

Ye Tenghui snorted coldly and pulled the goods to the mine.

After Liang Yao arrived in Xiangshan, the reaction of the governor in Guangzhou was far less intense than the last time Liang Yao came to Xiangshan.

Xu Guangjin and Ye Mingchen were both in the Qing Dynasty. Liang Yao was only temporarily resting in Xiangshan and would not rush deep into the hinterland of Guangdong.

Of course, even if Liang Yao really wants Chen Bing under the city of Guangzhou, there is nothing they can do against Liang Yao.

In the name of the Umbrella Company, Liang Yao issued an ultimatum to the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, Sir Albertus Jacobs Dumar van Teves.

In the letter, Liang Yao claimed to have obtained evidence that the Dutch East Indies authorities had committed crimes against humanity in the East Indies, and asked Tevez to stop all criminal acts against humanity and stop the persecution of Chinese and indigenous people in Borneo, especially the indigenous peoples of Borneo. It was the massacre of Chinese Americans.

At the end of the letter, Liang Yao demanded that the Indian authorities withdraw their troops from Borneo, apologize to the Qing and American governments for the massacre of local people by the Dutch and Indian authorities, and provide corresponding compensation.

After receiving Liang Yao's letter, 45-year-old Tevez was angry and laughing. He had never seen such an outrageous ultimatum.

The Dutch and Indian authorities massacred natives and Chinese in the East Indies. What did Liang Yao have to do with him?

This American general's control is too lenient.

Of course, Tevez would not agree to Liang Yao's conditions, and quickly wrote back to reprimand Liang Yao for being greedy and rude, and warned Liang Yao not to have any whims and attempt to get involved in the East Indies.

What Liang Yao was waiting for was Tevez's rejection letter. As soon as the reply from the Dutch Governor arrived, Liang Yao gathered his team and set off from Xiangshan to Borneo with great fanfare.

"Aren't you going to leave some reserves?"

Fremont asked before boarding the ship and setting off.

Fremont felt that it would be too reckless to go all-in. Liang Yao's current maritime power is already the limit of California's mobilization capabilities. If it loses, it will fail miserably, and California will not be able to organize for a long time. Massive sea power.

"Our paper strength at sea is not as good as that of the Dutch and Indian authorities. Instead of being timid and leaving a reserve team to preserve our strength, it is better to decide the outcome in one battle and take Pontianak directly." Liang Yao said.

If the strength and conditions permit, Liang Yao would of course also want to keep a reserve team in case of emergencies.

At present, Liang Yao's maritime strength is not advantageous. Keeping the reserve team will only widen the gap between his maritime strength and that of the Dutch and Indian authorities.

If he loses the first game, what can he do with the reserve team he has left?

The ships of the Guangdong Navy also removed any flags that could highlight the identity of the Qing Dynasty in Huangpu and sailed to Xiangshan Port and Liangyao Round.

In addition to the three Loach-class ships, the Guangdong Navy is most commonly equipped with rice boats, Tongan shuttles and Dahengyang shuttles.

The rice boat was originally a civilian transport ship known for its fast speed and strong hull. The largest meter boat was only nine feet and five feet long (67 meters) and two feet and six inches wide (87 meters).

The situation with the Andersen and Transocean shuttles was not much better.

The dimensions are respectively seven feet and two feet (24 meters) long and one foot and nine feet (33 meters) wide.

The Great Ocean shuttle boat was eight feet two feet (33 meters) long and two feet six feet (67 meters) wide.

The tonnage of these ships is only two hundred tons, and they only have a few old cannons on board.

The firing conditions of these mini boats are also very demanding. Only when the weather is calm can it hit the enemy ship, otherwise it will just make a sound.

According to the Royal Navy ship classification standards published by the British Navy in 1817, small gunboats such as the sixth-class ships, the lowest class in the British Royal Navy, have between 20 and 24 guns, and the shortest length is 1 meter. The minimum displacement is also 450 tons.

In other words, if Britain's sixth-level ships are placed in the Guangdong Navy, they are all treasures that can be used as flagships.

Although Liang Yao was mentally prepared, the poverty of the Guangdong Navy still shocked Liang Yao.

What the hell are these ships? Except for the Loach-class ships, you can't find one with a displacement of more than 300 tons.

Not to mention ocean navigation, such a ship is also capable of offshore defense. Maybe even the ships of Southeast Asian pirates are better than those of the Guangdong Navy.

The Guangdong Navy was already the most capable navy of the Qing Dynasty before the Westernization Movement.

The only good thing is that Xu Guangjin and Ye Mingchen did not object to Hong Mingxiang's expedition in the name of exterminating pirates.

Xu Ye and Xu Ye knew that Hong Mingxiang was taking the Guangdong navy to go to sea with Liang Yao to make extra money, so they turned a blind eye.

"The Guangdong Navy doesn't have any bigger ships?"

The moment he saw the Guangdong Navy's expedition fleet, Liang Yao instantly felt that his $100,000 was too much and he was losing blood.

In this situation, the Guangdong Navy can only act as an atmosphere team to liven up the atmosphere.

"These are already the essence of the Guangdong Navy." Hong Mingxiang said with a dry cough.

Liang Yao was speechless after hearing this and had no choice but to give the order to sail.

Not long after the fleet sailed out, they saw a third-class fleet of the British Far East Fleet flying the Union Jack flag, following Liang Yao's fleet, paying attention to every move of Liang Yao's fleet.

Bonham, the third British Governor of Hong Kong, learned about the changes on the Borneo Road through the mouth of Sir James of the Brooke Dynasty. He was full of interest in whether Liang Yao could subvert the dominance of the Dutch and Indian authorities on the island of Borneo.

Liang Yao ignored the British. The British in Hong Kong did not respond to his various actions by the Dutch and Indian authorities, which showed that the British Hong Kong authorities had no intention of intervening in the dispute between Liang Yao and the Dutch and Indian authorities.

Of course, from another level, it can also be understood that the British Hong Kong authorities and the Dutch and Indian authorities did not take Liang Yao seriously at all, and both believed that Liang Yao's strength was not enough to change the current power structure in the East Indies.


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