1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 391: Ideological Awakening

Collins, the chief photographer and reporter for the California Daily News and the New York Evening Post, had just returned to San Francisco after completing interviews at the Pacific Railroad construction site.

Liang Yao asked someone to notify Collins to come to Tingtao Garden to see him.

"Boss, you don't need to explain this to me specifically. I'm an old news person in California. I know what should be reported and what shouldn't be reported," Collins said.

“Railway engineers and workers braved the severe winter cold to build railroads in the snowy Nevada mountains, and worked together to build bridges and pave roads in dangerous canyons. These reports and photos are in line with California’s spiritual civilization and should be praised on the front page of newspapers.

For things like the accidental explosion of nitroglycerin that killed workers, workers' protests, and other content that is not in line with the spiritual civilization of California, you can selectively report on it, praise the suffering, and make the people moved by it. This is what you taught me, and I remember it. "

"Collins, this is why you can be the chief photographer and reporter of the California Daily News and the New York Evening Post. You are a very ideological person."

Collins' awakening made Liang Yao very satisfied.

Collins' photography skills and writing style are undoubtedly first-class, otherwise Liang Yao would not have chosen Collins to shoot and report on the Los Angeles Massacre in 1850. During the 1852 expedition to Japan, he chose to take Collins with him as his correspondent.

However, photography skills and writing skills were not the most important reasons why Liang Yao chose Collins. The media industry in the United States has always been very developed, and there has never been a shortage of reporters with good photography skills and top-notch copywriting skills.

High ideological consciousness is the most important reason why Liang Yao likes Collins.

"Sometimes the position is more important than the facts. What you said makes sense." Collins' smile was mixed with a hint of indescribable bitterness. "You asked me to come to Tingtaoyuan to take a family photo for your family?"

"Letting you take family photos is overkill. Two local Chinese have just arrived from Borneo. You go interview them and write an article based on the facts that will be published on the front page of the California Daily News and the New York Evening Post." Publish." Liang Yao said to Collins.

"Facts?" Collins felt some differences.

"Yes, facts, don't look at me like that. When did I ask you to report fake news?" Liang Yao rolled his eyes at Collins, "Facts are the soul of news. I have also said this to you California media people. .”

"Indeed, you have always reported only real news and mixed your personal opinions into the real news." Collins could not deny it.

The news that Liang Yao asked him to report was indeed real news, but it was just selective reporting and using inflammatory language.

"After interviewing them, I need you to take a few photos of the scene." Liang Yao continued.

"Reenactment?" Collins asked.

"Yes, find some Dutch people, put them in the uniforms of the Royal Dutch East India Army, and find some Chinese Americans in California, and let those Dutch people look like they are massacring Chinese people. I think you know what I want What kind of photos do you want?" Liang Yao thought for a while and said.

Immigration areas also have their advantages. No matter which ethnic group Liang Yao wants to find actors, except for blacks, they can basically be found in California, a melting pot of races.

"I know that the stronger the visual impact, the better, and it needs to look real," Collins said. "Los Angeles is a good place, with beaches, plains, forests, deserts, there are all kinds of scenery nearby, but I need some funds. to arrange the landscape to make the photos look more realistic.”

"Funding is not a problem, as long as you can take photos that satisfy me."


In the Oval Office of the President at the White House in Washington.

After Fillmore listened casually to the British ambassador's protests, he politely asked the British ambassador to leave his presidential office.

Corwin, who had just been promoted to Secretary of State, shrugged helplessly to Fillmore: "The British insisted on stating Liang Yao's crimes to you face to face. I was forced to have no choice but to bring him to see you. As you know, the British Regardless of whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, they are always unyielding and very difficult to deal with. "

"Hell, I am the president of the United States. Why do I need a British guy to teach me how to be the president of the United States?" Fillmore frowned.

He opened the drawer of his desk, took out a box of matches from the drawer, took out a match from the matchbox, struck it, and then held the burning match to light his pipe.

Fillmore slowly blew out the smoke ring and continued.

"It's not the British guys' turn to dictate the appointment and dismissal of personnel in the United States."

Corwin also believed that the British ambassador's request for Fillmore to remove Liang Yao's general rank was indeed a bit lenient.

Liang Yao was the only general that Fillmore personally promoted during his tenure. He replaced Liang Yao less than a year after taking office. Didn't Fillmore slap himself in the face?

Among Liang Yao's many titles, Army Brigadier General is the only one Fillmore has the authority to remove.

The more the British asked Fillmore to remove Liang Yao's title of general, the more Fillmore felt that his appointment was correct.

Fillmore asked Liang Yao to form the Western Brigade to take charge of the defense of the west coast. The purpose was to make the British and Mexicans uncomfortable rather than make them feel comfortable.

"The British are trying to dump Fu Shou Ointment into California, which deserves our vigilance. California has enacted legislation to classify Fu Shou Ointment as a contraband. I think Congress should also legislate to express our attitude. The Qing Dynasty is a lesson learned from the past." Corwin said worriedly.

“I have also read California’s report and assessment on elixirs. We do not have an advantage in our trade with the United Kingdom. If the elixir trade is left unchecked, our trade deficit with the United Kingdom will only become larger and larger, which will affect to our tariff revenue.”

Fillmore also felt that legislation to classify elixirs as contraband was necessary.

Before the Opium War, in the normal trade between the Qing Dynasty and the United Kingdom, the Qing Dynasty still had a trade surplus. The British had a large amount of silver from the Qing Dynasty flowing into the hands of British merchants with just a commodity called Fu Shou Ointment. They had to be vigilant about this move.

"General Liang has more and more ideas. It seems that he is no longer satisfied with a corner of California. He also wants to form a colonial company to set foot on the island of Borneo and extend his tentacles to Southeast Asia." Corwin said.

"Your Excellency also took shares in Umbrella?" Fillmore knew what Corwin wanted to say.

"The colonial companies in the United States have not done much yet. As long as they don't spend the federal government's money and endorse Umbrella, it doesn't hurt to let Umbrella try Southeast Asia. The United States also needs wider skies and oceans."

Liang also gave Fillmore 8% of Umbrella shares. Fillmore was a civilian president. After leaving office, he needed to repay the debt he owed during his presidential term.

Umbrella's shares are still very tempting to Fillmore. Anyway, they are just endorsing Umbrella and not asking the federal government to spend money to form a colonial company.

As for whether Umbrella can develop in Southeast Asia, that is Umbrella's own business.


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