1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 340: The Near East is in chaos, and the Far East is also in chaos

"If these countries are asking the Japanese shogunate government to open treaty ports for mutual trade, then that's fine."

Fillmore said, picking up his pipe from the table.

Fillmore is a relatively pragmatic politician. He also knows that with the current strength of the United States, it is impossible to exclude other powers from Japan and allow the United States to monopolize Japan.

After Britain opened the door to the Qing Dynasty, the United States also took advantage of the British and bullied the Qing officials who did not understand the international situation to sign the "Treaty of Wangxia" and enjoyed other benefits in the "Treaty of Nanjing" except for the cession of territory and compensation. All rights reserved.

"Does any country have territorial claims or compensation requirements against Japan?"

Liang Yao knew what Fillmore wanted to say. It was nothing more than Russia's request to obtain a permanent concession in Nagasaki just like the United States.

In addition, Russia also filed a sky-high claim for 8 million taels of silver from the Japanese shogunate on the grounds that Russian whalers and crew members also encountered shipwrecks off the coast of Japan and were treated unfairly.

These are not the most important. The most important one of the Russian Empire is to require the Japanese shogunate authorities not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Ezo people, especially the Ezo Island.

The so-called Ezo Island is the island of Hokkaido in later generations. Among the administrative divisions of Japan in later generations: one city, one city, two prefectures and forty-three counties, Hokkaido is the only one among them.

In the mid-19th century, the Hokkaido area, and even the northern part of Honshu Island, did not yet belong to Japan, but was under the control of the Ezo people, also known as the Ainnu people.

At this time, the Ezo people lived in the area centered on Ezo Island, and their activities included the Kuril Islands, the bitter cold land in the north of Honshu Island, and Sakhalin Island in China.

The barbarians conquered by the Tokugawa family's barbarian generals did not refer to barbarians in general, but to the Ezo people.

The Chinese are more accustomed to calling these people Guwei, Kuyi or Kuye people.

Japan completed its control of Ezo Island during the Meiji Restoration, that is, in 1869. It was only after the Russo-Japanese War that it completed the integration of Ezo Island and completely eliminated the influence of the local indigenous people.

Japan's approach to annihilating the indigenous peoples of Northeast Asia is exactly the same as Russia's approach to annihilating the Chinese and local native ethnic groups in the Far East.

They all use physical means to eliminate these foreigners to the greatest extent, and then fill these places with prisoners of their own race, that is, the Russian and Yamato races, to achieve so-called assimilation.

Deng Yan had already told him these demands of the Russian Empire against the Japanese shogunate, and the Japanese shogunate authorities also hoped that he could help. However, Liang Yao couldn't act like he knew everything in front of Fillmore, so as not to let others know. Fillmore was embarrassed.

"Yes, Russia wants to get involved in Ezo Island. This nation's greed for land has no end. It has extended its paw to the Ottoman Empire in the Near East. I didn't expect that it would be able to free up another palm to extend to the Far East." Phil. Moore said righteously.

"The concession in Nagasaki was obtained with the blood of American soldiers, and the reparations were also war reparations. Why can the Russians also obtain these rights?"

Liang Yao knew exactly what Fillmore was thinking at this time. It was nothing more than the fact that the British gained war compensation by ceding Hong Kong Island from the Qing Dynasty through war, and the United States followed suit and signed a trade treaty. The Russians relied on Why is it following the United States and asking Japan to cede territory and pay compensation? This is against the rules.

Although this is a rule among robbers, it is also a rule among robbers.

"The Japanese government's financial resources are limited. Once Russia's attempt to claim compensation succeeds, it will inevitably affect the speed of the Japanese authorities to repay our debts. In this matter, my suggestion is to put pressure on the Russians and help the Japanese shogunate. We in the United States will also I can get a favor." Liang Yao analyzed slowly.

"The United States is putting pressure on Russia in Northeast Asia. I think Britain and France will also be on our side, and the Qing Dynasty will also be on our side. We can also get some unexpected benefits from the Qing Dynasty."

Hearing what Liang Yao said, Fillmore instantly became interested and asked: "Our pressure on Russia in the Far East did indirectly help Britain and France share part of the pressure in the Near East, but why did the Qing Dynasty stand on our side? ?I don’t quite understand this.”

“Russia not only covets Ezo Island, but also the Sakhalin Island of the Qing Dynasty to the north of Ezo Island, which is also a coveted place for Russia. Even the entire outer northeastern region has been coveted by Russia for a long time. More than a hundred years ago, Qing Russia was coveted due to foreign affairs. War broke out over territorial disputes in the Northeast.”

Liang Yao took a sip of water and then continued.

"We can recognize the Qing Dynasty's legitimate sovereignty over Northeast China and Sakhalin Island, and provide some help when necessary, and the Qing Dynasty will be grateful to us."

"Then what can we in the United States get? Is it just the gratitude of the Qing Dynasty?" Fillmore frowned.

"The Qing Kingdom still has suzerainty over Ezo Island, but Ezo is not a core vassal state like North Korea and Vietnam. The Qing Kingdom has never paid much attention to these peripheral vassal states. We can obtain the suzerainty over Ezo Island from the Qing Kingdom. , replacing the Qing Dynasty as the suzerainty of Ezo.

At that time, we can legitimately squeeze out the Russian and Japanese forces from Ezo Island and monopolize Ezo Island. Since Ezo Island has a small indigenous population, we have the opportunity to slowly transform the island into a territory that belongs to the United States.

This 30,000-square-kilometer island will become a nail in the Far East for the United States. It can be used not only to curb the rise of Japan, but also to stop Russia's endless expansion in the Far East. It can be said to serve multiple purposes with one stone. .

More importantly, over time, if this island becomes our American territory, the United States will become a superpower with territory spanning the Americas and Asia.

And the American people will also remember that this great achievement was started during the term of you, the great President Fillmore. "

Liang Yao made another big deal with Fillmore.

If it were someone else who offered him such a big pie, Fillmore would definitely sneer at him and think that the other person is a lunatic.

But if it was Liang Yao who drew the pie, Fillmore was willing to believe it, because Liang Yao had the ability to cash in on the pie he drew.

A large part of the reason why he is able to be re-elected is that he supported Liang Yao and Perry's successful expedition to Japan, which brought his personal popularity to its peak during the presidential election and took a big advantage in the election.

Otherwise, it’s hard to say who will win this election.

Fillmore put down his pipe and tapped his index finger restlessly on the walnut table. Since Liang Yao had drawn the pie to him, it was definitely not in vain.

Fillmore knew what Liang Yao wanted.

"If you are in charge of affairs in the Far East, the strength of the three standing regiments will be stretched thin. Let's do this. I will give you the establishment of another regiment. If necessary, you only need to ask me for instructions via telegram, and you can use this regiment and its commander. Garrison to protect the rights and interests of the American Far East."

The establishment of a regiment?

Liang Yao wanted more than that. Besides, the half of the American regiment stationed in Nagasaki was originally his unit. If he wanted to use this half of the regiment, he didn't even need to ask for permission. He only needed to write a letter. Letter to Deng Yan, commander in Japan.

"Washington and California are separated by mountains and rivers, and transportation is inconvenient. California and the Far East are also separated by the Pacific Ocean. It would be too inefficient if we ask you for instructions on everything in the Far East and then leave it to Congress to discuss and decide. I hope you can Authorization, some authorization to deal with Far Eastern affairs." Liang Yao said.

Liang Yao's appetite is not as big as usual, Fillmore sneered in his heart.

But there is no other way. When dealing with matters in the Far East, California not only has a convenient location. And Liang Yao is indeed the person in America who knows the Far East best.

Fillmore paced back and forth in the office, and after a while, he spoke: "Except for Japan's tariffs and the use of the Nagasaki garrison and the California garrison to intervene in the Far East, for the rest of the matter, you only need to send me a telegram. Can."

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