1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 318: Western Brigade

When the issue of organization was mentioned, the carriage instantly became quiet.

Giving Liang Yao more personnel means another increase in military expenditure.

Fillmore crossed his fingers and tapped the back of his left hand rhythmically with his right index finger. He did not give Liang Yao an immediate reply, but instead thought about the cost of military expansion.

Liang Yao waited calmly for Fillmore's reply. Now it was Fillmore who wanted something from him, not him.

"You have two regiments now. I can add a standing regiment to you. The Army's expansion of a standing regiment is not a big deal. It only needs to follow the procedures of the Department of War. It does not require the permission of Congress. The resistance will be much smaller, and I I can give you the organization of this regiment as soon as I return to Washington."

After thinking for a moment, Fillmore spread his hands and put his hands on his thighs and said.

"In this case, you will have three regiments, and you can directly form a fully-equipped Western Brigade. There are not many fully-equipped standing brigades in the United States."

During the peacetime before the United States entered World War II, the number of standing armies maintained was not only very small, but also the standing regiments were rarely fully staffed.

There are relatively few people like Liang Yao who maintain their standing regiments at full strength or even at super strength. Under normal circumstances, only the standing regiments responsible for garrisoning in border areas maintain a high staffing rate.

And even during wartime, the U.S. military still has many combat units that enter the battlefield without full strength after mobilization.

The New England Brigade that Pierce commanded during the Mexican-American War had only 2,800 men when it went to the battlefield, and it did not reach the full strength requirement.

"Excluding the troops stationed in Nagasaki, I am still in charge of the troops stationed in Japan." Liang Yao emphasized.

Having a brigade is an acceptable result for him. As for the army stationed in Nagasaki, Japan, Liang Yaoyao did not give a specific size. There is a lot of room for maneuver here.

"The troops stationed in Japan are not in the mainland and are not included in the establishment of the Western Brigade." Fillmore agreed.

He is not a president with a military background, nor does he have a military background, so his influence in the military community is limited.

Liang Yao is the only general among all the generals in the United States who he single-handedly promoted and can give a lot of trust to.

If you want Liang Yao to contribute in the future war with Mexico and gain more chances of winning, the best way to win over Liang Yao is to win over him.

During the conversation, the carriage unknowingly drove to the business district at the junction of 42nd Street and Broadway on the West Side of Manhattan.

Liang Yao pulled up the curtains on the carriage window, and the buildings under construction on both sides of the street came into view.

These are supporting facilities around the Crystal Palace and small shops that will be rented out in the future.

After the carriage continued driving for a while, it arrived at the completed Crystal Palace.

The news that the Crystal Palace will be cutting the ribbon today was released a few days ago, along with the news that a grand opening event will be held on the opening day of the Crystal Palace.

At the Sewing Machine Store in Crystal Palace Mall, if you spend 10 cents to purchase a raffle ticket, you will have a chance to win a Butterfly brand foot-operated sewing machine.

There will be 10 Butterfly sewing machines participating in this lottery. The lucky participant who gets the Butterfly sewing machine will also become a silver member of the Crystal Palace Shopping Mall and will receive a sterling silver membership card.

Silver members enjoy a 10% discount when shopping at directly operated stores in Crystal Palace Mall.

An ordinary Butterfly sewing machine currently sells for US$85, which is equivalent to more than half a year's salary of a New York worker, so this activity is very attractive to New Yorkers.

Many New Yorkers who came to watch the opening event had a small-minded attitude and hoped to take home the sewing machine for 10 cents.

In addition to sewing machines, kerosene and kerosene lamps also have their own opening activities, but the kerosene and kerosene lamp activity is a discount event during the opening week where you can get 1 liter of kerosene for free if you buy a kerosene lamp.

In addition, ready-made clothing stores, new shotgun sales stores, Chinese product areas, Japanese product areas, and Oregon fur products areas also have their own corresponding opening activities.

Tens of thousands of New Yorkers who came to watch the excitement had already gathered in front of the gate of the Crystal Palace. The arrival of Liang Yao and the President caused the dense crowd in front of the Crystal Palace to cheer.

Of course, there are still some people in New York who are not interested in Liang Yao, the newly promoted brigadier general and the President of the United States. These people are focused on doing good deeds and are following the young girl wearing a low-cut dress who is dancing enthusiastically in the Crystal Palace Square.

How could a general and president have more fun watching these beautiful girls dancing with fat on their chests?

Liang Yao and Fillmore stepped off the carriage at the same time. Van Daze and others, including Joseph Paxton, the designer of the Crystal Palace, were already waiting for the arrival of Liang Yao and President Fillmore in front of the gate of the Crystal Palace.

Van Daze is very concerned about this matter. He attaches great importance to the Crystal Palace shopping mall. In order to fill up the Crystal Palace with 300 large and small shops, it will not appear deserted on the opening day. Van Daze used the contacts and channels accumulated by three generations of the Van Daze family in the New York retail industry.

Many of the retailers who have settled in Crystal Palace Shopping Mall came from Stewart's Marble Palace.

Because Stewart's Marble Palace Shopping Mall previously held a monopoly position in the New York retail industry, it charged high entrance fees to store owners and suppliers who settled in the marble mall.

Otherwise, their shops, stalls and products can only be arranged in corners where no one cares. Therefore, before the Crystal Palace opened, many shop owners and suppliers of the Marble Palace Shopping Center inquired about the entrance fee of the Vandaze Crystal Palace. , expressed that he wanted to settle in the Crystal Palace Shopping Mall.

As for the staff of the Marble Mall, more and more people have switched jobs to the Crystal Palace.

Before purchasing the land at his feet, Liang Yao had inspected Stuart's Marble Palace shopping mall. Stewart is very harsh on his employees, emphasizing their dedication to the mall, but choosing to turn a blind eye to the issue of employee remuneration. He has a very demeanor of narrowing his mind the more he talks about remuneration, and the more he talks about dedication, the higher his realm.

The monthly salary of the entry-level employees at the Marble Palace Mall is only 7 US dollars and 50 cents, which is a lower-middle-level wage in New York, and the work intensity is similar to that of working on the assembly line in a factory.

However, even these 7 dollars and 50 cents are not so easy to get in full. Marble Palace Mall has a mature set of rules and regulations for deducting employees' wages from being late, leaving early, taking too long to eat, taking too long to use the toilet, and looking for mistakes. Even small change could be grounds for Stewart to withhold wages.

The basic salary offered to the lower-level employees of the Crystal Palace Mall is US$10, with two days of rest per month. This treatment is undoubtedly very attractive to the employees of the Marble Palace Mall.

In the mid-19th century, rest was a very luxury for workers. It was normal to work more than 16 hours a day without any rest days. Compared with the intensity of work of workers in China in the 21st century, they are living in paradise. .

The rest day system, the eight-hour work system, and holidays were won by workers in various countries in the 19th century after countless struggles with the capitalists with their blood and lives.

The reason why Stewart dared to do this is also very simple. As the largest city in the United States, New York has the most indispensable shortage of labor. It is not easy to find a job in New York. Even if the old employees leave, there will always be new ones to work for his mall. Inject new blood.

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