1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 287: The anxious Dutch

The United States forced the Tokugawa Shogunate to sign a treaty. Not only were the Japanese anxious, but the Dutch in Japan were even more anxious than the Japanese.

When the news of the American army's attack on Nagasaki reached Edo, the Tokugawa shogunate summoned the Dutch several times and consulted the Dutch about American affairs.

This is also the unwritten practice of the shogunate. The shogunate has had several foreign-related disputes before. In addition to the United States, there are also many disputes between England and Russia (Tsarist Russia) and the Japanese shogunate.

The Tokugawa shogunate finally solved these problems through the Dutch.

Because the senior officials of the shogunate believed that the Netherlands was the first-class power in Europe, they believed that the Dutch could resolve all disputes involving Westerners.

Only now, the stereotype that the Dutch are the first-class European power has been completely broken with the opening of Japan's door to the United States.

"Your Majesty General, please forgive me for offending. As long as you sign this treaty, Japan will lose its bright future."

Ting En, the Dutch representative in Edo, came to Oku in a hurry to ask to see Tokugawa Ieki. However, Tokugawa Ieki's condition became worse and worse, so he could only meet Ting En on his sick bed.

"What the general doesn't know is that the United States is not at the center of European civilization. Although you also think that the United States is a Western country, the United States is the Ezo (Hokkaido) among our Western countries. Before the Meiji Restoration, Hokkaido was very low-level of development. In the eyes of the Japanese, it was a barbaric place. land).

Compared with the British, the Americans are more greedy for money. Compared with the Lucians, the Americans are even more territorially ambitious. Signing the so-called "Japan-US Goodwill Treaty" will cause endless troubles for Japan. "

With the decline of the Netherlands, the Netherlands' influence on a global scale is gradually declining.

Due to special historical reasons, Japan is one of the few places where the Dutch influence is relatively large.

For a long time, the Netherlands has monopolized Japan's foreign trade. Except for goods from a few places such as the Qing Dynasty and Korea, all other foreign goods that want to enter Japan have to go through the Dutch.

In the same way, goods exported from Japan are also handled by the Dutch.

It can be said that the Dutch middleman made a lot of money from Japan's foreign trade.

Once Japan is established, the Dutch's monopoly on Japanese trade will severely damage their economic interests and they will not be able to continue to be Japan's only officially designated middleman as before.

Therefore, the Dutch in Japan are opposed to the founding of Japan, and they hope to continue to maintain the status quo.

"Do you think Japan has any better options?"

The heartbroken Tokugawa Ieki said expressionlessly.

Abe Masahiro had already relayed Liang Yao's words to him, and these words hit Tokugawa Ieki's heart.

The southwestern vassals are becoming more and more powerful, which has always been a serious concern for Tokugawa Ieki. If the United States really cooperates with the southwestern vassals, the outcome will be worse than signing a treaty.

Although Tokugawa Ieki was skeptical about Liang Yao's statement that the United States had thousands of steam ships and millions of soldiers, he still did not dare to take Liang Yao's words seriously.

From Nagasaki to Kanagawa, and then from Kanagawa to Edo, the American army has proven their terrifying combat power.

Even if the United States only sends a hundred steamships and a hundred thousand troops to Japan, it will be enough to destroy Japan.

To sign the treaty or not, Tokugawa Ieki had already made up his mind.

"Mediation! We in the Netherlands have a profound friendship with your country, and we are willing to work with the British to mediate for your country. The United States is afraid of the British. As long as the British are willing to work with us to mediate, the American army can only be in disgrace. Quit Japan!" Ting En said.

"I appreciate your kindness. Whether to sign the treaty or not is an internal matter for Japan. I will make my own decision. Your Excellency, please come back."

Tokugawa Ieki coldly issued an expulsion order to Ting En.

Since the Dutch need to mediate through the English, he might as well go directly to the English himself. Why bother with this.

English? What is the difference between the British who sold opium in the Qing Dynasty and used force to open the Qing Dynasty, and the Americans outside Edo City?

"England and America are just the same thing." After Ting En left, Tokugawa Iekei struggled to get up from the hospital bed and said to the shogunate cabinet members and cronies surrounding the hospital bed, "Don't forget the shame of today. .”


The Star-Spangled Battle Flag greets the colorful clouds, and American soldiers gallop on their horses.

On this sunny day, Liang Yao and Perry entered Edo Castle with the cool autumn wind blowing.

Behind Liang Yao was the military band of the California Infantry Regiment. The military band marched forward playing Kang's passionate volunteer march.

Following Perry was the military band of the American East India Fleet. Perry's military band was playing a cheerful Yankee ditty in their hands, humming a Yankee ditty, and had a cheerful smile on their face.

But compared to the army, the navy's formation seemed less neat and scattered.

On both sides of the road were stunned and frightened Edo people, who knelt on the ground to welcome the American army into Edo Castle. The elite shogunate soldiers responsible for maintaining order could not kneel down because they were wearing armor, but they still knelt down on one knee to welcome the American troops into the city.

"A man has gold at his knees. The gold at the knees of a Japanese man is only worth a hundred thousand taels of silver."

Deng Yan looked around and saw endless heads of people.

"One hundred thousand taels of silver buys the dignity of these Japanese people. It's worth it."

Liang Yao said with a smile. Seeing these Japanese people kneeling on the ground and welcoming Master Wang, he felt extremely relaxed and happy.

The place where the two parties signed the treaty was at the Ooku Castle Tower, which was a symbol of authority in Japan's feudal era.

When Collins, the photographer accompanying the army, saw the tall and distinctive castle tower, he excitedly took out his beloved camera from the carriage, picked a comfortable camera position with the heavy guy on his back, and then put his head under the blackout Inside the cloth cover, he concentrated on focusing.

"This camera is too big and bulky. It would be great if we could make a camera that can be carried with you and take pictures by raising your hand." Liang Yao couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Collins who was in a hurry and was out of breath trying to take a photo. road.

Collins used the Daguerre camera, which is currently the mainstream camera in the world. It was invented by the Frenchman Daguerre. This talented artist and chemist invented mankind's first practical portable camera, which made mankind It becomes possible to record objective and true pictures.

Until film was invented in 1880, photographers around the world used Corinthian daguerreotypes.

It's a pity that this genius passed away last year.

Liang Yao noticed that the camera used by Collins already had a leather cavity for adjusting the focus, which was a huge improvement compared to the first camera that came out in 1839.

"Your ideas are always so bold and avant-garde, but it's a pity that you don't understand the camera. With the current technology, this camera is already the most advanced."

After completing the exposure, Collins put away his precious camera.

"Where is your camera made?" Liang Yao dismounted and asked curiously.

"Authentically made in France! Not a copycat product made in the United States! I asked my good friend to buy it from Paris!" Collins emphasized emphatically.

The words are full of contempt for American products, which is understandable. Most American industrial products during this period are almost synonymous with fakes.

The optical industry is a very practical and promising industry, and Liang Yao is also interested in getting involved.

As long as the optical industry can be established, whether it is for military or civilian use, there will be a vast market and huge profits.

The most important thing is to establish the optical industry as soon as possible so that future generations can benefit from it. After all, the optical industry is an industry that requires long-term technological accumulation and technological precipitation, and it cannot be achieved overnight.

It's not easy to build a complete optical product industry chain. Take the stupid, black, thick, seemingly crude Daguerreo camera in Collins's hands as an example.

To make this camera, the disciplines involved include optics, chemistry, and mechanics. The thresholds for these disciplines are relatively high, and the threshold for supporting related industries is even higher.

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