1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 282: Demonic words confuse the public

"Rewards, there are rewards for everything!"

The Qing Dynasty since Emperor Xianfeng came to the throne has not been peaceful. Externally, there are aggressive Western powers such as Britain, France, and Russia, and internally there is the Taiping Rebellion in full swing. This uprising has become more and more violent, sweeping half of the southeast.

At this time, the Qing Dynasty was already old and declining, and was in a state of crisis. Pan Zhengwei's words could be said to have touched the heart of Emperor Xianfeng.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gift!"

The recipients hurriedly kowtowed and thanked him. Even Walker, who had no idea why the Qing emperor was so happy, followed the example of Pan Shicheng, Pan Zhengwei and others and verbally thanked him.

"Your Majesty, the United States has sent a lot of interesting things as tribute this time. Why don't Your Majesty take a closer look and appreciate some of the Western scenery?"

Pan Zhengwei said hurriedly while Emperor Xianfeng was in high spirits.

"I have always heard that there are many strange and cunning things in the West. I want to see those strange things in the West." Emperor Xianfeng said.

After obtaining the permission of Emperor Xianfeng, the tribute items from the United States were carried outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The tribute items from the United States this time mainly include 100 Dresser needle guns, 100 Walter M1851 rifles, 10 American cannons, a reduced version of the Pioneer train model, a walking beam steam engine, and some small items. .

It can be said that the guns, locomotives and steam engines placed in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony at this time represent the highest level of American military industry and steam engine technology.

"This is a Western gun. It is fast and accurate. All Western soldiers are equipped with this weapon."

This is a new Western cannon. Not only can it shoot far and fast, it can also fire explosive shells, which is very powerful.

This is a Western train. It can run on its own without any human effort and can travel very fast.

This is a Western steamship that can travel without relying on the wind. It can come and go freely whether it is downstream or upstream." Pan Zhengwei and others introduced it to Emperor Xianfeng one by one.

"If our soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were equipped with these foreign guns and cannons, wouldn't the long hair in the south be defeated overnight?" The young Emperor Xianfeng said thoughtfully as he looked at these tributes.

"Your Majesty!" Pan Zhengwei said.

"Your Majesty, we, the Qing Dynasty, founded our country on cavalry and archery. Cavalry and archery are the foundation of our Qing Dynasty's Eight Banners. The foundation of our ancestors must not be lost."

University scholar Sushun saw that Emperor Xianfeng was interested in these foreign guns and cannons, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said.

The rest of the Eight Banners dignitaries also agreed and denounced these foreign guns and artillery as heresy. Only Yixin remained silent.

"Your Majesty, this slave thinks that if all my Eight Banners disciples learn to use foreign guns, wouldn't they be useless?"

Seng Gelinqin, who was beside Emperor Xianfeng, said.

"Foreign guns are small and compact. If they get into the hands of people with ulterior motives, they will cause endless harm. But this foreign gun can be used."

Senggelinqin was very repulsive to foreign guns, but he still showed some interest in foreign cannons.

It was as if the Eight Banners were not abolished now. Pan Zhengwei secretly complained in his heart, but this was something that could only be understood and not mentioned on the table. Even though Pan Zhengwei was unhappy, he had no choice but to keep these words in his stomach.

He was just an imperial merchant, and the Monk King was now his favorite. Not only was he a member of the Holy Family, but he was also a member of the Eight Banners. The status of the two in the heart of Emperor Xianfeng could be said to be worlds apart. Pan Zhengwei was not stupid enough to offend Seng Gelinqin.

Seeing that so many people were disgusted with foreign guns and artillery, Emperor Xianfeng felt a little disappointed. Pan Zhengwei immediately asked someone to start a model train to relieve Emperor Xianfeng's fatigue.

When Emperor Xianfeng saw the train running by itself, he found it very interesting and asked, "What is the use of this thing in Western countries?"

"Reporting to your Majesty, trains are used to carry goods and passengers in Western countries. Their transport capacity is greater than that of horse-drawn carriages and their speed is faster than that of ships. It is very convenient." Pan Zhengwei introduced.

"If a railway can be built along the canal, no matter whether it is drought or flood, whether the canal is open or blocked, the grain and rice tribute from the south can pass through the road and reach the capital directly without any obstruction. The goods from Jiangning only need to be transported from Jiangning to the capital. It can be reached in three or four days, which is very convenient.”

Although the model train was reduced to the size of a mule, the noise it made when the train was running was still very loud. The Manchu dignitaries who saw the train for the first time all looked horrified.

There were even a few Manchus who turned away and did not look at the smoky train.

"Pan Zhengwei, you are just a businessman, how dare you confuse the public and deceive people's hearts with your monstrous words in front of the Holy One!" Sai Shanga, the chief military minister, immediately jumped out and reprimanded.

"The canal connecting the north and the south is the lifeblood of our Qing Dynasty. Millions of water workers depend on it for food and clothing. If the Laoshizi Railway is built, how can millions of water workers make a living? If the water workers lose their livelihood, wouldn't the world be in chaos!

And what kind of steam engine is this? Humph! No manpower required! Without manpower, wouldn’t the people have nothing to do? If the people have nothing to do, our Qing Dynasty will destroy rituals and music! "

After saying that, Sai Shang A hit Emperor Xianfeng with a thousand words: "Your Majesty! I ask the Emperor to kill Pan Zhengwei, a demon merchant with evil intentions, to rectify people's hearts!"

"Your Majesty, spare your life! I have no intention of doing this, God knows for sure!" Pan Zhengwei's forehead immediately broke out in heavy cold sweat, and his spine felt chilly.

Pan Shicheng and Wu Yuanhua also hurriedly knelt down and confessed. Walker on the side looked at them for a while. They didn't know why in the palace, these senior officials and emperors of the Qing Dynasty were still beaming with joy, but outside the palace they became tense.

"Your Majesty, today is a great day for American envoys to pay tribute. It is not appropriate to use weapons on such a festive day."

Seeing this scene, Yi?, who was standing beside Emperor Xianfeng, stepped forward to rescue Pan Zhengwei and others.

"Kneel down."

Emperor Xianfeng felt very disappointed, turned around and entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony with a gloomy face.

After walking out of the Forbidden City, Pan Zhengwei breathed a long sigh of relief. His head was saved.

"Ting Yu, I think you have been in California for a long time and your mind is confused. What words should we say and what words should we not say have you forgotten?"

Pan Shicheng reprimanded Pan Zhengwei.

Their business in Guangzhou is nothing more than the court's money bag, and the money bag must have the consciousness of the money bag.

"After going to the United States and returning to the Qing Dynasty, it feels like a lifetime ago." Wu Yuanhua also said with emotion, "Ting Yu, you and I have lived for most of our lives, but we never imagined that Liang Yao, a younger generation, could not understand things clearly. We and Liang Yao Yao's bet is lost. This guy sees things very accurately."

Wu Yuanhua recalled the bet he made with Liang Yao when he returned to the Qing Dynasty, and sighed in his heart for Liang Yao's foresight.

"What kind of young man is Liang Yao? This guy is smarter than the two of us combined. I even doubt whether this guy has become a sperm." Pan Zhengwei said.

"I have read Liang Yao's "The Mirror of All Nations" over and over again several times, and I have gained a lot of insights. A person who can write this book in his twenties is considered a strange person." Pan Shicheng said with the walnuts in his hand.

"This guy should be in Japan now, but I don't know how he did in conquering Japan. Last year I built a plantation in Texas, but the local black slaves are very expensive. If I can capture some Japanese slaves in Japan and plant them on the plantation, Cotton would be fine.”

After speaking, Wu Yuanhua asked Pan Shicheng and Pan Zhengwei.

"I wonder when you two will return to Guangzhou?"

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