1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 259: Indian Chief (4K)

After dealing with Bernat, Liang Yao had temporarily solved his worries about colonizing Oregon.

Cleared the way for California forces to penetrate into the Oregon region.

Although Bernat died, the conflicts within the Indian tribes were not resolved.

In addition to conflicts and wars with white people, there are also conflicts between Indian tribes.

For example, the Klamath tribe, whose territory was originally in Oregon, invaded the territory belonging to the Pomo tribe after moving south, and started a war with the Pomo tribe.

The Salish and Chinook tribes of northern Oregon are also at war.

Since most of the Indian tribes on the west coast elected him as their chief, Liang Yao wanted to maintain long-term influence among the Indian tribes on the west coast and gain recognition from the leaders of these Indian tribes. It was necessary to find ways to mediate the conflicts between the various Indian tribes.

Compared with the vast territory of North America, the Indian population in North America was not large. When Columbus first arrived in North America, the Indian population in North America was estimated to be more than 10 million.

Of course, this includes the Indian population in the Caribbean and Mexico.

After white people entered the Americas, they not only brought guns and guns, but also diseases and germs from the Old World. Guns and germs were very deadly weapons to the Indians.

Especially germs. When the white people knew that germs were far more lethal to Indians than guns, they used their crooked ideas to deliberately sell blankets with germs and fleas to the Indians, exacerbating the spread of the virus among the Indian tribes. Spread.

Although the population of North American Indians had not yet reached its bottom in the mid-19th century, it is an indisputable fact that the population of Indians in North America has plummeted.

The same is true on the West Coast, but the situation is better than on the eastern frontier.

After all, after Liang Yao took charge of California, California's gentle policy toward Indian tribes could be said to be a breath of fresh air among the border states.

At this time, the mainstream policy towards Indians in the border states (states close to the quasi-state areas and with a low degree of development) can be summed up in four words: genocide. A policy of massacring Indians and compressing their living space to ensure absolute security for whites in border areas.

Therefore, compared with other frontier areas, the rate of Indian population decline in California and the territories near California has slowed down.

Liang Yao conducted a survey on the Indian tribes in California and Oregon. There are eighteen major tribes. Thirteen of these eighteen major tribes came here after receiving Liang Yao's invitation. Sacramento, negotiated and participated in the operation against the Burnett Gang.

There are many small tribes under the big tribes. The population of these small tribes is much more difficult to understand than that of the big tribes.

After the United States occupied California, it carried out a bloody genocide against the local Indian tribes. Many small tribes fled into the mountains and forests to avoid the massacre. Out of caution, these Indians not only did not deal with white people, but also did not deal with the Chinese in California.

According to rough estimates, the known Indian population in the west coast area is around two to three hundred thousand. If these Indians can be used for their own purposes, they are also a considerable force.

In California, the biggest shortage at present is population.

Before returning to California, Liang Yao summoned the chiefs of the tribes participating in the alliance.

Firstly, it was to mediate the conflicts between several tribes, and secondly, it was to celebrate that everyone had joined forces to eliminate the Burnett gang and eliminate a major cancer in the Oregon area.

By this time alcohol had become widely popular among various Indian tribes.

The Indians did not have the habit of drinking alcohol. When the white people brought wine to the Indian tribes, the Indians seemed to have discovered a new world.

It is believed that wine is holy water that can communicate with gods. As long as you drink wine and enter the "fugue" state, you can have "divine communication" with gods.

Many Indians became addicted to alcoholism.

In fact, the so-called "spiritual wandering" and "divine friendship" are nonsense. To put it bluntly, people become a little drifting after drinking too much.

After a few drinks at the banquet, while these Indian chiefs were still sober.

Liang Yao took a feather arrow, broke the feather arrow, and made an oath to these Indian chiefs by breaking the arrow.

"Since you elected me as the chief, as the chief, I have the obligation to mediate the disputes between your tribes."

"You are the great leader sent by God to save us, and we are willing to listen to your opinion."

Big Bison, the leader of the Pomo tribe who was a little drunk, said.

"Big Bison, I hope the Pomo and Klamath tribes can live in peace." Liang Yao walked up to the big bison and said to the big bison.

Among the Indian tribes, the most intense conflicts are between the Pomo and Klamath tribes.

"Absolutely impossible! The Pomo tribe killed twenty-eight warriors of our tribe, and this blood debt must be paid with blood!" When the Klamath tribe was mentioned, the big bison's face instantly dropped.

"There is an sworn hatred between us and the Klamath tribe. If we don't avenge this hatred, I can't explain it to my tribe!"

"Big Bison! You also killed thirty-six of our Klamath tribe members!" Maguik, the leader of the Klamath tribe, was not to be outdone.

"We haven't settled this account yet!"

"It's your tribe that entered my territory rashly!"

"What's your territory! 60 years ago, that was the territory of our Klamath tribe."

The two of them started arguing.

Seeing that the two of them were locked in an endless argument, refusing to give in to each other, Liang Yao had no choice but to grab the gun from the guard on the side and fired a shot into the sky, which silenced the two of them.

"Big Bison! You just said that I am willing to listen to my opinion, what? You just said it, and now you have forgotten it?!" Liang Yao scolded sternly.

"And you, Maguik! You keep saying that you recognize me as the big leader, but you argue in front of me as the big leader. In my opinion, you don't have me as the big leader in your heart! This name is in vain. It’s okay for me not to be the big leader!

I don't care about your mess! You keep arguing! Keep fighting! Hit the white people and destroy your entire race! The past grudges have been completely wiped out! By that time, there will be no more Pomo or Klamath tribe in the world! "

After saying that, Liang Yao angrily made an effort to leave.

Of course, this was just a show to show off to Big Buffalo and Maguik.

Even if Big Bison and Ma Kuik ignored Liang Yao's departure, the other Indian tribes would retain Liang Yao and would not sit back and watch Liang Yao leave.

They also hope that Liang Yao will provide them with weapons and help them train warriors within the tribe.

As Liang Yao expected, the Indian chiefs of other tribes saw this and hurriedly stopped Liang Yao.

Hills and the deer hunters also blamed the big buffalo and Maguik, complaining that they did not give the big leader any face.

"Big Chief, please forgive us for our rudeness."

Big Buffalo and Ma Kuik had no choice but to apologize to Liang Yao.

Liang Yao ordered someone to serve two glasses of wine and said to the two of them.

“Our common enemy is the white people in Portland, not the brother tribes with the same skin color. If you only have hatred in your hearts, it will only benefit the white people.

After drinking this glass of wine, the grievances between the Pomo and Klamath tribes will be wiped out, and the old feud between the tribes will not be mentioned again. "

The Indians were also not united, which is why the United States was able to push the Indians in North America to the brink of extinction in just a century.

In addition to the crushing of civilization levels, part of the reason is that American white politicians took advantage of the conflicts between different Indian tribes and roped in some Indians to deal with other Indians, achieving twice the result with half the effort.

Big Bison and Maguik looked at each other and drank the wine in one gulp. Although the two of them did not settle their differences, their emotions have also eased a lot, at least they are not as tense as before.

"When I led the Klamath tribe south, I had to do it for the survival of the tribe. Now that Burnat has been eliminated, the Klamath tribe can safely return to the Oregon territory and continue to live. However, our tribe is now short of supplies. I hope you Pomo tribe can give me some time to raise supplies."

After drinking a whole glass of wine, Maguike felt a lot more comfortable and said to the big bison.

"That's right! We are all brothers and tribes. When we have difficulties, we should sympathize with each other, help each other, and overcome difficulties together."

Liang Yao also took a glass of wine from Deng Yan's hand, raised his head and drank it all, then slammed the glass on the stone.

The wine glass made of glass was instantly shattered into pieces and turned into a pile of glass shards.

Liang Yao pointed at the glass shards and said.

"Which tribe dares to provoke a war in the future will end up like this wine glass!"

All the Indian chiefs nodded in agreement.

After Maguik made concessions, Liang Yaoshan promised to give Maguik a batch of supplies, mainly grain and cloth, to help the Klamath return to the Oregon territory and rebuild their homes.

At the same time, Liang Yao also provided a batch of agricultural tools and seeds to the Indian tribes. As for farm cattle, Liang Yao himself was short of them and could not provide them with them.

In order to develop the farmland in the Central Valley, Liang Yao also purchased a large number of horses from Mexico and Central America to use as draft horse farmland to make up for the lack of cattle.

Liang Yao provided Walter with a sketch of the steam tractor, and he didn't know whether Walter could reverse the steam tractor.

An internal combustion engine would not be possible without technological accumulation. Liang Yao did not expect to be able to develop an internal combustion engine so early. However, steam engine technology was already very mature in the mid-19th century.

It is still feasible to miniaturize steam engines and invent steam tractors. Although steam engines have low fuel utilization, steam tractors can still be popularized as long as coal is cheap enough.

After returning to San Francisco, Liang Yao began to intensively prepare for the expedition to Japan and prepare the supplies and ammunition needed for the expedition.

To ensure nothing went wrong, Liang Yao also entrusted Guangzhou merchants to raise food, grass and military supplies for him in Guangdong.

Perry also sent a letter. The American East India Fleet had arrived in Panama. When Liang Yao received the letter, he estimated that Perry had arrived on the west coast of Mexico.

The telegraph line laid by the California Telegraph Office since the beginning of last year has also been connected to Houston, and Houston already has the first telegraph line of the First Telegraph Office of the United States directly to New York and Washington.

Liang Yao can now obtain information about the eastern region relatively quickly through telegrams and conduct micro-management of the American Group's companies in the east.

Europe was not at peace during this period.

The first news Liang Yao obtained through telegrams was about Napoleon III.

Last year, in December 1851, Napoleon III launched a coup and succeeded. He extended the term of his president through constitutional amendments, which caused an uproar in the European countries.

Europeans were reminded of the fear that Europe had been dominated by Napoleon I, uncle of Napoleon III.

The attitude of the European countries toward Napoleon III's coup was complicated. On the one hand, the European countries, which were dominated by monarchies, regarded the republican country of the Second French Republic as an alien.

On the other hand, they wanted to see France change from a republic to an empire, but they did not want the emperor of the French Empire to be a member of the Napoleon family.

Half a century ago, the powerful France that swept across the European continent under the rule of Napoleon still makes the European countries feel lingering. They do not want France to have another emperor from the Napoleonic family, especially a French emperor as talented and strategic as Napoleon I.

The rapid success of Napoleon III's coup also shows that the Napoleon family still has the remaining power in France, and the French people all miss Napoleon.

This also alarmed France's neighbors.

But this is just a warning. France's neighboring countries are still weak. Neither Spain, the original empire of the sun, which has long since set in the west, nor the German states headed by Prussia and Austria in the east have the ability to interfere in France's internal affairs. .

Czarist Russia, which was complacent about the title of European Gendarmerie, focused its attention on the Crimean Peninsula and wanted to seize a long-cherished Black Sea outlet from the Ottoman Empire.

In general, as long as Napoleon III can handle his relationship with Britain, the current environment in Europe is very favorable to Napoleon III.

Extending the presidential term was just a stopgap measure for Napoleon III. Liang Yao knew this.

Not to mention extending the presidential term, even a lifelong president, would not satisfy Napoleon III's appetite.

Napoleon III went through hardships and obstacles and returned to French politics with a very clear goal, which was to restore the powerful French Empire in the past and restore the glory of the Napoleon family during his uncle's period with the ideal ambition of reviving the family.

France's restoration of the empire will be at the end of this year.

The golden statue that Liang Yao had given to Napoleon III was not in vain. Napoleon III was also very happy after receiving Liang Yao's letter.

Especially the title at the beginning: Your Majesty Napoleon III, Napoleon III felt very useful.

Napoleon III personally wrote a reply to Liang Yao, expressing that he welcomed the American gold tycoon to invest in France. If Liang Yao was willing to invest in France, he could provide Liang Yao with some preferential policies.

At the same time, Napoleon was so happy that he gave Liang Yao a pair of his swords as a gift.

However, these are all fictitious. The more real thing is the two thousand-ton steam frigates Liang Yao purchased from France in the name of the Americas Group last year. His old friend, the commander of the French Pacific Fleet, Rear Admiral Tromer, Arriving at San Francisco under the escort of Lan.

Liang Yaozheng was worried that he could only handle the two-thousand-ton Roland, and his maritime power was not strong enough during the trip to Asia. The two warships ordered from France can be said to have arrived at the right time, very timely.


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