1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 228: Is this a black shop?

Liang Yao and his party walked into this magnificent "Marble Palace" which was built in 1848.

The unique feature of this luxurious building named after Stewart himself is that he used huge pillars to support the building, the interior space is very spacious, and the top is equipped with magnificent lighting.

However, even at the beginning of the construction of this building, Stewart still suffered a lot of cynicism. Countless New Yorkers mocked Stewart as a fool for investing money in such a flashy project, and asserted that Stewart would soon go bankrupt.

But soon, this shopping mall with a daily transaction volume of nearly 30,000 US dollars slapped those New Yorkers in the face.

New Yorkers who were initially dismissive of Stewart have become loyal customers of the mall.

Because the shopping experience here is indeed better than other places.

The Stewart Commercial Building on Fifth Avenue between 48th Street and 57th Street in New York quickly became a business card of the city, and even attracted many European tourists.

Stewart is now planning to expand, planning to build another commercial building next to New York City Hall.

The mall is very lively and crowded with people everywhere. With such a flow of people, it is not surprising that this mall can bring a transaction volume of nearly 30,000 US dollars to this mall every day.

Yin Lisabai walked into a shop selling velvet, and the clerk warmly welcomed the distinguished customer.

The clerks here are very smart. They have already learned how to judge the purchasing power of a customer from his clothing and temperament, and recommend suitable products to the customer to induce them to make purchases.

Not long after Lisa Bai entered the store, her servant quickly walked out of the store carrying large and small bags.

"Why did you buy so much velvet?" Liang Yao looked at the package in the servant's hand. The velvet didn't weigh much, but its size was still quite astonishing.

"This is just part of it, and I asked them to send some of it directly to the manor. The velvet in this store is of good quality, the price is reasonable, and the clerk's service attitude is also good." Yin Lisabai said, showing off the velvet in her hands. spoils of war.

"These ribbons and spools of needlework were gifts they gave me."

Liang Yao couldn't laugh or cry: "The velvet you bought costs at least thirty or forty dollars. A ribbon and a roll of front cost at most 5 cents."

Kony also carefully inspected the velvets purchased by Yin Lisabai, and then said: "The quality of these velvets is good, but the price is not cheap compared with the velvets sold outside, it is just a normal price."

"But if they say this little gadget is a gift, I still feel like I've earned it." Lisa Bai Yin is still very happy, "You can't enjoy such treatment when buying the same velvet elsewhere. I'm happier buying it here, and The store decoration here is more luxurious and the service of the store staff is better. ”

"Now you know the difference between your store and this shopping mall, right?" Liang Yao looked back at Fan Daze.

During this period, there were still a few people who realized that serving consumers could also generate value. Most vendors wanted to extract more profits from bargaining with customers.

The Van Daze family's shop also belongs to this type, but the Van Daze family will subconsciously build and maintain their own customer group, care about the reputation of the store, and will not sell fakes or shoddy goods.

"Consumer experience." Van Daze sighed helplessly, admitting that the Van Daze family's store had shortcomings in this regard.

"Yes, the consumption experience should make customers feel like God when shopping. Not only the goods have a price, but the services also have a price." Liang Yao said.

This advanced model of Stewart Shopping Mall is simply a dimensionality-reducing blow to those counterparts in New York.

In Stewart's shopping mall, you can buy almost most commercial supplies, which is very convenient.

Before this, it was difficult for New York citizens to buy the goods they needed in the same store, or even on the same street.

"Stewart spent a total of 2 million US dollars to build this shopping mall. Our family cannot afford that much money, and the land rent in New York's business district is very expensive." Van Daze said with a bitter look on his face.

"You can get it now. If you don't have enough money, you can apply for a loan from Bank of America. With your credit and Vandaze's shops as collateral, it's a bit difficult to get a loan of two million US dollars, but it's still possible to get a loan of US$1.5 million. ." Liang Yao said.

"How do you know so clearly?" Fan Daze was a little surprised.

"I want to cooperate with you, and of course I need to know how much money you have." Liang Yao said.

"I would buy the site at West 42nd Street and Broadway in Hatton from Backhouse."

"Are you going to build a new commercial building on this land or directly use the existing building on the land to open a store?" Van Daze asked very curiously.

He knew that the land was expensive and there was no cheap land in New York.

Liang Yao can spend more than 90,000 US dollars to buy a piece of land of more than 50 acres by the Hudson River to build a luxury estate. Naturally, he also has the ability to buy a piece of land in New York's business district.

Fan Daze never doubted Liang Yao's financial resources and vision.

"If you want to defeat your competitors, you must not only innovate the business model, but also do a good job in appearance." Liang Yao glanced around at this grand 6-story commercial building. Such a commercial building is located in the 19th century. The middle of the century is undoubtedly a miracle. Even in a big city like New York with many high-rise buildings, there are not many large buildings over 5 stories high.

"We must build a bigger and more luxurious commercial building to attract more customers."

"If you build a commercial building in New York, can I also open my restaurant in your commercial building?" Yin Lisabai's eyes lit up.

"Of course." Liang Yao agreed happily.

Although Stewart's shopping mall is large and has a complete range of products, there is no restaurant in the mall. If customers want to eat, they need to go to stores outside.

"I think big news about your construction of commercial buildings will soon appear in the major newspapers in New York. If Stewart knew that there would be an opponent like you, he would definitely regret not choosing to cooperate with you." Coney said with some gloating. .

In the days since Liang Yao came to New York, as long as it was the industry he was eyeing, from railways to gold, no industry could survive.

"Since you know that shopping malls are profitable, why don't you build a shopping mall in California? The purchasing power of Californians is stronger than that of New Yorkers." Van Daze was confused by this.

"California's per capita purchasing power is indeed higher than that of New Yorkers, but California's population is too small. The combined population of California is less than half that of New York City."

Liang Yao naturally had his own reasons for not opening a supermarket in California. Currently, the two largest cities in California have a population of less than 100,000. Such a population cannot support a large shopping mall.

Furthermore, he already controls enough industries in California, and he also needs to leave a way for others to survive and some jobs for them to make a living. Without the opportunity to get rich, California, a borderland, cannot retain people.

“Rather than opening shopping malls in San Francisco and Sacramento, I would rather have more grocery stores in California to attract more people to live and work in California.”

"This is the difference between you and me. I'm just a businessman. I only need to think about how to make money, but you are not only a businessman, but also a politician." Van Daze said with a little respect, "Employment issues are a matter of politicians." Something to consider.”

As Liang Yao walked, he observed the shops and environment in the commercial building, and a huge portrait appeared in front of him.

The portrait showed a middle-aged bald and bearded man. Portraits of some great Americans flashed through Liang Yao's mind. In his impression, there seemed to be no such middle-aged bald and bearded man in America.

"Is the person in this portrait a great man from America? Why don't I recognize him?"

Liang Yao pointed to the portrait in the middle of the hall wall and asked Fan Daze.

"Bullshit great man!" Coney couldn't help laughing, "The guy in the portrait is Stewart."

"This man is quite narcissistic."

Liang Yao couldn't help but laugh. He hung his portrait in the most conspicuous place in the shopping mall for thousands of customers who came in and out of the shopping mall to see it every day. It was indeed a bit narcissistic.

"Stewart, an Irish man, is indeed a bit narcissistic," said Van Daze, "but his main purpose of hanging his portrait in the commercial building is to hope that everyone will know who this Stewart Commercial Building belongs to."

Colleagues were all enemies. In 1823, when the 20-year-old Stewart came to New York to open a textile store on Broadway with a huge inheritance equivalent to US$5,000 from his hometown in Northern Ireland, Vandaze, who was about the same age as Stewart at the time, began to have a relationship with this Irishman. As a veteran, Fan Daze still had a certain understanding of this colleague's character.

While talking and laughing, everyone walked to a hat shop. This shop mainly sells a variety of hats, mainly high-end hats made of alpaca wool. In addition to hats, it also sells some alpaca knitted hats. blanket.

Yin Lisabai looked at the exquisite hats in the shop window and was moved, and couldn't help but walk into this hat shop with many customers.

Using transparent windows to display one's products to passing customers was also Stewart's initiative.

The hats in this store are very expensive, so expensive that even Lisa White thinks they are expensive.

"This top hat is only worth 3 US dollars and 10 cents at most, but the price here is actually 9 US dollars and 50 cents. Only a fool would buy it."

Although Yin Lisabai was very satisfied with the alpaca wool hat in her hand, she couldn't accept the outrageous price, so she reluctantly put the hat back in the cupboard and said to Liang Yao.

"The top hats here are not worth the price. Let's go next door and have a look. Your top hat is too old. You have to attend various social events all the time. It's time to get a new top hat."

At this moment, another customer also felt that the price was very outrageous and shouted loudly to the clerk: "Are you a black shop that specializes in ripping off customers? Even on the Champs Elysées in Paris, the same quality and same materials are available The top hat is only 21 gold francs (about 4 US dollars, 1 US dollar is equal to about 1826 gold francs)!"

"Sir, the prices in our store are fair. If you can't afford it, please go to another store." The store manager looked at the shouting customer with a disgusted expression.

An attitude that says if you want to buy something, get out if you can’t afford it.


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