100 Ways to Get the Male God

Chapter 1792 Interstellar Robot Butler (47)


"Okay Asi, I know you can take care of yourself, but I want to be with you, can't I?" She tilted her head and asked softly with her lips curved.

The robot glanced slightly.

If it is an elegant and powerful full-charge mode, he should look like he is squinting and calm at this time. But in the low power, the control is not so perfect, and the side eyes directly become tilted head killing - the other party tilted his head and looked at her, like a good baby thinking about a problem.

Still standing as a well-behaved elementary school student, he quietly looked at Yu Chu for a few seconds, and suddenly raised his lips.

Unlike in the past when the battery was fully charged, there was a calm and indifferent smile. This time the smile seemed content and joyful, and the sweet voice whispered: "Master likes me."

The light blue eyes were just watery.

That small appearance seems to be proud and happy, with the expression "Master likes me so much" all over his face...


Yu Chu began to think seriously, whether to take the opportunity to fall and ravage. This little look is really alluring.

In the end, she just smiled lovingly from her aunt, and led the well-behaved robot to the charging room.

The other party followed obediently.

In those beautiful mechanical light-colored eyes, a slight arc was curved, and unknown data was scrolled.

Although in low power mode, the accuracy of the control system is reduced, and the response system is also much slower.

But he is still him, and the loyalty, respect, and desire to his master remain the same.

The owner doesn't seem to realize this.

After turning on the low-power mode, she seemed to be a lot more at ease, and she took a lot of initiative towards him...

This mode seems to be very useful. It's just that at the price of slow response, it's better to be able to get the master's comfort and closeness.

Light blue eyes rolled up.

Due to the decline in control precision, this smile still has a bright and lovely undertone.

The two came to the charging room.

The charging of the robot is similar to that of taking a bath. The energy solid is liquefied and placed in a container, and then the clothes are taken off and put into the container. The whole process is a simulated bath. The energy penetrates the specially made skin and charges along the line. can be filled.

After coming to the charging room, the robot blinked beautifully, "Master, have I undressed?"

Yu Chu turned his back consciously.

The robot curled its lips and smiled, then slowly, slowly taking off the clothes on its body, walking up the stairs, and then stepping into the full container.

Only the white collarbone and shoulders were above the water surface. The robot lay gently on the edge of the container, and the eyelashes were stained with moist mist. He said slowly, "It's alright."

The girl turned to look at him.

She blinked and walked over, also leaning lazily on the edge of the container, raised her hand and rubbed his black, making Duo Mao messier. The other party was lying on the edge obediently and motionless, letting her mess up the supple and beautiful black.

"Master," the little robot said softly, paused slightly, and raised her light blue eyes, which seemed a little embarrassed, "I want to kiss you again."

Yu Chu was stunned for a moment and looked down at him.

The well-behaved robot baby looked back at her.

It's really hard for Yu Chu to refuse with such wet eyes. She pursed her lips, "...Okay."

The other party continued to stare at her with wet eyes.

Yu Chu lowered his head close to him, and when he was about to touch the thin lips, the small machine turned his fair face slightly sideways.

The girl had to order: "Kiss me."

The other's lips curled up.

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