100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 270: The Name of Ivan (Part 2)

"Creatures from the outside world are not common." The man looked directly at the old king.

"I'm here to meet you... Lord of Hell!"

The old king didn't want to fight any more, so he hurriedly said, "I was recommended to come here! I didn't come here by myself!"

The man pursed his lips, but didn't say much, and his figure flashed directly behind the old king.

The old king was shocked! Is there anyone in the world who can achieve such a fast movement? This is more than just as fast as a ghost!

In the next second, I heard a click! Got a slap on the back!

Suddenly, the entire black panther suit cracked open!

With a plop, the old king fell to the ground and rolled twice. After getting up, he quickly stretched out his hand: "Enough!"

This "enough" sounded full of energy! The voice is sonorous and powerful! Full of momentum!

The man's pale face didn't change at all. The old king pointed at the man and said loudly, "I'm from Wakanda, and I'm the supreme ruler of Wakanda. This time I'm here..."


The man didn't say anything, his body turned into an afterimage, and he approached the old king with a knuckle attack, and there was a slap! Crack the old king's breastplate directly!

With a splash, the old king fell to the ground eight meters away and clutched his chest, a turbulent wave set off in his heart!

What monsters are these! This is the Panther Armor made by Quan Zhenjin! Why can he crush so easily?

The power of that blow...

"You...are you the Lord of Hell?" the old king asked tremblingly.

This one in front of him is too strong, this temperament and this strength made him suspect that this is the Lord of Hell in Ivan's mouth!

The man's face was cold, pale and sickly.

"Remember my name, Vlad Dracula, the... second most powerful man in hell."

"I, I was really recommended!"

The old king's heart was beating violently. Could it be that Ivan was actually murdering himself by throwing himself here?

The Zhenjin Armor was easily smashed, and now I can use a paragraph to describe the old king's mood, that is...

It's horrible here! I want to go home!

What can I do... The portal itself is in the air, and I can't find it now!

"You were recommended... which mortal bug?"

The vampire Dracula blinked a murderous look in his slightly blinking eyes: "Do you want me to inform you?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand in his pocket, grabbed the old king's neck, and lifted the old king up with one hand!

"You injured Sim, the only playmate I have in this small space in my empty life!"

Dracula sternly said: "You must die! No matter who you are, no matter who sent you here, you will have to pay the price with your life! I will be addicted to your blood!"

The old king was about to suffocate, he shouted out with the last of his strength...

"His name is Ivan Jones!"

"Whatever Ivan... Joan..."

When Dracula said this, he didn't go any further.

He coughed lightly, loosened ten fingers one after another, placed the old king upright on the ground, and then began to pat and clean the dust on the old king with his hands.

Finally, Dracula patted the old king on the back lightly, and smiled gently.

"Welcome to hell! I am the second-in-command vampire Dracula here, and that was my welcome etiquette just now! If it scares you, don't take it to heart!"

The old king panted heavily, blinking his pupils in horror and looking at Dracula in front of him...

This attitude changed too quickly! The old king clearly felt the aura of Dracula in front of him just now... suddenly he was scared!

Why this change in attitude? Could it be...

Is it just because I just came up with the name... Evan Jones?

This... what a powerful existence this is! It's just a name that makes the so-called second in command of hell 'withered'!

What a magical name that is! To be able to make a terrifying existence that easily smashed Zhenjin become famous and frightening!

He didn't bother to think about why there are vampires in hell,

While panting, he stepped back and distanced himself from Dracula.


The beaten demon Sim turned over on the ground: "He hit me, won't you help me fight back?"

Dracula froze for a moment when he heard the words, then he looked at the old king: "Is what you just said true?"

"What... what?"

"That Ivan Jones...the strongest man in the entire world...is the one who sent you here?" Dracula asked seriously.

"Yes, it is."


Dracula turned his head and looked at Sim: "You heard that."

Sim waved his hand: "Impossible! Look at how scared he is! How could he come to hell prepared? He's lying to you!"

"But at least he knows the name of Ivan Jones."

"Don't you and I know Ivan's name? But does that mean we are very familiar with Ivan? This guy...was obviously thrown down!"

Sim cried out, "I thought you would always protect me... take care of me when I was hurt, stand up for me when I was bullied, but now you...

Just a name scares you...I'm so disappointed..."

At this point, Sim didn't go on talking. Sadness and grief were intertwined, and crystal tears flowed from his pink eyes.

It's not that the devil has no tears, it's just that it hasn't reached the sad place!

Since Dracula was defeated by Ivan and thrown into hell, and resurrected in hell, he quickly became a member of the hell family.

Sim felt Dracula's loneliness, and took the initiative to chat with Dracula to relieve boredom, and shared his favorite cigar, and the two became best friends for a while.

This friendship, in Sim's heart, is also in Dracula's heart.

Without Sim, Mephisto, the lord of hell, would not be able to accept him so quickly, which is also a kindness.

Now, my friend was beaten, but because of my fear, I didn't even have the courage to help my friend out!

——I'm so... so bad.

Dracula's facial expression changed again and again, and the good times with Sim kept flashing in his mind...

Finally he flicked his cape! Shout out with courage!

"Fuck Ivan Jones! Who would be afraid of him! I'll help you teach this old guy a lesson! Don't mention the name Ivan Jones today, even if Ivan Jones himself stands in front of me, it won't stop me Kill this old thing!"

As soon as the words fell, hell was suddenly illuminated by blue light!

The dark red is fading away, and the magma is frozen!


Ivan Jones stood behind Dracula, patted his shoulder lightly, and swallowed the fish stuffed in his mouth!

"I'm already standing in front of you!"

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