100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 158 Comprehensive Defense

Hermann Schulz is a thief, and unlike most burglars, he loves to pick locks with violence!

It is said that he broke into the safes of many people in Manhattan!

Because of his behavior, he was called a 'destroyer' by Mark. He could be called a thief or a robber! Because many times he does rob!

This guy who was mentioned by Moonlight Knight Mark on Columbus Day was bumped into by Ivan today!

In front of him is a black man, wearing strange clothes, which seem to be shock-absorbing suits made of metal, and he wears a pair of mechanical gloves on his hands! It looks like a half-iron man!

Mark said that if it wasn't for assisting some of Andrew's old friends to fight against the evil spirit "Little Cora", he should have taken advantage of the moonlight to kill Herman that night. After all, Herman had already openly provoked the Moonlight Knight that day.

This was a pity for Mark at the time! When provoked by Herman again, Mark had already lost his ability!

"Hey! Put down what's in your hand! Hand over the money!"

On Dehuai Street, Herman moved his two iron gloves and stared coldly at Ivan who was carrying a bag of 'vegetables'!

"What a strange dress!"

For Ivan, he just went to buy some vegetables today, and just after he came back, he encountered such a weird robber!

"Young man, you are very calm!"

As Herman said this, he moved his mechanical gloves and pressed towards Ivan step by step!

"Your outfit, I heard from a man named Mark, I don't know what your name is?"

"Mark? Sorry, I forgot which character this is!"

"I'm also sorry. As for the money, I'm afraid I can't do what you want."


After Herman finished speaking, he aimed his glove at a wall on the side of the street, and a shock wave was sent out suddenly!


The wall was crushed and cracked!

"How about now? Are you willing to pay? Three seconds, I don't see the money after three seconds, I will beat you until you vomit blood!"

Seeing this, Ivan knew that this was indeed the Hermann saboteur that Mark had mentioned!

Don't hesitate now,

Gently pressing his fingers on Herman's chest in front of him, a ripple of energy spread out! It directly shattered Herman's shock-absorbing suit and impact gloves!

The saboteur fell flying upside down in the street! The corner of the mouth is bleeding! The dark skin is covered with wounds cut by metal fragments!

"It's true... beat me until I vomited blood."

Then Ivan called Mark and asked him to send this super villain who relied on 'technology' to commit crimes to the local police station!


It's time for summer vacation.

It's been half a year since 'Columbus Day'!

In the past six months, many small disasters have occurred in New York, but under the suppression of the heroes, the law and order in the main street is still stable!

The Blue Devil is a relatively active hero, recognized by the government, fighting criminals and maintaining law and order! Always active on screen!

But recently, the Blue Devils have often used his influence to make some remarks, saying that aliens are about to invade!

And when the government asked him what basis he had, he said that it was an event that must happen in the future revealed to him by a master of occult arts!

People are skeptical of his words! The government didn't believe it either, only S.H.I.E.L.D. specially recruited him to conduct an investigation, but he only talked about the aliens and didn't mention a word about the occult master!

Of course, the master of mysticism mentioned by the Blue Devils is Ivan. He asked the Blue Devils to use his influence to alert the military and Aegis. After all, according to the previous conversation with the Chitauri leader...

It may be within this month before their fleet arrives on Earth!

Ivan hopes that the relevant departments will do their best to protect the people as much as possible! The behavior of the Blue Devils can also be regarded as a clear statement.

Of course, although the Blue Devil has great influence as a businessman and a famous superhero, his family's words are still not enough to make the government pay enough attention to the alien invasion.

What really attracted the attention of the government...

It was at the same time, gods from Asgard! The Advent of Saul Odinson!

And...he didn't come alone!

Due to Ivan's participation, Sol failed to break the Rainbow Bridge, which means that the passage from Asgard to the earth is intact!

It didn't break like in the movie Avengers 1! It can completely transport the army!

Just like the frost giants invaded the earth thousands of years ago, Odin led the army to come to the earth to fight against the frost giants!

This time! Sol is here! He came down to earth with his army!

Because under Ivan's instructions, Loki has recently told Sol all about the imminent invasion of aliens!

The army came to New York, and its momentum was so great that the government and A.I.E.L.D. had to pay more attention to it!

Of course, Sol had already greeted Aegis, especially Phil Coulson before this! And SHIELD also greeted the government, and did not bring down the army without saying a word!

But even so, suddenly so many foreign soldiers in ancient armor came to New York, enough to surprise the government! High-level government officials even proposed to meet Saul!

It has to be said that no matter how influential the Blue Devil is, it cannot be compared to Thor, the God of Thunder who has not appeared on Earth a few times!

After the meeting with Saul, the U.S. government immediately became ten times more concerned about the imminent invasion of aliens!

They learned through Saul that the aliens would send troops to New York specially! While destroying the city, he intends to capture the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in New York!

So they began to strengthen the defense of New York, built anti-aircraft turrets, laser turrets, and arranged all available heavy firepower on the major blocks!

The people of New York have also been notified in advance, which caused a lot of panic, but there is no way, causing panic is better than causing casualties, and they began to migrate to other cities one after another starting today! Make room for New York!

This one even includes some superheroes!

Such as Garcia the Electric Shocker, Robert the Cowboy with Full Hair, these heroes who had suffered setbacks in the "Witch Heart Demon" incident, did not dare to stay in New York to resist the alien fleet!

What a joke! What we have to face is an army of aliens!

How can an ordinary man with an electric baton and a cowboy who is good at shooting with a revolver fight against the fleet with flesh and blood?

Of course, the relocation of these people is voluntary, and the government is just a warning notice! There was no coercive intervention!

During this period, Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who believed that there were many threats in the universe, launched the Avengers plan he had been preparing!

He summons Iron Man Tony Stark, Captain America, Hawkeye, and sends Natasha the Black Widow on a special mission of persuasion!

At this moment, Ivan was lying on the window on the second floor, with the breeze blowing on his face.

He saw several black cars driving towards this side! I also saw the people in the car clearly!


Ivan said towards the house.

"I think someone wants to talk to you."

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