100% Psionic Power In Marvel

Chapter 107: Angel's Brother

When Miller asked this sentence, Ivan raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

How did he know?

But after thinking about it, this is not a top secret. Like Angel, he is also a superpower. When he uses his ability, he also uses his imagination, and his imagination is not bad.

Before, Angel and Karen drew with zero foundation and tried to draw the same thing, but Angel's drawing was obviously much better than Karen's, and the shape was drawn easily.

Therefore, Ivan felt that Angel was higher than ordinary people in terms of imagination.

That is to say, it is very likely that the imagination of all superpowers is higher than that of ordinary people, just the difference is how much higher, and Miller just said that he has contacts with other superpowers, so it is not surprising that he knows about imagination up.


Although Miller didn't hear Ivan's answer, he observed it from Ivan's expression. He smiled, which meant: How about it? I guess right!

Jessica said, "So, what does this have to do with you?"

She didn't like the man's smiling expression, it looked like a knife was hidden in the smile.

Most importantly, she noticed that the knife seemed to be aimed at Ivan, which was the detective's intuition.

Ivan also felt that this Miller was a little abnormal, so he used spiritual energy to slightly vibrate his body to activate the 'spiritual vision', that is, the strange state where he could see and smell the soul.

This state verified the fact yesterday that in addition to giving Ivan a special sense of sight and smell, Spirit Vision also opened up Ivan's other senses, which is the "mind perception" of danger.

At that time, he was playing on Activision, but there was a sound in his mind, and there was a sense of crisis beating Ivan's heart. At the same time, even though he was far away, Ivan could perceive the source of the danger: the Witch Heart Demon. .

At the same time, he also sensed that Jessica was in danger.

At this moment, with a slight tremor in his body and soul, Ivan turned on his spiritual vision again.

He focused his thoughts on his eyes to try to see through Miller's soul, and then he discovered that this person named Miller was not simple.

Under normal circumstances, a person's soul should appear as a thin white ring, but Ivan found that Miller's soul was green.

Miller smiled. He was not annoyed by Jessica's angry question, but just said.

"If it depends on imagination, then I have a deal that can enrich his imagination."

Miller watched Jessica say this, and his two eyeballs moved back and forth while speaking, observing their reactions.

Ivan smiled. Imaginative improvement is certainly a good thing, but this guy in front of him is not reliable. He intends to refuse, but out of curiosity, he wants to know what this deal is.

"Then let's finish talking, what method do you have?"

"Yes, and it doesn't cost much, just a little dream."

Miller smiled and opened the drawer in front of him, and took out a syringe filled with dark green medicine.

"Just inject it and you'll have regular... no, nightmares every night, yes, nightmares will go on forever, but don't think nightmares are bad, it'll exercise your imagination and make you fascinated Effective improvement."

"that's it?"

"It's that simple."

Ivan was a little confused: "So since it's a deal, what do you want?"

Jessica raised her eyebrows: "We won't pay for this kind of thing."

Miller smiled and shook his head, speaking in a soft tone.

"Helping someone is something that makes me happy in itself, that's what I get, you don't get anything in return, and of course... you don't have to pay."

"There's no such thing as a free lunch! What are you planning?" Jessica said bluntly.

"Oh? Little girl,

It's meaningless for you to say that... I have good intentions, why do you say that I am plotting? "

"Intuition." Jessica stared at Miller coldly, "Ivan would not inject the strange needle you took out, and we will not be your experiment!"

"Experimental product? No, you misunderstood. I have dealt with three superpowers, and one superpower has accepted it. The effect has been proven to be very useful!"

Miller narrowed his eyes and said, "The superpower is named Jacob Brown."

Hearing this name, Ivan was slightly stunned.

This is a familiar name, and it is occasionally mentioned in Angel's mouth!

That's right, Angel's brother is named Jacob Brown!

It was the brother that Angel mentioned when he was performing on stage as a super kid at the opening ceremony of Townsend Harris High School when he was fourteen years old. I remember that Angel kept belittling his brother.

When I think of this Ivan, I find it interesting, thinking about how much hatred his two brothers had at that time?

Later, Angel explained the reason. He really didn't like his brother. In fact, his brother and Angel were very similar in character, and he also liked to brag about himself, and often used super powers to grab the limelight.

To put it bluntly, two people who are also pushy, if they are put together, they will clash, and they can't see each other.

However, Angel and his brother Jacob have not been in touch for several years, and the family members do not know where Jacob has gone. Now Angel is also very worried and misses his brother, and wants to see him.

Unfortunately, he didn't know where his brother had gone, nor did he know if he was still alive.

Ivan has never been able to help Angel about this, but now Dr. Miller means that he has a connection with Jacob?

Thinking of this, Ivan asked: "The Jacob Brown you are talking about, can you tell me what is going on with him? When did you get in touch?"

"Three years ago, let's talk about this later...Let's talk about the potion first..." Miller seemed to hope that Ivan could inject his potion.

Ivan shook his head slightly: "Sorry, I'm not interested in having nightmares every day."

Jessica chimed in: "Yeah, why don't you inject yourself?"

Mr. Miller sighed: "I'm not a superpower."

"Also, how did you research this potion that can make people have nightmares?" Jessica started the questioning mode!

"This is not what I researched. This drug was given to me by someone else, and I will not tell you about the rest."

"Which one gave it to you? I still don't want to tell you?"

Jessica flashed the hero medal while asking: "Your behavior seems to be deceiving and entrapping others. Now you have to cooperate with me to hand over your illegal drugs!"

——what do you mean? Want to confiscate my things?

The dark green in Miller's pupils flashed: "Miss Jones! I have to remind you that this is a robbery!"

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